Modern Warfare 2 (MW2)

Thermite: How to Get and Use

Thermite is a Lethal equipment in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (MW2). Read on to learn how to get and use the Thermite in the game!

Thermite Overview

Thermite Basic Info

ThermiteThermite Type Lethal
Unlock Lv. Unlocks at Level 36.
Description Explosive incendiary device that sticks to surfaces.

How to Use Thermite

Stick it to Surfaces

Thermite is a grenade that can stick to all surfaces on the field. It will then spark for a few seconds, damaging all enemies or equipment nearby. It can also partially block your vision because of the light emitting from it, which is a decent alternative to a smokescreen when escaping.

Get Additional XP for Sticking it to Enemies

You can get additional XP points if you've successfully thrown and stuck Thermite to enemies. It should also kill them after a few seconds once you stick the Thermite to them!

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Related Guides

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List of Equipment

Equipment By Type

Equipment by Type
Tactical Lethal
Field Upgrades

All Lethal Equipment

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