God of War Ragnarok (GoW Ragnarok)

The Word of Fate Quest Walkthrough

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God of War Ragnarok - The Word of Fate Walkthrough

The Word of Fate is the ninth chapter of God of War Ragnarok's (GoW Ragnarok) main story. Read on for a detailed walkthrough, list of rewards, tips for completion, as well as boss fight strategies!

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Ragnarok - Into the FireInto the Fire Ragnarok - Forging DestinyForging Destiny

The Word of Fate Walkthrough

The Word of Fate Objectives

Ragnarok placeholder quest iconTravel to Midgard

Tracking the Norns with the wolves
Ragnarok placeholder quest iconFind the wolves at the kennel
Ragnarok placeholder quest iconOpen the gate
Ragnarok placeholder quest iconFollow the wolves to the Norns
Head to the east side of the Lake of Nine while following the direction the wolves' heads are pointing. Upon reaching your destination, press circle to dismount.
Ragnarok placeholder quest iconContinue tracking the Norns
The wolves will now lead you to the southwest corner of the Lake of Nine.
Ragnarok placeholder quest iconReturn to the wolves and continue tracking the Norns
The third scent will lead you north of the lake.
Ragnarok placeholder quest iconFind the Norns at the Well of Urd
Ragnarok placeholder quest iconDefeat the Frost Phantom

Frost Phantom Boss Guide
Ragnarok placeholder quest iconFind the Norns at the Well of Urd
Ragnarok placeholder quest iconLeave the Norns

1. Follow the Direction of the Wolves' Heads

Ragnarok - Scent tracking the Norns

The compass won't show your destination like normal during the tracking part of the chapter. Instead, you should look at the wolves' heads and move towards the direction they're facing.

Boss Strategy: Frost Phantom

Throw Your Axe the Core

Ragnarok - throwing axe at the core

The first step to damaging the Frost Phantom is perform axe throws until it's staggered. Freya's arrows won't do much Stun damage here, so rely on Kratos' long range attacks for now.

Attack It While It's Stunned

Ragnarok - stunned Frost Phantom

Keep attacking its core until it drops down. While it's on the ground, run towards the phantom and unleash your strongest attacks to build up the Stun meter.

Destroy the Pillars

Ragnarok - Frost Phantom pillars

After filling the Stun meter, the Frost Phantom's pillars will be vulnerable. Destroy these pillars to take a huge chunk off the phantom's health.

How to Beat Frost Phantom

The Word of Fate Quest Rewards

4500 Kratos XP 4500 Freya XP

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