God of War Ragnarok (GoW Ragnarok)

The Mysterious Orb Quest Guide

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The Mysterious Orb is a Favor in God of War Ragnarok (GoW Ragnarok). Read on to learn more for a detailed walkthrough about this Favor, how it can be unlocked, rewards, and more!

How to Unlock The Mysterious Orb

Return to Freyr's Camp after The Reckoning

GoW Ragnarok - How to Unlock.png
The Mysterious Orb favor can immediately be unlocked after freeing Freya from Odin's curse in the main quest, The Reckoning. After Freya regains her original form and both return to Freyr's camp, talk to Lunda and she will ask Kratos for a favor to get the Mysterious Orb.

The Reckoning Quest Walkthrough

The Mysterious Orb Walkthrough


Find the Orb

Gather Collectibles along the way

God of War Ragnarok - Return to Astrid
The path to Frey and Odin's shrine is full of collectibles including Odin's Ravens, chests, and other favors such as Garden for the Dead
How to Find All 48 Raven Locations

Find the Orb

Mysterious Orb Location

Overworld Image

Map VIew

The Mysterious Orb can be found on a small reef in the Veiled Passage. This location can be accessed by turning left through the tunnel when in front of Goddess Falls.

Return to Lunda

Find Lunda's Lost Armor

Before returning to Lunda, consider retrieving pieces of Lunda's Lost Armor. They're all located within the vicinity of the Mysterious Orb. Should Kratos collect all pieces of the armor, Lunda will repair all of them for free.

How to Get the Lunda's Lost Armor Set

The Mysterious Orb Quest Rewards

Completion Rewards

1000 Kratos XP 250 Freya XP
Lunda's Lost Armor Set

Collect Lunda's Lost Armor Set

GoW Ragnarok - Lost Cuirass

Lunda's Lost Armor Set

Lunda's Lost Armor Set
LundaLunda's Lost Cuirass LundaLunda's Lost Bracers LundaLunda's Lost Belt
Max Stats
・68 Strength
・54 Defense
・54 Runic
・77 Strength
・17 Runic
・34 Luck
・77 Defense
・17 Runic
・34 Luck
How to Unlock
Crafted from Brok or Sindri
x 1 Lunda's Broken Cuirass
Crafted from Brok or Sindri
x 1 Lunda's Broken Bracers
Crafted from Brok or Sindri
x 1 Lunda's Broken Belt
Lunda's Lost Cuirass VANIR POISON
Bare-handed attacks, parrying, and blocking have a high Luck chance to deal bonus damage and poison enemies, lowering their power level.
Lunda's Lost Bracers PREY UPON POISON
Melee attacks against poisoned enemies do increased damage.
Lunda's Lost Belt PREY UPON POISON
Melee attacks against poisoned enemies do increased damage.

Lunda's Lost armor is one of the best armor sets players can easily get. The armor set is great against enemies that do poison damage. Lunda's Lost Cuirass can even deal bonus damage and poison enemies.
Best Armor Sets

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