God of War Ragnarok (GoW Ragnarok)

Alfheim Realm 100% Completion Guide: All Collectibles, Quests, and Regions

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God of War Ragnarok - Alfheim

Alfheim is one of the nine Realms in God of War Ragnarok (GoW Ragnarok). Read on to see a list of all collectibles, main quests, favors, bosses, and enemies in Alfheim.

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Alfheim Full Map

Alfheim Map

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The Realm of the elves, where Dark Elves and Light Elves have been at war for ages. Alfheim has beautiful forests, ruins, and waterways but is just as dangerous a place as any.

All Collectibles in Alfheim

All Collectibles Summary

Collectible Total Number
Artifacts 11
Lore 19
Odin's Ravens 10
Nornir Chests 7
Legendary Chests 12
Yggdrasil Rifts 1
Berserker Gravestones 2
Draugr Holes 1
Remnants of Asgard 2
Hel Tears 1
Nine Realms in Bloom 1
The Elven Sanctum 1
Freyr's Gift 1
The Desert Door 1
Secret of the Sands 1
Song of the Sands 1

Click a collectible to jump to its section!

List of All Collectibles

All Artifacts in Alfheim

Artifacts are collectible ancient items that have historical value and serve as a glimpse into the past of each of the Nine Realms. Artifacts usually are part of a set and reward you with XP when completed.

Kvasir's Poems

World View Map View
Artifact: Spirits Within Walls
Region: Temple of Light
Location: On a table in one of the rooms in the Temple of Light.
Artifact: Visions After Rest
Region: Temple of Light
Location: On a ledge overlooking the area in Temple of Light.
Artifact: Afterlife Abandonment
Region: The Strond
Location: When starting to head towards The Strond, jump down a ledge to your left. The artifact will be in a cave next to a Legendary Chest.
Artifact: Celestial Construct
Region: The Barrens
Location: Jump into the mouth of the huge skeleton west of The Barrens. The artifact will be at the end.
Artifact: Trip
Region: The Forbidden Sands
Location: This artifact will be on the second floor of a small tower near the entrance to The Forbidden Sands. To access this area, you must progress through the Secret of the Sands favor in The Barrens.

More artifacts of the Kvasir's Poem Set are located in Svartalfheim.

Tributes To Freyr

World View Map View
Artifact: Dream Charm
Region: The Strond
Location: Right next to a Nornir Chest in The Strond
Artifact: Harp
Region: The Barrens
Location: The artifact will be in a cave accessed through a small entrance on the cliff wall south of The Barrens.
Artifact: Horn
Region: The Barrens
Location: The Horn will be in a building at the north part of The Barrens.
Artifact: Bracelet
Region: The Forbidden Sands
Location: Found next to the huge door of the Elven Sanctum at the northeaster part of The Forbidden Sands. To access this area, you must progress through the Secret of the Sands favor in The Barrens.
Artifact: Token
Region: The Forbidden Sands
Location: Found at the northern part of The Forbidden Sands. To access this area, you must progress through the Secret of the Sands favor in The Barrens.
Artifact: Pipe
Region: The Burrows
Location: Found in The Burrows, on the way out of the cave, after freeing the second Hafgufa.

All Artifact Locations and How to Get

All Odin's Ravens in Alfheim

Odin's Raven can be found as greenish spectres across the Nine Realms. Find and strike these Ravens to acquire them. The more Odin's Ravens you acquire, the more chests you can unlock at the Raven Tree in Niflheim.

World View Map View
Region: The Strond
Location: Seen along the main road.
Region: Temple of Light
Location: Along the stairs, drop down to your left
Region: Temple of Light
Location: Located near a room full of Twilight Stones by the stairs to the left
Region: The Canyons
Location: Found in The Canyons flying to the right of Sindri's Workshop.
Region: The Barrens
Location: Found resting in the eye of the giant skeleton in the northern part of the Barrens.
Region: The Forbidden Sands
Location: Behind a troll statue in the southwest area of The Forbidden Sands.
Region: The Forbidden Sands
Location: Flying in front of Freyr's Statue in the northwest area of The Forbidden Sands.
Region: The Forbidden Sands
Location: Found on top of a rocky outcrop near where the Frost Phantom is fought to the right by the entry to The Forbidden Sands.
Region: The Forbidden Sands
Location: Flying around the secret area underneath the Eleven Sanctum.
Region: The Barrens
Location: Found perched on a tree next to a building in the northern area of the Barrens.

The Eyes of Odin Quest Guide: How to Find All Raven Locations

All Nornir Chests in Alfheim

Nornir Chests are special locked chests that contain either an Idunn Apple, which boosts your health, or a Horn of Blood Mead, which boosts your rage bar. Nornir Chests can only be opened by finding and destroying the runes marked on the chest.

The Strond Nornir Chest 1

World View Map View
Region: The Strond
Location: Found in in The Strond.
・To open this chest, you will need to light three braziers with your Blades of Chaos.
・The first two can easily be found nearby the chest.
・The third brazier can be found by chain grappling up the ledge in front of the chest, climbing up two more ledges, then looking down over the ledge to the left.

The Strond Nornir Chest 2

World View Map View
Region: The Strond
Location: Can be found along the path in The Strond. You can only unlock this chest once you've obtained the Draupnir Spear.
・With the Draupnir Spear, hit all the Rune idols then trigger all of them at the same time.
・The first Rune can be found right next to the chest.
・The second rune is a distance in front of the chest, up on a rocky hill.
・The third rune can be found around the corner, across a chasm by the bridge.

Temple of Light Nornir Chest

World View Map View
Region: Temple of Light
Location: Found in the Temple of Light.
・The first rune can be found on top of a balcony-like structure to the left and above the chest.
・The second rune can be found directly to the left of the chest.
・The last rune can be hit by aiming your axe at the Twilight Stone through the doorway on the right of the chest. Make sure you clear the Soundstone on it beforehand.
・Quickly hit all three runes to unlock the chest.

The Below Nornir Chest

World View Map View
Region: The Below
Location: Found inside the Dark Elf Cave in the Below.
・Make sure to unlock the wooden doors near the chest and on the level above the chest.
・Start with the first rune at the upper level, hanging on a window.
・Then go down and hit the second rune behind the chest.
・Then the third rune through the doorway near the chest. Quickly hit all three runes to unlock the chest.

The Barrens Nornir Chest

World View Map View
Region: The Barrens
Location: Found in a pavilion in the northern part of the Barrens.
・The first rune brazier can be found in front to the left of the chest.
・The second rune brazier is found behind the pavilion. While behind the pavilion, use the Leviathan Axe to clear the Hive Matter.
・Go back to the front of the pavilion and look up to the roof, and use the Axe to make the pot next to the last rune brazier explode and light it on fire.

The Forbidden Sands Nornir Chest 1

World View Map View
Region: The Forbidden Sands
Location: Northeast of the Forbidden Sands. You can enter this area after progressing through the Secret of the Sands favor and calming the sandstorm.
・After calming the storm, destroy part of the wall of the building in the northeast, and head in. The chest will be at the end. Solve the puzzle by throwing your axe into the left crystal.
・The first rune will be across the gap to the right of the chest. Use Sigil arrows to make a fire chain reaction from the campfire to the rune.
・The second rune is hidden behind a hive wall above the first rune. The hive wall can be retracted with Sonic arrows. Use Sigil arrows to make a fire chain reaction from the first rune to the second rune.
・The third rune is on the left side of the chest, across the gap. Simply stoke the fire with an arrow to light the brazier.

The Forbidden Sands Nornir Chest 2

World View Map View
Region: The Forbidden Sands
Location: Southwest of the Forbidden Sands. You can enter this area after progressing through the Secret of the Sands favor and calming the sandstorm.
・After calming the storm, head southwest to find the chest.
・The first rune will be in front of the chest, on a pedestal.
・The second rune is up on a huge rock formation. Use Sigil arrows and Blades of Chaos to reach it.
・The third rune will be opposite the second rune, on a high rocky pillar. Use Sigil arrows to reach this one as well.

All Nornir Chest (Rune Chests) Locations and How to Get

All Legendary Chests in Alfheim

Legendary Chests are collectible items that contain various valuable items, like weapon attachments, Relics, new Runic attacks, and more.

Temple of Light Legendary Chests

World View Map View
Location: In one of the rooms in the Temple of Light.
Rewards: Hades Retribution
Location: Can be found in the Temple of Light.
Rewards: Hilt of Gram

All Legendary Chest Locations and How to Get

All Main Story Quests in Alfheim

Chapter Summary
Ragnarok - GroaGroa's Secret Together with Tyr, they revisit Alfheim to find secrets about Groa's prophecy about Ragnarok.

Main Quests Walkthrough: List of All Chapters

All Favors in Alfheim

Chapter Summary
Secret of the Sands We look for the creature that Atreus "heard" cry out in pain. The sandstorm makes navigation difficult. We should seek shelter.
Song of the Sands A storm rages in the East as it did in the West before freeing the Hafgufa. We must find the cave entrance to free the creature.
The Desert Door -
Freyr's Gift -
The Elven Sanctum -

List of All Favors (Side Quests)

All Bosses in Alfheim

List of Bosses

Boss Type & Location
AlvaAlva Main Story Boss
Alva is encountered while descending the Temple of Light in Alfheim during Gróa's Secret.
The HatefulThe Hateful Optional Boss
The Hateful are optional bosses located in Draugr Holes found across multiple Realms.

List of Bosses

All Enemies in Alfheim

List of Enemies

This section is still under construction!

Beastiary Guide: List of All Enemies

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