God of War Ragnarok (GoW Ragnarok)

How to Beat Bjorn: Boss Fight Guide

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God of War Ragnarok - Bjorn Boss Fight Guide

Bjorn is a main story boss in God of War Ragnarok (GoW Ragnarok). Defeating them unlocks the trophy A Grizzly Encounter. Read on to learn about its attack patterns, rewards, and the best tips and strategies for how to beat Bjorn!

Bjorn Overview

Basic Information

Ragnarok - Bjorn mode:show
Recommended Level Level 1 (All Difficulties)
XP Rewards 250 Kratos XP (Give Me Balance)
Trophy A Grizzly Encounter

Bjorn Location

Location Summary

Location Summary
Bjorn is located in the clearing at the end of the Raiders' cave during Surviving Fimbulwinter.

Surviving Fimbulwinter Quest Walkthrough

How to Beat Bjorn

Bjorn Tips and Strategies
CheckmarkPrioritize Using Melee Attacks

CheckmarkRecognize Unblockable Attacks

CheckmarkReact to Yellow Ring Attacks

CheckmarkParry Bjorn's Attacks Often

CheckmarkFrost Up the Leviathan Axe

CheckmarkBreak Trees for Healthstones

Prioritize Using Melee Attacks

Ragnarok - Prioritize Using Melee Attacks
Bjorn does not flinch when using the Leviathan Axe's Axe Throw. Prioritize dealing damage up close with Light and Heavy Attacks instead to maximize your damage output toward Bjorn.

Recognize Unblockable Attacks

Ragnarok - Recognize Unblockable Attacks
Being the first boss encounter in God of War Ragnarok, Bjorn teaches you to recognize unblockable attacks with their distinct tells and red circle indicator. Learn to recognize these attacks and move out of their path to avoid getting hurt.

Avoid Bjorn's Charging Grab

Be particularly careful when dealing with Bjorn's unblockable Charging Bite attack, as it forces Kratos to struggle out of it on hit. Look out for when it stamps its forelegs into the ground and move out of the way to avoid this attack.

React to Yellow Ring Attacks

Ragnarok - Parry Yellow Ring Attacks
The Bjorn encounter also teaches you to recognize block break attacks with their yellow circle indicator. Learn to parry these attacks and avoid blocking them, as they stagger Kratos on hit and leave him vulnerable to attacks.

Parry Bjorn's Attacks Often

Learn to parry Bjorn's normal and yellow ring attacks to maximize your damage output and stun build-up during the entire boss fight. Keep in mind that Bjorn tends to swipe two to three times before using a yellow ring attack.

Frost Up the Leviathan Axe

Ragnarok - Frost Up the Leviathan Axe
Use Frost Awaken often to imbue your Leviathan Axe with Frost and slow down Bjorn, making it more vulnerable to your attacks and allowing you to build up its stun meter quicker.

Break Trees for Healthstones

The trees around the arena drop Healthstones when broken. Break them apart with your Leviathan Axe or lead Bjorn to cleave and swipe through them to maintain a steady supply of health regeneration during the fight.

Bjorn Attack Patterns

Ground Pound

Bjorn stands on its hind legs and raises its forelegs before quickly slamming them down, causing a large unblockable quake in front of the bear. React to the attack's distinct animation and red circle indicator and move out of its way quickly to avoid it.

Charging Bite

Bjorn quickly stamps its forelegs into the ground before rapidly charging towards Kratos, locking him into an unblockable grab with its jaws which he must struggle out of if he gets hit. Like the Ground Pound, react to the attack's red circle indicator and dodge out of its path to avoid getting hit.

Overhead Smash

Bjorn rushes towards Kratos, raising its paws high before slamming them down on top of him, dealing heavy damage and knocking Kratos back on contact. This attack is heavily telegraphed, so react to Bjorn's movements and evade or parry the incoming blow.

Right Paw Swipe

Bjorn winds up its right paw before quickly swiping it toward Kratos, dealing moderate damage on hit. You can efficiently deal with this move by blocking or parrying it as it comes out.

Swipe Combo

Bjorn performs two to three quick swipes before winding up a heavy paw slam. Efficiently deal with this combo by blocking the first few strikes and parrying the paw slam. Doing this staggers Bjorn for a short while, leaving it open to easy damage.

However, note that missing the parry timing lets Bjorn continue its combo with a final fourth paw slam or an unblockable Charging Grab, so prepare to dodge these attacks when they occur.

Swiping Barrage

Bjorn performs five quick claw swipes before finishing its barrage with a heavy right paw slam. Block the initial flurry of strikes before parrying the right paw slam to effectively deal with this attack.

Like its Swipe Combo, missing the parry timing lets Bjorn continue the combo with an unblockable Charging Grab, so prepare to dodge it when it comes out.

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