God of War Ragnarok (GoW Ragnarok)

List of All Leviathan Axe Attachments

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This is a list of all Attachments that can be equipped to the Leviathan Axe in God of War Ragnarok (GoW Ragnarok). Read on to learn more about each Attachment's effect, rarity, base level, and more!

All Leviathan Axe Attachments

Attachment Base LV Effects
Runic Hailstone Knob AttachmentRunic Hailstone Knob 6 PREY UPON FROST
Moderate Luck chance on hitting a Frosted enemy to gain a Blessing of Runic.
Grip of Radiant Reflection AttachmentGrip of Radiant Reflection 6 PRECISION MOMENTUM
Successful Axe Ranged Attacks now generate charge of the Permafrost skill, with successful precision throws generating even more.
Banahogg Knob AttachmentBanahogg Knob 6 BARE FORCE
Successful precision throws increase Bare Handed attack damage for a duration.
Grip of the Nine Realms  AttachmentGrip of the Nine Realms 6 MOMENTOUS SHIFT
Activating Glacial Permafrost while Permafrost is full triggers a Realm Shift.
Grip of the Fallen Alchemist AttachmentGrip of the Fallen Alchemist 5 SERPENT'S HEALTH BURST
High Luck chance to get a health burst on any successfull hit with the Serpert's Snare skill.
Grip of Healing Harmony AttachmentGrip of Healing Harmony 5 PERMAFROST LIFESTEAL
When the Permafrost skill gauge if fully charged, Axe hits Restore Health but incoming damage is increased
StonecutterStonecutter's Knob 4 SLICING FINISH
Adds a concussive wave at the end of Axe Light Attack combo.
Grip of Weighted Recovery AttachmentGrip of Weighted Recovery 4 SEIZED REFRESH
Stun Grabbing an enemy (R3) provides a Blessing of Cooldown
Fortified Frost Knob AttachmentFortified Frost Knob 2 FROST RESOLVE
Holding Triangle to Frost Awaken the Axe increases DEFENSE and Stagger Resistance.
HaurHaur's Lucky Knob 2 MARKSMAN'S STUN
Moderate Luck chance to cause a bonus Stun Blast
Wooden Knob AttachmentWooden Knob 1 None
The Furious Maul AttachmentThe Furious Maul 1 SLAYER'S STRENGTH
High LUCK chance to grant a Gift of Strength on any Axe kill.

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