
How to Beat Carol


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MementoMori's Carol is one of the witches players will frequently encounter across the game. Read on to learn how to make use of the game's witches and mechanics to defeat them in battle.

CarolCarol Icon
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How to Beat Carol

How to Beat Carol Overview

PvE Rank PvP Rank
MementoMori - A Icon
MementoMori - A Icon
Base Rarity Soul Type Role
SR (Limited) MementoMori - Amber Icon Amber MementoMori - Sorcerer Icon Sorcerer Buffer

A formidable defensive support witch who buffs the DEF stats of her allies while inflicting debuffs on her enemies and dispelling their buffs. However, her DEF buffs can be stolen by enemies, making her more of a liability in battle if you find yourself fighting the wrong witches.

Carol Strengths and Weaknesses

Strengths Weaknesses
• Strong 25% DEF buff for her allies and a 120% DEF Buff for herself.
• Has the chance to inflict Silence on enemies, dispel any buffs they have, and lower their DEF stats.
• Is capable of healing herself whenever an ally gets attacked or evades an attack.
• Her DEF buffs can be dispelled and/or stolen by other witches.
• Her chance to inflict Silence is rather low (20%).
• Enemies that thrive on getting debuffed will be effective against her.

Carol Skill Analysis

Buffer and Debuffer

Memento Mori - Wings of Amnesia Icon
Wings of Amnesia
Memento Mori - Scales of Oblivion Icon
Scales of Oblivion
Memento Mori - Torn Page Icon
Torn Page

Skill Skill Effect
Memento Mori - Wings of Amnesia Icon
Wings of Amnesia
Level 1 (Unlocks by default)
Deals 1 magical attack equal to 490% of Carol’s ATK to 2 random enemies, and has a 20% chance to inflict [Silence]on all targets for 1 turn.
Level 2 (Unlocks by level 81)
The magical attack’s damage becomes equal to 540% of her ATK.
Level 3 (Unlocks by level 161)
The targets of this skill become 3 random enemies.
Skill Skill Effect
Memento Mori - Scales of Oblivion Icon
Scales of Oblivion
Level 1 (Unlocks by level 11)
Carol dispels 2 buffs from 3 random enemies. She strikes as the enemies stagger, dealing 1 magical attack equal to 410% of her ATK to all targets.
Level 2 (Unlocks by level 21)
The magical attack’s damage becomes equal to 480% of her ATK.
Level 3 (Unlocks by level 101)
Additionally, before dispelling buffs, if a target is not enhanced with a buff, decreases that target’s DEF by 40% for 2 turns.
Level 4 (Unlocks by level 181)
The targets of this skill become 5 random enemies.
Skill Skill Effect
Memento Mori - Torn Page Icon
Torn Page
Level 1 (Unlocks by level 61)
At the start of the battle, this skill increases all allies’ DEF by 15%.
Level 2 (Unlocks by level 141)
The amount all targets’ DEF increases by becomes 25%.
Level 3 (Unlocks by level 221)
The amount only Carol’s DEF increases by becomes 120%.

Carol's main gimmick is her 25% DEF buffs for all of her allies, on top of the 120% DEF buff she has for herself. This buff makes her tanky against different enemies, and will also keep her allies alive as well.

Meanwhile, her active skills, "Wings of Amnesia" and "Scales of Oblivion" are capable debuff spells. Wings of Amnesia can silence up to 3 random enemies (though with a 20% chance only), while Scales of Oblivion can dispel 2 buffs from an entire enemy party (or decrease their DEF by 40% if they haven't been buffed).

Witches to Beat Carol

Carol Hard Counters

MementoMori - Nina IconNina MementoMori - Cordie IconCordie
(with her Unique Weapon)

Nina can simply steal Carol's DEF buffs, leaving her and her allies vulnerable to attacks from your team's main attacker. If that main attacker is Cordie with her unique weapon "Jack and Pot" can then go in and debuff Carol and her teammates with Jack and Pot's 80% DEF debuff.

MementoMori - Amour IconAmour MementoMori - Moddey IconModdey

Amour and Moddey can be used against Carol to counter her healing abilities with their Blight debuffs.

Carol General Counters

MementoMori - Soltina IconSoltina MementoMori - Florence IconFlorence MementoMori - Sonya IconSonya
MementoMori - Nina IconNina MementoMori - Primavera IconPrimavera MementoMori - Rusalka IconRusalka
MementoMori - Kaguya IconKaguya MementoMori - Fia IconFia MementoMori - Sivi IconSivi

Carol Sample Counter Teams

Carol Counter Team

Buffer Attacker Attacker Debuffer Debuffer
MementoMori - Merlyn IconMerlyn MementoMori - Nina IconNina MementoMori - Fia IconFia MementoMori - Cordie IconCordie MementoMori - Moddey IconModdey

In this team, you can have Fia be the main attacker, with options to steal Carol's buffs in the form of Nina. Cordie can also decrease the DEF of the enemy team, while Moddey can nullify Carol's healing ability with her Blight debuff.

Witches Not To Use Against Carol

MementoMori - Mimi IconMimi

Since Carol can buff an entire party's DEF, that will mess with how Mimi targets her Resonance. You might expect her to cast Resonance on one witch, only to inflict it on another one instead.

Tips for Beating Carol

Bring Witches That Can Dispel or Steal Her Buffs

This is the most efficient way to counter Carol aside from directly debuffing her DEF. A buff dispeller would be effective in getting rid of her DEF, or just bringing Nina along. Also, don't forget to dispel her healing with Blight debuffs.

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Mimi - MementoMoriMimi Tropon - MementoMoriTropon Hathor - MementoMoriHathor
Olivia - MementoMoriOlivia Primavera - MementoMoriPrimavera Natasha - MementoMoriNatasha
Lunalynn - MementoMoriLunalynn
## All SR (Limited) Rarity Character Builds
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Summer Nina - MementoMoriSummer Nina Summer Amleth - MementoMoriSummer Amleth Aine - MementoMoriAine
Serruria - MementoMoriSerruria Spring Shizu - MementoMoriSpring Shizu Tama - MementoMoriTama
Meria - MementoMoriMeria Festive Natasha - MementoMoriFestive Natasha Eureka - MementoMoriEureka
Winter Soltina - MementoMoriWinter Soltina Winter Lunalynn - MementoMoriWinter Lunalynn Eirene - MementoMoriEirene
Tillie - MementoMoriTillie Artoria - MementoMoriArtoria Fenny - MementoMoriFenny
Gil’uial - MementoMoriGil’uial Winter Tropon - MementoMoriWinter Tropon Sonya - MementoMoriSonya
Stella - MementoMoriStella Sivi - MementoMoriSivi Summer Cordie - MementoMoriSummer Cordie
Belle - MementoMoriBelle Priscilla - MementoMoriPriscilla Artie - MementoMoriArtie
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Summer Sabrina - MementoMoriSummer Sabrina Fia - MementoMoriFia Lea - MementoMoriLea
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Richesse - MementoMoriRichesse Veela - MementoMoriVeela Carol - MementoMoriCarol
Winter Amour - MementoMoriWinter Amour Elfriede - MementoMoriElfriede Rusalka - MementoMoriRusalka
Cerberus - MementoMoriCerberus Fortina - MementoMoriFortina Armstrong - MementoMoriArmstrong
Ophelia - MementoMoriOphelia A.A. - MementoMoriA.A. Valeriede - MementoMoriValeriede
Witch Illya - MementoMoriWitch Illya


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