God of War Ragnarok (GoW Ragnarok)

How to Beat Slag Horn: Boss Fight Guide

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GoW - Slag Horn Banner
Slag Horn is a Optional Boss in God of War Ragnarok (GoW Ragnarok). Read on to learn about its attack patterns, rewards, and the best equipment, tips, and strategies for how to beat Slag Horn!

Slag Horn Overview


Slag Horn
Ragnarok - Slag Horn mode:show
Recommended Level Level 4 (All Difficulties)
XP Rewards 1875 Kratos XP
1125 Freya XP (Give Me Balance)

Rewarded Resources

Resource Type
Ragnarok - Dragon ToothDragon Tooth x2 Unique Resource
Ragnarok - Purified CrystallinePurified Crystalline x15 Resource
Ragnarok - Dragon ClawDragon Claw x1 Unique Resource

Rewarded Enchantments

Name Effect
Greater Regenerating Essence
Adds a greater amount of constant Health regeneration. (Req. 170 Vitality)

Slag Horn Location

Location Summary

Location Summary
Slag Horn is encountered at Southern Vanaheim in the Jungle

How to Beat Slag Horn

Slag Horn Tips and Strategies
CheckmarkHit Weakspots using the Draupnir Spear

CheckmarkKeep Parrying

Hit weak spots using the Draupnir Spear

Slag Horn will have wounds that can be exploited using the Draupnir Spear. Throw the spear at its weak spots then detonate it to deal extra damage.

Doing this also staggers the Slag Horn, making it open to more attacks.

Keep Parrying

Slag Horn does not have any long-range attacks and will have attacks that can be parried. Learn the Slag Horn's moveset to know when to dodge or parry.
How to Parry

Slag Horn Attack Patterns

Basic Attacks

The Slag Horns basic attacks consist of two head swipes. The first is a regular attack that can be blocked without suffering a stagger.

Its follow-up attack causes stagger so players should parry. Players who are not confident in their timing can easily dodge backward.

Unblockable Bite

One of Slag Horn's unblockable attacks is a lunging bite. Dodge sideways as going backward is not enough to avoid getting hit.

Unblockable Body Slam

Similar to its bite, learn to dodge sideways instead of backward as Kratos has a higher chance of getting hit when dodging backward.

The Slag Horn will do its body slam attack three times so prepare to attack Slag Horn after the third time.

Spike Projectiles

The Slag Horn has one last unblockable attack which is its Spike projectiles. A red ring will appear to signal players of its attack. It will then release spikes from its tail.

Tail Swipe

The tail swipe is a blockable move that will cause Kratos to stagger when blocked at the wrong time. Be sure to time the block correctly or dodge backward to completely avoid the move.

Charge Attack

Slag Horn initiates its charge attack by retreating backward. Fortunately, this charge attack is easily blockable as it initiates a very short cutscene.

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