Fire Emblem Heroes (FEH)

Heroes from Echoes: Shadows of Valentia

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This page lists all of the Fire Emblem Heroes characters who were first introduced in the game Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia (Gaiden).

List of Heroes from Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia (Gaiden)

Hero Weapon Type Move Type Rarity Rating
Bridal Catria ImageBridal Catria Axe ImageAxe Flying ImageFlying 9.5/10
Legendary Alm ImageLegendary Alm Colorless bow ImageColorless bow Infantry ImageInfantry 9.0/10
Halloween Duma ImageHalloween Duma Red Breath ImageRed Breath Armored ImageArmored 9.0/10
Brave Alm ImageBrave Alm Sword ImageSword Infantry ImageInfantry 8.5/10
Legendary Celica ImageLegendary Celica Green Tome ImageGreen Tome Infantry ImageInfantry 8.5/10
ValentineValentine's Alm Axe ImageAxe Infantry ImageInfantry 8.5/10
ValentineValentine's Faye Colorless bow ImageColorless bow Armored ImageArmored 8.5/10
Mila ImageMila Colorless Breath ImageColorless Breath Infantry ImageInfantry 8.5/10
Valentian Palla ImageValentian Palla Sword ImageSword Flying ImageFlying 8.5/10
Zeke ImageZeke Lance ImageLance Cavalry ImageCavalry 8.5/10
Spring Delthea ImageSpring Delthea Blue Tome ImageBlue Tome Cavalry ImageCavalry 8.5/10
Spring Sonya ImageSpring Sonya Green Tome ImageGreen Tome Flying ImageFlying 8.5/10
Ascended Celica ImageAscended Celica Colorless Tome ImageColorless Tome Infantry ImageInfantry 8.5/10
Valentian Est ImageValentian Est Lance ImageLance Flying ImageFlying 8.5/10
Rearmed Sonya ImageRearmed Sonya Green Tome ImageGreen Tome Infantry ImageInfantry 8.5/10
Mycen ImageMycen Lance ImageLance Cavalry ImageCavalry 8.5/10
Jehanna Saber ImageJehanna Saber Lance ImageLance Infantry ImageInfantry 8.5/10
Celica ImageCelica Red Tome ImageRed Tome Infantry ImageInfantry 8.0/10
Brave Celica ImageBrave Celica Sword ImageSword Infantry ImageInfantry 8.0/10
Kliff ImageKliff Blue Tome ImageBlue Tome Infantry ImageInfantry 8.0/10
Sonya ImageSonya Green Tome ImageGreen Tome Infantry ImageInfantry 8.0/10
Duma ImageDuma Colorless Breath ImageColorless Breath Armored ImageArmored 8.0/10
Soiree Berkut ImageSoiree Berkut Lance ImageLance Infantry ImageInfantry 8.0/10
Valbar ImageValbar Lance ImageLance Armored ImageArmored 8.0/10
Python ImagePython Green bow ImageGreen bow Cavalry ImageCavalry 8.0/10
Silque ImageSilque Staff ImageStaff Infantry ImageInfantry 8.0/10
Valentian Catria ImageValentian Catria Sword ImageSword Flying ImageFlying 8.0/10
Conrad ImageConrad Lance ImageLance Cavalry ImageCavalry 8.0/10
ValentineValentine's Rudolf Lance ImageLance Armored ImageArmored 8.0/10
ValentineValentine's Silque Staff ImageStaff Cavalry ImageCavalry 8.0/10
Hatari Deen ImageHatari Deen Colorless Dagger ImageColorless Dagger Infantry ImageInfantry 8.0/10
Kamui ImageKamui Sword ImageSword Infantry ImageInfantry 8.0/10
Brigand Boss ImageBrigand Boss Axe ImageAxe Infantry ImageInfantry 8.0/10
Atlas ImageAtlas Axe ImageAxe Infantry ImageInfantry 8.0/10
Marla ImageMarla Red Tome ImageRed Tome Infantry ImageInfantry 8.0/10
Hestia ImageHestia Blue Tome ImageBlue Tome Infantry ImageInfantry 8.0/10
Alm ImageAlm Sword ImageSword Infantry ImageInfantry 7.5/10
Boey ImageBoey Green Tome ImageGreen Tome Infantry ImageInfantry 7.5/10
Fallen Celica ImageFallen Celica Sword ImageSword Infantry ImageInfantry 7.5/10
Clair ImageClair Lance ImageLance Flying ImageFlying 7.5/10
Clive ImageClive Lance ImageLance Cavalry ImageCavalry 7.5/10
Genny ImageGenny Staff ImageStaff Infantry ImageInfantry 7.5/10
Mathilda ImageMathilda Lance ImageLance Cavalry ImageCavalry 7.5/10
Picnic Lukas ImagePicnic Lukas Lance ImageLance Armored ImageArmored 7.5/10
Picnic Genny ImagePicnic Genny Staff ImageStaff Cavalry ImageCavalry 7.5/10
Fallen Berkut ImageFallen Berkut Lance ImageLance Cavalry ImageCavalry 7.5/10
Fallen Delthea ImageFallen Delthea Blue Tome ImageBlue Tome Infantry ImageInfantry 7.5/10
Rinea ImageRinea Blue Tome ImageBlue Tome Infantry ImageInfantry 7.5/10
Forsyth ImageForsyth Lance ImageLance Armored ImageArmored 7.5/10
Tatiana ImageTatiana Blue Tome ImageBlue Tome Infantry ImageInfantry 7.5/10
Spring Luthier ImageSpring Luthier Lance ImageLance Cavalry ImageCavalry 7.5/10
Berkut ImageBerkut Lance ImageLance Cavalry ImageCavalry 7.0/10
Delthea ImageDelthea Blue Tome ImageBlue Tome Infantry ImageInfantry 7.0/10
Faye ImageFaye Colorless bow ImageColorless bow Infantry ImageInfantry 7.0/10
Gray ImageGray Sword ImageSword Infantry ImageInfantry 7.0/10
Leon ImageLeon Colorless bow ImageColorless bow Infantry ImageInfantry 7.0/10
Lukas ImageLukas Lance ImageLance Infantry ImageInfantry 7.0/10
Mae ImageMae Blue Tome ImageBlue Tome Infantry ImageInfantry 7.0/10
Saber ImageSaber Sword ImageSword Infantry ImageInfantry 7.0/10
Tobin ImageTobin Sword ImageSword Infantry ImageInfantry 7.0/10
ValentineValentine's Conrad Sword ImageSword Cavalry ImageCavalry 7.0/10
Luthier ImageLuthier Green Tome ImageGreen Tome Infantry ImageInfantry 7.0/10
Fernand ImageFernand Lance ImageLance Cavalry ImageCavalry 7.0/10

Information about Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia

General Information About Fire Emblem Echoes


Fire Emblem Echoes General Information
Title Fire Emblem Echoes:
Shadows of Valentia
(JPN: ファイアーエムブレムEchoes
Release Date JP: April 20, 2017
NA/EU: May 19, 2017
AU: May 20, 2017
Platform Nintendo 3DS
Price $39.99

General Information About Fire Emblem Gaiden


Fire Emblem Gaiden General Information
Title Fire Emblem Gaiden
(JPN: ファイアーエムブレム外伝)
Release Date March 14th, 1992 (JP only)
Platform Famicon
Price ¥6,800
Units Sold 324,699

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