God of War Ragnarok (GoW Ragnarok)

List of Equipment: All Attachments

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Learn about all kinds of attachments you can add to enhance your equipment in God of War Ragnarok (GoW Ragnarok). Read on to know more about each equipment type, how to get them, and more!

All Equipment Types

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Leviathan Axe Attachments Blades of Chaos Attachments Shield Attachments
Draupnir Spear Attachments Relics Enchantments

List of Leviathan Axe Attachments

Attachment How to Get
Banahogg Knob AttachmentBanahogg Knob This pommel can be obtained from a Legendary Chest in The Applecore.
Fortified Frost Knob AttachmentFortified Frost Knob You can find this attachment in a chest inside The Hateful's boss arena inside The Applecore in Svartalfheim.
Grip of Healing Harmony AttachmentGrip of Healing Harmony You obtain this by completing the Hel-Tear in Helheim during the Reunion storyline.
Grip of Radiant Reflection AttachmentGrip of Radiant Reflection This grip is obtained at the end of “Unlocking the Mask”
Grip of the Fallen Alchemist AttachmentGrip of the Fallen Alchemist You obtain this finding a Legendary Chest in Pilgrim's Landing in Vanaheim
Grip of the Nine Realms  AttachmentGrip of the Nine Realms This grip can be obtained from the Berserker Gravestone in The Forbidden Sands.
Grip of Weighted Recovery AttachmentGrip of Weighted Recovery You obtain this attachment at the Huldra Brother's workshop after returning to Freyr's Camp.
HaurHaur's Lucky Knob You obtain this attachment by crafting it at the Huldra Brother's workshop at the beginning of The Reckoning
Runic Hailstone Knob AttachmentRunic Hailstone Knob This grip can be obtained by throwing Crystalline Shards in the Wishing Well in Vanaheim.
StonecutterStonecutter's Knob You obtain this attachment at the Huldra Brother's workshop after returning to Freyr's Camp.
The Furious Maul AttachmentThe Furious Maul You obtain this attachment after facing Thor for the first time in your home.
Wooden Knob AttachmentWooden Knob You obtain this pommel at the beginning of the game.

List of All Leviathan Axe Attachments

List of Blades of Chaos Attachments

Attachment How to Get
Cursed Empress Handles AttachmentCursed Empress Handles You obtain this attachment after defeating The Hateful inside The Applecore in Svartalfheim.
Deadly Obsidian Handles AttachmentDeadly Obsidian Handles You can find this from a Legendary chest in Svartalfheim, Aurvangar Wetlands.
Hardened War Handles AttachmentHardened War Handles These handles can be obtained from the Legendary Chest in The Forbidden Sands next to the Berserker Gravestone.
Luminous Recovery Handles AttachmentLuminous Recovery Handles These handles can be obtained from the Legendary Chest on a ledge Nidavellir southeast of the Mystic Gateway. Requires the Draupnir Spear
Pommels of Agile Deceit AttachmentPommels of Agile Deceit You can craft this when visiting either Brok or Sindri's workshop.
Pommels of Brutal Might AttachmentPommels of Brutal Might You can craft this when visiting either Brok or Sindri's workshop.
Pommels of Burning Unity AttachmentPommels of Burning Unity These pommels can be obtained by throwing Crystalline Shards in the Wishing Well in Vanaheim.
Pommels of the Nine Realms  AttachmentPommels of the Nine Realms This pommel can be obtained from the Berserker Gravestone in The Pilgrim's Landing.
Pommels of the True Flame AttachmentPommels of the True Flame This pommel is craftable once you reach Level 6 with the Blades of Chaos.
Pommels of the Undying Spark AttachmentPommels of the Undying Spark You obtain this pommel inside a chest in the Jarnsmida Pitmines in Svartalfheim.
Radiant Warden Handles AttachmentRadiant Warden Handles You can craft this when visiting either Brok or Sindri's workshop.
Steel Handles AttachmentSteel Handles You obtain this attachment after facing Thor for the first time in your home.

List of Blades of Chaos Attachments

List of Shield Attachments

Attachment How to Get
Rond of Absorption AttachmentRond of Absorption This rond is craftable once you reach Level 6.
Rond of Affliction AttachmentRond of Affliction You obtain this by finding a Legendary chest in The Barrens in Alfheim. The Chest is inside a cave to the right as you enter The Canyons.
Rond of Aggravation AttachmentRond of Aggravation You can obtain this attachment from a chest at the small inlet where you free the Lyngbakr's tail in The Weight of Chains Favor in Svartalfheim.
Rond of Deflection AttachmentRond of Deflection You obtain this in Huldra Brother's workshop during The Word of Fate
Rond of Disruption AttachmentRond of Disruption You obtain this shield attachment for completing the A Stag for All Seasons Favor in Vanaheim.
Rond of Expedition AttachmentRond of Expedition You obtain this attachment after defeating Alva inside the Temple of Light in Alfheim.
Rond of Fortification AttachmentRond of Fortification This rond can be obtained by offering Crystalline Fragments at the Wishing Well.
Rond of Obliteration AttachmentRond of Obliteration This rond can be obtained by defeating Gna at The Crucible in Musphelheim.
Rond of Purification AttachmentRond of Purification You obtain this by finding a Legendary Chest in Midgard during The Word of Fate
Rond of Restoration AttachmentRond of Restoration You obtain this by finding Legendary chest in Vanaheim during The Reckoning.
Rond of the Nine Realms AttachmentRond of the Nine Realms You obtain this by completing a Favor called For Vanaheim.
Rond of Volition AttachmentRond of Volition You obtain this shield attachment at the beginning of the game.

List of All Shield Attachments

All Draupnir Spear Attachments

Attachment How to Get
Hind of Deadly Vitality AttachmentHind of Deadly Vitality This hind is obtained as a reward for beating the third Oath Guard in The Plains in Vanaheim.
Hind of Volatile Might AttachmentHind of Volatile Might This hind can be obtained by throwing Crystalline Shards in the Wishing Well in Vanaheim.
Hind of Weightless Recovery AttachmentHind of Weightless Recovery This attachment is craftable after concluding the Creatures of Prophecy quest.
Battle-Scarred Sauroter AttachmentBattle-Scarred Sauroter This attachment is craftable after concluding the Creatures of Prophecy quest.
WarriorWarrior's Echo Sauroter This sauroter is craftable once you reach Level 6 with Draupnir Spear.
Hind of the Nine Realms AttachmentHind of the Nine Realms This hind can be obtained from the Berserker Gravestone in The Applecore.
Hind of Attuned Elements AttachmentHind of Attuned Elements You obtain this in an Yggdrasil Rift during the Forging Destiny storyline.
Mighty Olympic Sauroter AttachmentMighty Olympic Sauroter This attachment is craftable after concluding the Forging Destiny quest.
Charging Assault Sauroter AttachmentCharging Assault Sauroter This attachment is craftable after concluding the Forging Destiny quest.
LionLion's Roar Sauroter This attachment can be found near the west area from Tyr's Temple. You will need access to the Draupnir Spear in order to destroy the block of ice that is blocking it.
Hind of the Four Winds AttachmentHind of the Four Winds This hind can be obtained as a reward after defeating Miklimunnr, the miniboss at The Applecore where you first found Tyr.
SoldierSoldier's Sauroter You automatically obtain this attachment when you acquire the Draupnir Spear during the “Forging Destiny” main Quest.

List of All Draupnir Spear Attachments

List of Relics

Name Effect How to Get
Hilt of GramHilt of Gram ・Grants a burst of Rage and applies Stun to nearby enemies.

Upgrades increase the amount of Rage gained.
Obtained from a Legendary Chest after solving the elevator puzzle in the Temple of Light in The Strond.
Talisman of MeignTalisman of Meign ・Grants a bonus to Melee damage for a short duration.

Upgrades increase this effect and its duration.
Obtained from a chest deep in the Jarnsmida Pitmines during The Quest for Tyr main quest storyline..
Glaive of DodherGlaive of Dodher ・Throw a Bifrost chakram that swerves into enemies.

Upgrades increase the number of chakrams thrown.
Obtained as reward after defeating Fiske during The Reckoning main quest.
Hilt of HofudHilt of Hofud ・Distorts space and time by creating a Realm Shift.

Upgrades increase the duration of this effect.
Obtained as reward after defeating Heimdall in the Creatures of Prophecy main quest.
Hilt of DainsleifHilt of Dainsleif ・Slam the ground to create an explosion of Seidr Poison, leaving behind a hazard.

Upgrades increase the amount of hazards.
Craftable in the workshop after collecting Svenfthorn after The Lost Treasure Favor. Requires a Lost Page lore item found in the lower grounds of the Elven Sanctum in Alfheim.
Hilt of ForsbrandrHilt of Forsbrandr ・Push enemies back with force and grant an aura of protection.

Upgrades increase the duration of this effect.
Obtained as reward after defeating The Raven Keeper as part of “The Eyes of Odin” Favor.
Hilt of AngrvadallHilt of Angrvadall ・Slash forward three waves of light that deal increased damage against enemies afflicted with Sonic.

Upgrades reduce this ability's cooldown.
Craftable in the workshop with Skirnir's Gambanteinn. Appears craftable after completing Secrets of the Sands Favor.
Hilt of SkofnungHilt of Skofnung ・The sword unleashes its power from the souls within...

Upgrades increase the strength of this effect.
Obtained as a reward for defeating the optional boss Hrolf in King's Grave in Midgard. This optional boss can only be fought after completing all Berserker Gravestones.
Hilt of RidillHilt of Ridill ・Unleash a wave of Shock to electrify enemies.

Upgrades increase the area of effect.
Craftable in the workshop with Crackle of Bilskirnir after completing the Animal Instincts Favor.
Huldra Project #9Huldra Project #9 ・Turn Mimir's discomfort into a Bifrost blast against nearby enemies.

Upgrades increase the strength of this attack.
Craftable in the workshop under Special Items for 10000 Hacksilver after finishing The Realms At War.
Hilt of TyrfingHilt of Tyrfing ・Charge the sword to sacrifice Health and deal damage based on the amount of Health lost.

Upgrades reduce this ability's cooldown
Craftable in the workshop with Nar's Cup after defeating Blatonn, the Alpha Wulver miniboss, in the The Abandoned Village during Creatures of Prophecy.
Mystical HeirloomMystical Heirloom ・Awaken something dormant, deep down inside the wearer. Found in the Lake of Nine behind a destructible wall of ice. Requires the Draupnir Spear.
Hilt Of HrottiHilt Of Hrotti ・Applies a mark to nearby enemies. Attacking a marked enemy reduces Runic Cooldowns of the equipped weapon. Killing a marked enemy grants a Blessing of Runic.

Upgrades increase the duration of the mark.
Obtained as reward after defeating the 2nd Oath Guard in The Plains in Vanaheim.
Motsognir’s CallMotsognir’s Call ・Create a shockwave that deals high Stun to surrounding enemies. This relic can be picked up on the top floor of the Aesir Prison Wreckage in Niflheim.

List of All Relics

List of Enchantments

Realm Set Enchantments

Enchantment Stat How to Get
Alfheim's Virtue ・3 Strength
・12 Luck
Complete The Forgotten Tower
Alfheim's Honor ・5 Strength
・8 Cooldown
Kill the Frost Phantom
Alfheim's Vigor ・10 Strength Picked up from the Overworld
Alfheim's Fortune ・4 Strength
・9 Runic
Kill the Gravel Belly
Asgard's Security ・12 Runic
・3 Cooldown
Obtained in The Realms at War
Asgard's Virtue ・7 Strength
・7 Defense
・3 Vitality
・3 Cooldown
Obtained in The Realms at War
Asgard's Fortitude ・12 Strength
・3 Cooldown
Defeat Hardrefill the Callous
Asgard's Might ・12 Defense
・3 Cooldown
Defeat Beigardr the Feared
Asgard's Justice ・3 Cooldown
・12 Luck
Complete A Scar Is Born
Helheim's Virtue ・20 Runic
・2 Vitality
Defeat King Hrolf
Helheim's Essence ・10 Vitality Crafted in the Workshop
Helheim's Honor ・5 Vitality
・8 Cooldown
Complete Reunion
Helheim's Might ・9 Defense
・4 Vitality
Complete Reunion
Jotunheim's Essence ・4 Strength
・4 Vitality
・6 Luck
Pick up by Tyr's Spear
Jotunheim's Endurance ・12 Runic
・3 Vitality
Defeat the Frost Phantom
Jotunheim's Virtue ・3 Vitality
・12 Cooldown
Complete Washed Ashore
Jotunheim's Honor ・4 Defense
・4 Vitality
・6 Luck
Defeat Visi Haglkorn
Midgard's Endurance ・10 Cooldown Defeat Nidhogg
Midgard's Honor ・10 Cooldown
・8 Luck
Crafted in the Workshop
Midgard's Virtue ・9 Vitality
・4 Cooldown
Complete Reunion
Midgard's Justice ・12 Runic
・ 3 Cooldown
Complete The Viking's Gift Treasure Map
Muspelheim's Endurance ・12 Defense
・3 Runic
Complete the Onslaught Challenge
Muspelheim's Essence ・12 Luck
・3 Runic
Complete the Phantom Challenge
Muspelheim's Protection ・3 Runic
・10 Cooldown
・7 Luck
Obtained in The Realms at War
Muspelheim's Force ・12 Strength
・3 Runic
Complete the Shield Breaker Challenge
Niflheim's Virtue ・3 Defense
・12 Cooldown
Complete “Under the Rainbow”
Niflheim's Security ・10 Defense Crafted in the Workshop
Niflheim's Justice ・20 Strength
・2 Defense
Defeat the Raven Keeper
Niflheim's Fortune ・5 Defense
・8 Vitality
Complete Reunion
Niflheim's Force ・4 Defense
・9 Luck
Complete Reunion
Svartalfheim's Safety ・8 Strength
・3 Defense
Complete Garden for the Dead
Svartalfheim's Honor ・10 Defense Complete Conscience for the Dead
Svartalfheim's Fortune ・4 Defense
・9 Cooldown
Comple Cure of the Dead
Vanaheim's Fortitude ・20 Cooldown
・2 Luck
Complete the "For Vanaheim!" favor
Vanaheim's Virtue ・9 Strength
・4 Luck
Complete the Reunion
Vanaheim's Fortune ・10 Luck Crafted in the Workshop
Vanaheim's Honor ・8 Runic
・5 Luck
Crafted in the Workshop

Non-Realm Enchantments

Enchantment Effect How to Get
Increases resistance to Blind and Daze by 50%.
Crafted in the Workshop
Remedy of the Bifrost BIFROST PURIFICATION
Successful attacks against enemies will cleanse small amounts of Bifrost from Kratos' health bar (Req. 130 Defense)
Crafted in the Workshop
Emblem of the Nine Realms EMPOWERED SHIFT
Increases Melee damage during Realm Shifts.
Defeat Heimdall
Spartan Rage - Wrath's activation consumes Status Effects on nearby enemies to cause massive damage.
Defeat Hel-Traveller
Muspelheim's Protection ・3 Runic
・10 Cooldown
・7 Luck
Set Perk: Increases Kratos' Melee Damage when the Permafrost, Immolation, or Maelstrom skills are fully charged based on his Runic.
Obtained in The Realms at War
Spartan Rage Fury's attacks and exit Rage costs are greatly reduced, but healing while in Fury is also reduced.
Defeat the Soul Eaters
Spartan Rage - Valor heals less, but provides a powerful buff of Strength and Lifesteal for a duration.
Defeat Blatton
Increases resistance to Poison by 50%.
Defeat Blodugr Steinn
Very high LUCK chance to grant a Health Burst on any successful Runic Attack kill. (Req. 40 Vitality)
Complete In Plain Sight
Stone Idol of Souls SOULSTEAL
Using Healthstone or Ragestone grants Soulsteal, during which a small amount of Health and Rage is restored when striking enemies.
Defeat Bjarg Stormr
Last second dodges now charge the Permafrost, Immolation, and Maelstrom skill gauges.
Defeat Golrab of the Frost and Ashes
Emblem of Elusion SWIFT EVASION
Gain a burst of speed and travel an increased distance when evading.
Complete The Lost Treasure
Seal of the Falling Star DEATH FROM ABOVE
Increases the damage of all of Kratos' Death From Above attacks. (Req. 130 Strength)
Defeat the Two Drekis
Combo finishers provide extra charge of the Permafrost, Immolation, and Maelstrom skill gauges, and the charge lost when getting hit is greatly reduced. (Req. 220 Strength)
Complete The Casualty of War: The Stein
Fossilized Keepsake STUNNING SHIELD
Slowly regenerate a protective barrier that absorbs a single attack. When the barrier is destroyed it emits a concussive shockwave that Stuns nearby enemies.
Complete The Casualty of War: The Toy
25% Resistance to all Status Effects. This includes Frost, Burn, Blind, Daze, Poison, Shock, and Bifrost.
Obtained from the Wishing Welll
Sigil of Doom SIGIL HUNTER
Axe and Blades Melee Attacks against Hexed enemies have a high Luck chance to trigger bonus Sigil Elemental Explosions.
Complete Trail of the Dead
Seal of Runic Storm RUNIC STORM
Using Runic Attacks of three different weapons in quick succession grants a buff of increased Stagger Resistance and creates a Storm of Bifrost.
Complete The Burning Skies
Hitting Stunned enemies unleashes shockwaves and has a chance to grant a stack of increasing Strength and Stun damage. (Req. 220 Defense)
Complete The Casualty of War: The Scroll
Adds a small amount of constant Health regeneration. (Req. 60 Vitality)
Complete Quaking Hollow
Adds a greater amount of constant Health regeneration. (Req. 170 Vitality)
Kill the Slag Horn
Attuned Runic Gem MOMENTOUS RUNE
Increases the damage of Runic Attacks when the Permafrost, Immolation, or Maelstrom skill gauges are fully charged. (Req. 80 Runic)
Complete The Casualty of War: The Hourglass
Token of Elemental Evasion EVASIVE CLEANSE
Dodge rolling will hasten the expiration of Burn, Poison, and Frost Status Effects on Kratos. (Req. 130 Defense)
Raid a Kol Raider Camp
Muspelheim's Force ・12 Strength
・3 Runic
Set Perk: Increases Kratos' Melee Damage when the Permafrost, Immolation, or Maelstrom skills are fully charged based on his Runic.
Complete the Shield Breaker Challenge
Muspelheim's Endurance ・12 Defense
・3 Runic
Set Perk: Increases Kratos' Melee Damage when the Permafrost, Immolation, or Maelstrom skills are fully charged based on his Runic.
Complete the Onslaught Challenge
Muspelheim's Essence ・12 Luck
・3 Runic
Set Perk: Increases Kratos' Melee Damage when the Permafrost, Immolation, or Maelstrom skills are fully charged based on his Runic.
Complete the Phantom Challenge
Crest of Desperate Heroics LAST GRASP
When Kratos' health drops to a critical level, grants a short invincible barrier, buff to Strength, and Health Burst when complete. (Req. 100 Vitality)
Complete Casualty of War: The Brooch
Memento of the Ailing AFFLICTED MOMENTUM
The Permafrost, Immolation, and Maelstrom skill charges up faster when hitting a Status-Afflicted enemy
Defeat the Untamed Fury

List of All Enchantments

List of Accessories

Accessory Effect How to Get
Sonic Aftershock Melee attacks against an enemy inflicted with Sonic deal greatly increased Stun. Found in a Legendary Chest when you climb up the chain after confronting Freya in the Old Friends Main Quest.
Rune-Engraved Release The first Runic Arrow from a full quiver deals significantly increased damage. Found in a Legendary Chest in Alfheim where you have to solve the swinging Light Puzzle.
Sonic Attunement Sonic Arrows deal significantly increased status. Craftable after collecting roots in Angrboda's Treehouse in Jotunheim in The Lost Sanctuary main quest.
Runic Potency When a Runic Summons is on cooldown, massively increase the status applied from Runic Arrows. Found inside a Legendary Chest in Idi's Sinkhole in Jotunheim.
Runestone Refinement Using a Healthstone or Ragestone refunds 1 Runic Arrow and reduces Runic Summons cooldown. Found inside a Legendary Chest in the Vimur River in Jotunheim.
Sigil Amplification Sigil Arrows deal significantly increased status Craftable after returning to Freyr's Camp in The Reckoning main quest storyline.
Runic Recharge Killing an enemy with a runic arrow immediately restores all runic arrows. Found inside the wardrobe in Loki's room in Asgard during The Runaway main quest story line.
Runic Capacity When using a Runic Summons, instantly refill all Runic Arrows and empower them for a moderate duration. Found inside a Legendary Chest inside The Rift you can find during the Into the Fire main story line in Asgard.
Reckless Empowerment All damage dealt is significantly increased while Runic Arrows are fully depleted. Craftable at the beginning of The Word of Fate main quest storyline
Sigil Punishment Melee attacks against an enemy inflicted with hex deal bonus damage. Found inside a Legendary Chest at the Lost Treasury in the Lake of Nine during The Word of Fate story line.
Lethal Detonation Enemies killed from a Runic Arrow explode, dealing significant damage around them. Found inside the mouth of the giant skeleton in The Barrens.
Nocked Proficiency Every 3rd Runic Arrow fires an additional arrow.
Upgrades increase the number of additional arrows.
Found at the top floor of an Asgardian prison in Niflheim.

List of All Accessories

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