
†Rosary† Guild (W21)


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MementoMori's †Rosary† is one of the strongest guilds in World 21. Read on to find out who they are, how strong they are, and what tips they have for newcomers to the game.

World 21 Featured Guild: †Rosary†

†Rosary† Basic Info

Guild ID
No. of Members
BP Requirement
Entry Policy
Approval only
All in Good Fun
Love Elfriede, be kind and have fun!

†Rosary† is one of the top guilds of World 21, with an overall BP of more than 1.5 million. Game8 had the opportunity to interview Rachel, its guild master, to learn about the guild's mission, the state of World 21, and tips for those new to the game.

How †Rosary† Came to Be

"It was actually created as a sister guild ✠ in World 16," Rachel explains. "It's a bit of a fresh start, and I also wanted to help teach newer players how to play and give them tips to advance faster. We share a Discord with the guild in W16, so we have a lot of veteran players to help pass on knowledge."

This commitment to mentorship sets †Rosary† apart. The guild is not only a home for new players but also a hub for learning, ensuring that everyone feels supported as they progress.

World 21: Healthy Competition

When asked about the state of World 21, Rachel described it as "very healthy".

"There's good competition and we all communicate well with each other," they said. It’s this balance that makes playing in World 21 rewarding, whether you’re a newcomer or a seasoned veteran.

Understanding DEF Break and Picking Characters

When asked what they found confusing about MementoMori, Rachel said that the game still did not have a tutorial on the DEF Break stat despite its importance in the game's combat. "Most new players invest in ATK, which is way less important to start with," they said. "Most players don't know how to invest in defense break, so being guided through that changes a lot."

When it comes to picking characters, Rachel said that they always looked at their skillset and soul type to see if they fit in their team. "There are some newer characters that everyone would pull one copy of, such as Meria, due to her multi-barriers," they said. "Otherwise, I just pull to listen to their music on my home screen."

The †Rosary† GM also said that picking the right character was one of the two most important things that helped when they were starting out (apart from investing in DEF Break). This would help other players too. "If they aren't picky, Cordie and Florence are the best to start. Max out gear for that singular character as this game tends to benefit from putting everything into one character. They will see a lot more progress that way!"

On Newer Characters, Events

When asked about recent additions like Meria, Festive Natasha, and Eureka, Rachel had plenty to say.

"I've loved Meria for her personality and kit, and Alt Natasha is very strong for players who are willing to spend a little. Eureka has a nice song and fits well into Azure Soul teams such as with Florence, as she raises attack for that soul, which is nice."

The guild master also shared their thoughts on recent events like the 2nd Anniversary and Guild Tree.

"2nd Anniversary was great. I found the new events and characters really fun! Guild Tree can be enjoyable for a whole guild to participate in, though the rewards can be lackluster for stronger players. It's a good event for players to get materials from, though."

†Rosary†: Eager to Teach, Eager to Thrive

Rachel hopes for more guild-focused features in the future: "Definitely more guild activities. Guild war tends to fade in all worlds eventually, so more events and activities for groups would keep players more engaged."

Promoting †Rosary†, she emphasizes the guild’s saupportive culture: "We have access to a lot of older players who are eager to teach. We welcome newer players, and Rosary actually has a majority of brand-new players. So anyone just starting the game doesn’t have to feel alone. We're a very chatty guild."

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