Modern Warfare 2 (MW2)

Molotov Cocktail: How to Get and Use

Molotov Cocktail is a Lethal equipment in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (MW2). Read on to learn how to get and use the Molotov Cocktail in the game!

Molotov Cocktail Overview

Molotov Cocktail Basic Info

Molotov CocktailMolotov Cocktail Type Lethal
Unlock Lv. Unlocks at Level 17.
Description Improvised incendiary device that explodes on impact.

How to Use Molotov Cocktail

Throw it to Damage Enemies Over Time

Molotov Cocktail is a throwable equipment that can burn enemies, dealing damage over time. Molotov Cocktail is a bit heavy compared to other lethal equipment, so throwing it won't take it that far. You can equip a Strong Arm Perk to throw it farther and even see its trajectory for better accuracy!

Best Counter for Riot Shields

Riot Shield is one of the meta weapons currently in the game. You can counter those players with Riot Shields with Molotov. Just throw it on them and shoot them if they try to run or hide for the kill!

Riot Shield Best Loadout and Attachments

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