Honkai: Star Rail Walkthrough Comments

Sushang Best Builds and TeamsComment

Showing 1-20 of 25 entries


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    25 Sushang enjoyer7 monthsReport

    *edit: I messed up March's follow-ups. She only gets one. Sushang teams have gotten a massive buff with the introduction of Imaginary March 7th. Sushang's advance forward on her ult allows you to quickly build March 7th's talent stacks. This can be compounded even further if you have Bronya on your team as well, but you may run into skill point efficiency if you do not have Sushang's Eidolon 1. Skill (FU) + Ult + Skill/basic depends on E1 -> Bronya skill + Skill(FU) = 5 stacks.

    24 Sushang enjoyer7 monthsReport

    Sushang teams have gotten a massive buff with the introduction of Imaginary March 7th. Sushang's advance forward on her ult allows you to quickly build March 7th's talent stacks. This can be compounded even further if you have Bronya on your team as well, but you may run into skill point efficiency if you do not have Sushang's Eidolon 1. Skill (FU) + Ult + Skill/basic depends on E1 -> Bronya skill + Skill(FU) = 5 stacks.

    23 Anonymous10 monthsReport

    what are you talking about? Dots don't crit 🤷

    22 Anonymous12 monthsReport

    Physical DOT Sushang build: 4pcs Prisoner in Deep, 5 star Yangqing lightcone, and 2pcs Celestial Differentiator plannars. The Yangqing lightcone can buff your Crit DMG for your Physical Bleed Dot skill.

    20 Anonymousover 1 yearReport

    my skill issue got carried by this lady for MoC (1.5, when it started need 20 cycles left to full stars) :'D

    19 Anonymousover 1 yearReport

    Swordplay is the best baseline light cone for Sushang. She has to hit one target consecutively, especially a single target Boss-fight.

    18 Anonymousover 1 yearReport

    but seele is no more in the game except with the test event

    17 Anonymousover 1 yearReport

    Seele is the only Hunt you need... Sushang is mid flop

    16 Anonymousover 1 yearReport

    How did Sushang go from SS to B... like that shows tier list is just a load of crap

    15 Anonymousover 1 yearReport

    yep but not bis

    14 Anonymousover 1 yearReport

    then seele is the worst character in the game since she uses 2skill points per turn

    13 Anonymousover 1 yearReport

    Is Rutilant arena good for her?

    12 Anonymousover 1 yearReport

    2,014 SS vs 248 S votes as of today. Yes, we need to downgrade chicken girl because we need to side with the minority, lol!

    11 Anonymousover 1 yearReport

    Oi, you dare take away the chicken's SS rank!? The chicken's wraith will be shown to the poor admin who made such a choice!

    10 Anonymousalmost 2 yearsReport

    The REASON WHY she is SS is because she has a GIANT CHICKEN! 'nuff said!

    9 Anonymousalmost 2 yearsReport

    hoyo always has issue with balancing their characters

    8 Anonymousalmost 2 yearsReport

    The reason why Sushang is SS tier is the fact that she can recover SKILL POINT at C1, and gain EXTRA TURN when ult. This is the biggest difference between her and Yanqing. I have both characters and from my personal experience, Yanqing is a powerful dmg dealer that has a small chance of freezing the enemy. However, from experience, I can tell you that Yanqing is much harder to manage than Sushang, because of his high consumption of skill points needed to maintain his dmg and shield.

    7 Anonymousalmost 2 yearsReport

    i started building her and i can understand why she is SS tier, she is literally crazy while fighting against high hp bosses. with her own lightcone(swordplay) she becomes a monster.

    6 Anonymousalmost 2 yearsReport

    I like her but SS? Seriously? And yanqing is only S? Naaaaa

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