God of War Ragnarok (GoW Ragnarok)

The Summoning Quest Walkthrough

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God of War Ragnarok - The Summoning Walkthrough

The Summoning is the sixteenth chapter of God of War Ragnarok's (GoW Ragnarok) main story. Read on for a detailed walkthrough, list of rewards, tips for completion, as well as boss fight strategies!

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Ragnarok - Hunting for SolaceHunting for Solace Ragnarok - The Realms at WarThe Realms at War

The Summoning Walkthrough

The Summoning Objectives

Ragnarok placeholder quest iconReach Surtr's forge
Ragnarok placeholder quest iconDefeat the Flame Phantom

Flame Phantom Boss Guide
Ragnarok placeholder quest iconReach Surtr's forge
Ragnarok placeholder quest iconApproach the ashen man
Ragnarok placeholder quest iconDefeat the Soul Eaters

Soul Eater Boss Guide
Ragnarok placeholder quest iconApproach the ashen man
Ragnarok placeholder quest iconFollow Surtr
Ragnarok placeholder quest iconDefeat the Hrist and Mist

Hrist and Mist Boss Guide
Ragnarok placeholder quest iconApproach the Spark of the World

Boss Strategy: Flame Phantom

Attack Its Core

Ragnarok - attacking the Flame Phantom

You can start filling the Flame Phantom's Stun gauge by attacking its core, preferably with long range attacks. The Flame Phantom will receive increased Stun damage if you strike it while its core is glowing blue.

Destroy the Pillars

Ragnarok - destroying the phantom

When the Stun gauge is full, the pillars, or "springs", in the arena will glow and be vulnerable to attacks. Destroy these pillars to actually damage the Flame Phantom.

There's a hidden spring in the corner

Ragnarok - hidden spring location

One of the three springs that you need to break to defeat the boss is hidden behind a weak rock in the corner of the arena. Detonate a spear on it to reveal the hidden spring.

How to Beat Flame Phantom

Boss Strategy: Soul Eater

Throw the Explosive Rocks at Their Chest

Ragnarok - throwing explosive rocks at the Soul Eater

You'll fight two Soul Eaters here, but the second one won't join in until later so make the most out of your time with the first Soul Eater.

As usual, use long range attacks to hit the ancient's core to inflict Stun damage and make it release explosive rocks. Pick up these rocks and throw it at the Soul Eater's core to deal massive Stun damage.

Take note that they can still deal high Stun damage, though a little weaker, when the Soul Eater's core is not exposed.

How to Beat Soul Eater

Boss Strategy: Hrist and Mist

Keep an Eye on Both Valkyries

Ragnarok - parrying Hrist

These new valkyries are total pushovers compared to 2018's valkyries. Also, even though you're fighting two at once, you can focus on just one of them and Atreus will take care of the other.

Still, even while you're beating up either Hrist or Mist, keep an eye on both valkyries as they can suddenly stop attacking Atreus and jump in on Kratos.

Stop Mist's Spin Attack

Ragnarok - stopping Mist

Mist is the blue-green valkyrie who loves to spin. Whenever she does this, stop her with a long range attack before she reaches Kratos.

How to Beat Hrist and Mist

The Summoning Quest Rewards

15000 Kratos XP 7500 Atreus XP

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