Modern Warfare 2 (MW2)

Hardpoint Mission Walkthrough

hardpoint walkthrough modern warfare 2

Hardpoint is a campaign story mission in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II (MW2). Read on for a complete walkthrough of Hardpoint including tips for beating the mission on Realism Difficulty, a list of achievements, as well as a list of weapons you can find & use.

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Close Air Recon by Fire

Hardpoint Overview

Mission Information

Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 Campaign - Hardpoint
Description Graves and the ground team fight cartel reinforcements to keep Hassan secure.
Place Las Almas, Mexico
Date & Time 30 October 2022
Character Shadow-1
Completion Reward Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 Campaign - Double Weapon XP TokenDouble Weapon XP Token

Starting Weapon Loadout

LTM Missile 40mm Cannon 25mm Cannon

Hardpoint Walkthrough

Hardpoint Realism Difficulty Video Playthrough


Zoom into the Gas Station near the bridge. Scan for any threats in the area.
Cover the Ground Team as they retreat to a restaurant.
Fire at enemies on a hill overlooking the town.
Continue firing at reinforcements coming from the east. Make sure to take out enemies with RPGs on rooftops.
Take out the mortars in the soccer field in the southwest part of the area.
Fire at more reinforcements coming from the southwest. If you're having difficulty spotting enemies due to all the cover, you can switch to Thermal Sights to more easily see them.
Immediately use flares when the Incoming Missile alert pops up. Take out the Missile teams immediately after to remove the threats.
Outlast more waves of enemies. You can instantly take out large groups of enemies by using the 40mm cannons.
Destroy the bridge as enemy vehicles cross it to secure the Ground Team's exfil.

▶ Next Mission: Recon by Fire

How to Beat Hardpoint in Realism Difficulty

Use the 40mm Cannon on Swarms of Enemies

The 40mm Cannon can eliminate large groups of enemies with a single blast. The reload time is fast and the overall damage of this weapon is excellent making it a viable weapon when Task Force 141 is about to get overran.

Using the 25mm cannon on them is a slower process as the blast radius is small.

Use the 25mm Cannon to Eliminate RPGs

Utilizing the 25mm cannon's high fire-rate, you can quickly kill enemy RPGs that are spread out on different rooftops at the beginning of the ambush.

Use the LTM Missiles on Heavy Armored Vehicles

The LTM Missile can knock out any heavy armored vehicles including any enemies surrounding it. Take note that you can only fire one round at a time as it takes an ample amount of time for the weapon to reload.

One good tip is to wait for any approaching vehicles to come to a halt and then fire the missiles on them. Most vehicles in this mission usually arrive in two so it might be best to aim at the gap between them to disable them at the same time.

Keep on the Lookout for Incoming Missiles

The only real threat for this mission are the homing missiles that will be constantly fired on to your plane. Pay attention to the plane's alarm or your squad's radio communications to be notified for this.

Hardpoint Achievements

There are no Achievements in Hardpoint.

Weapons Found in Hardpoint

There are no other Weapons found in Hardpoint.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (MW2) Related Guides

Modern Warfare 2 - Campaign Missions Banner.png

Campaign Story Walkthrough

All Campaign Missions

List of Campaign Missions
1 Strike
2 Kill or Capture
3 Wetwork
4 Tradecraft
5 Borderline
6 Cartel Protection
7 Close Air
8 Hardpoint
9 Recon by Fire
10 Violence and Timing
11 El Sin Nombre
12 Dark Water
13 Alone
14 Prison Break
15 Hindsight
16 Ghost Team
17 Countdown


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