God of War Ragnarok (GoW Ragnarok)

How to Beat The Hateful: Boss Fight Guide

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God of War Ragnarok - The Hateful Boss Fight Guide

The Hateful is an optional boss in God of War Ragnarok (GoW Ragnarok). Read on to learn about its attack patterns, rewards, and the best tips and strategies for how to beat The Hateful!

The Hateful Overview


The Hateful
Ragnarok - The Hateful mode:show
Recommended Level Level 2 (All Difficulties)
XP Rewards 250 Kratos XP
75 Atreus XP
(Give Me Balance)
Bestiary Entry
I have never encountered a Draugr like this one before. It fights as if fueled by an infinite hate. It emerged from a scar in the earth that closed once we defeated the monster. If we encounter more of these holes, we must close them and put down any creatures that emerge.

Rewarded Resources

Resource Type
Hacksilver x250 Currency
Ragnarok - Dust of RealmsDust of Realms x5 Resource
Ragnarok - Chaos SparkChaos Spark x1 Weapon Upgrade
Ragnarok - Sovereign CoalsSovereign Coals x2 Resource

Rewarded Attachments

Name Type
Ragnarok - Cursed Empress Handles AttachmentCursed Empress Handles Blades of Chaos Attachment
Ragnarok - Fortified Frost Knob AttachmentFortified Frost Knob Leviathan Axe Attachment

The Hateful Location

Location Summary

Location Summary
The Hateful are optional bosses located in Draugr Holes found across multiple Realms.

Svartalfheim Locations

The Applecore

Map Location In-Game Location

One Draugr hole containing The Hateful can be found inside the southeastern door before the puzzle and doors leading to Tyr's cell inside The Applecore mines.

Midgard Locations

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Alfheim Locations

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Vanaheim Locations

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How to Beat The Hateful

The Hateful Tips and Strategies
CheckmarkDefeat Draugr Minions First

CheckmarkAvoid The Hateful's Flaming Attacks

CheckmarkReflect Its Flaming Projectiles

CheckmarkUse Spartan Rage Wisely

CheckmarkStay On Guard for Unblockable Attacks

Defeat Draugr Minions First

We recommend defeating The Hateful's Draugr minions first before facing him head-on. Doing this allows you to put full focus on The Hateful and gives you an easier time dodging and parrying its unblockable and block-break attacks.

Freeze Minions with Freezing Throw

Combine Frost Awaken and Freezing Throw to freeze the Draugr minions and make them easier to clear out. Once frozen, we recommend isolating them away from The Hateful and spiking them against the arena walls.

Split Attention with Atreus

You can also focus The Hateful's attention on Atreus by commanding him to use his bow attacks against them. Doing gives you an easier time taking down each of the Draugr minions.

Avoid The Hateful's Flaming Attacks

Ragnarok - Avoid The Hateful
The Hateful's unblockable and block-break attacks inflict the Flame debuff on hit. This debuff deals significant damage over time and has a considerable duration, so avoid getting hit by these attacks as much as possible.

Reflect Its Flaming Projectiles

When The Hateful launches its Molten Spray attack, make it a habit to parry the incoming molten shards instead of dodging them. Doing this sends the projectiles back toward The Hateful, dealing moderate damage on hit and causing them to stagger momentarily.

Use Spartan Rage Wisely

Ragnarok - Use Spartan Rage Wisely (The Hateful)
When fighting The Hateful, we recommend saving Spartan Rage for low-health situations. Healthstones are scarce inside The Hateful's arena, and its Flame attacks inflict significant damage over time, so only activate Spartan Rage when necessary.

Stay On Guard for Unblockable Attacks

As the fight goes on, The Hateful tends to mix more unblockable attacks into its combos and attack patterns. Avoid being reckless with your attacks and always stay vigilant for sudden flaming attacks when fighting against this boss.

The Hateful Attack Patterns

Triple Axe Rush

The Hateful rushes toward Kratos, performing two alternating axe swings and finishing its combo with a simultaneous strike. Each axe swing comes out in a consistent rhythm, so block or parry each axe swing as it comes out to avoid getting hurt.

Farther into the fight, The Hateful can start its Triple Axe Rush with an unblockable twin slash instead, so always stay alert for this variant of the combo.

Flaming Upward Slash

The Hateful sets its right axe ablaze before launching an unblockable upward slash toward Kratos, dealing moderate damage on hit and inflicting the Burn debuff. This attack has a significant amount of wind-up, so react to its distinct animation and red ring indicator and move out of its path to avoid getting hit.

Flaming Axe Combo

The Hateful swings downward with its right axe before setting it ablaze and launching an unblockable Flaming Upward Slash. The attack's first slash has a similar start-up animation to Triple Axe Rush, so stay alert and react to the unblockable slash's red ring indicator when it occurs.

Molten Spray

The Hateful conjures a mass of molten rock before launching it toward Kratos in a conic spray, inflicting the Burn debuff and dealing moderate damage on hit. To efficiently deal with this attack, parry the incoming molten rock shards to reflect them at The Hateful and momentarily stagger them.

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