Demon's Souls PS5

Where to Find Patches, the Hyena

This guide will show you how to find Patches, the Hyena in Demon's Souls Remake. Read on to learn more about his purpose in the game.

Patches, the Hyena Overview

Patches will try and trick you on multiple occasions, but ultimately he sells many things cheaper than anywhere else.

He is also one of the targets Mephistopheles will ask you to assassinate, and you can kill him very early on but be warned - he is the only merchant that sells Heavy Arrows. When killed, he drops the Thief's Ring.

Patches, the Hyena's Locations

Stonefang Tunnel

Patches the Hyena - Stonefang Tunnel

You can find Patches, the Hyena in Stonefang Tunnel 2-2 in the area with Bearbugs.

Shrine of Storms

Shining Rocks The Pit

Patches can also be found in Shrine of Storms 4-2. In the area with the first Grim Reaper, follow the shining rocks through a doorway where he’ll be waiting.

Patches' World Events

Kill a Bearbug in Stonefang Tunnel

When you meet Patches in Stonefang Tunnel, he will tell you to get a treasure underneath a large Bearbug. If you kill the Bearbug then talk to Patches, he will travel to the Nexus where you will be able to purchase items from him.

Defeat Black Phantom in Shrine of Storms

Shrine of Storms - Black Phantom

If you meet Patches in Shrine of Storms, he will ask you to look into the pit next to him. He will then kick you into the pit where you will have to fight a Black Phantom. If you defeat the Black Phantom then talk to Patches, he will appear in the Nexus to sell you items.

You can also encounter Saint Urbain at the bottom of the pit. Open his door after defeating the Black Phantom and talk to him.

Where to Find Saint Urbain

Purchase Items After Encountering Patches

As mentioned above, Patches will appear in the Nexus after encountering him in either world event. He can sell you items, as well as rare ones so think twice if you plan on killing him as revenge.

Sold Items

Item Price Limit Unlocking Conditions
Half Moon Grass 300 - -
Late Moon Grass 500 - -
Full Moon Grass 1000 - -
Fresh Spice 800 - -
Shard of Archstone 5000 - -
Heavy Arrow 30 - -
Heavy Bolt 40 - -
Fragrant Ring 60000 1 -
Sticky White Stuff 5000 - Defeat 2 Archdemons
Cat's Ring 40000 1 Defeat 2 Archdemons
White Arrow 500 30 Defeat 3 Archdemons
New Moon Grass 5000 - Defeat 3 Archdemons
Stone of Ephemeral Eyes 50000 3 Defeat 4 Archdemons
Dark Moon Grass 10000 5 Defeat 4 Archdemons

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