Demon's Souls PS5

Plague Rat Location, Drops, and Stats

This is a guide to Plague Rat, an enemy in Demon's Souls for the PS5. Read on to learn about Plague Rat including its HP, Souls obtained, drops, locations, defenses, resistances, guard abilities, and its variants.

Plague Rat Stats Overview

Plague Rat Stats and Drops

Drops Shard of Archstones

Plague Rat Defenses

Physical Defense Slash Defense Blunt Defense
79 79 79
Pierce Defense Magic Defense Fire Defense
79 67 51

Plague Rat Status Resistances

Poison Plague Bleed
No effect No effect Average

Plague Rat Block Rate

Physical Guard Magic Guard Fire Damage Cut
No effect No effect No effect

Plague Rat Locations

Rotten Valley 5-1

5-1: Valley of Defilement

This damp valley is the resting place of those who have been long forgotten. Overtaken by poison and plague, the dwellers attack anyone who wanders into the valley.

5-1: Valley of Defilement

How to Beat Plague Rat

Use Firebombs!

Plague Rats will likely stay clumped up together. They can quickly inflict plague so staying away is the best way to stay safe. From a distance, launching a firebomb can take out the most of them or even the entirety of their group.

Demon's Souls Related Links

List of Enemies

Valley of Defilement

Enemy List
Depraved One Giant Depraved One
Plague Rat Giant Tick
Giant Slug Jellyfish
Giant Mosquito


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