God of War Ragnarok (GoW Ragnarok)

How to Beat Fiske: Boss Fight Guide

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God of War Ragnarok - Fiske Boss Fight Guide

Fiske is a main story boss in God of War Ragnarok (GoW Ragnarok). Read on to learn about his attack patterns, rewards, and the best equipment, tips, and strategies for how to beat Fiske!

Fiske Overview


Ragnarok - Fiske mode:show
Recommended Level Level 3 (All Difficulties)
XP Rewards 500 Kratos XP (Give Me Balance)
Bestiary Entry
What sort must a mortal be in life to be given such power and authority in Valhalla? To wield a scythe and defend territory with such vigor, I imagine this Fiske a farmer who took up arms against some threat, and proved adept at slaughter. And for his valor, he is awarded an afterlife of more slaughter. I wonder whether he even has a choice...

Rewarded Resources

Resource Type
Ragnarok - Bonded LeatherBonded Leather x10 Resource

Rewarded Relics

Name Effect
Ragnarok - Glaive of DodherGlaive of Dodher ・Throw a Bifrost chakram that swerves into enemies.

Upgrades increase the number of chakrams thrown.

Fiske Location

Location Summary

Location Summary
Fiske is encountered in Vanaheim past the Abandoned Village's broken bridge during The Reckoning.

The Reckoning Quest Walkthrough

How to Beat Fiske

Fiske Tips and Strategies
CheckmarkPrioritize Parrying Fiske's Attacks

CheckmarkDodge Unblockable Slashes Sideways

CheckmarkFrost Up the Leviathan Axe

CheckmarkMind Your Positioning

Prioritize Parrying Fiske's Attacks

Most of Fiske's attacks are easy to predict, making them perfect targets for shield parries. Prioritize parrying Fiske's slow strikes and combos to quickly build up his stun meter and stagger him multiple times.

Shield Bash After Parrying Multiple Hits

After successfully parrying Fiske's multi-hit combos with the Dauntless Shield, exploit his staggered state with an empowered Shield Bash and fill up his stun meter even faster.

Dodge Unblockable Slashes Sideways

All of Fiske's unblockable scythe slashes have a vertical trajectory, meaning you should dodge them sideways and not backward to avoid getting hit. Keep this in mind to avoid getting caught by the long reach of Fiske's scythe.

Frost Up the Leviathan Axe

We recommend maintaining the Frost Awaken buff on your Leviathan Axe throughout the fight to slow down Fiske. Doing this makes it easier to maintain and build up Fiske's stun meter and predict his feints and deadly scythe combos.

Mind Your Positioning

Fiske's arena has a unique U-shape that may cause careless players to back themselves into unexpected walls and corners. Always mind your positioning when fighting Fiske to avoid taking unnecessary damage during the fight.

Fiske Attack Patterns

Triple Scythe Combo

Fiske performs two quick scythe slashes before finishing his combo with an unblockable overhead swing that inflicts Bifrost on hit. To efficiently deal with this attack, block or parry the first two hits and evade sideways to avoid the unblockable slash.

Horizontal Scythe Rush

Fiske performs two advancing horizontal slashes before winding up a third heavy strike that breaks Kratos' guard. We recommend blocking the first two attacks and parrying the third slash to stagger Fiske and leave him open for a counterattack.

Heavy Overhead Slash

Fiske closes the gap toward Kratos before unleashing an unblockable overhead slash, dealing moderate damage on hit. React to the attack's red ring indicator and evade sideways to avoid getting hurt.

Later in the fight, Fiske can follow this attack with a blue-ring overhead slash that deals heavy damage and knocks Kratos to the ground on hit. Stay alert and prepare to interrupt this follow-up slash when it occurs.

Hilt Strike Combo

Fiske slams his scythe's hilt into Kratos before continuing his combo with a heavy horizontal slash that breaks Kratos' guard.

Block the initial hilt strike and evade or parry the block-breaking slash to effectively deal with this attack.

Unblockable Variation

Fiske has a variation of this attack where he feints after the hilt strike to perform an unblockable Heavy Overhead Slash, so prepare to evade sideways when it occurs.

Scythe Thrust Flurry

Fiske empowers his scythe with Bifrost and changes its form to become more spear-like. Afterward, he rushes toward Kratos with a barrage of three scythe thrusts and ends his combo with one final heavy thrust.

To deal with this attack, block the three initial thrusts and parry the final strike to stagger Fiske momentarily and leave him open for a counterattack.

Thrust and Slash Combo

Fiske enhances his scythe with Bifrost and transforms it before thrusting once toward Kratos, following up his attack with a blue-ring overhead slash. Block or evade the initial thrust and interrupt the overhead with a Shield Bash or Shield Slam to avoid getting hit by this combo.

Note that this combo has the same initial animation as Fiske's Scythe Thrust Flurry.

Bifrost Shockwave

Fiske slams the top of his scythe into the ground before charging up and letting out a massive unblockable shockwave that deals moderate damage and inflicts Bifrost on hit. Watch for the attack's distinct animation and red ring indicator and immediately roll backward out of its radius to avoid getting hurt.

Later in the fight, Fiske can continue his Bifrost Shockwaves with a quick scythe thrust and Horizontal Scythe Rush, so prepare to block and evade these follow-up attacks when they occur.

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