God of War Ragnarok (GoW Ragnarok)

How to Beat Gulltoppr: Boss Fight Guide

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God of War Ragnarok - Gulltoppr Boss Fight Guide
Gulltoppr is a main story boss in God of War Ragnarok (GoW Ragnarok). Read on to learn about its attack patterns, rewards, and the best tips and strategies for how to beat Gulltoppr!

Gulltoppr Overview


Ragnarok - Gulltoppr mode:show
Recommended Level Level 5 (All Difficulties)

Rewarded Resources

Resource Type
Ragnarok - Beast BoneBeast Bone x3 Resource

Gulltoppr Location

Location Summary

Location Summary
Gulltoppr is encountered while on the way to rescue Freyr in Vanaheim during Creatures of Prophecy.

Creatures of Prophecy Quest Walkthrough

How to Beat Gulltoppr

Gulltoppr Tips and Strategies
CheckmarkLet Gulltoppr Close the Distance

CheckmarkUse Ranged Attacks While It Charges

CheckmarkInterrupt Thrashing with Shield Strike

CheckmarkWatch Out for Heimdall's Bifrost

CheckmarkFrost Up the Leviathan Axe

Let Gulltoppr Close the Distance

Gulltoppr does not have any ranged attacks outside of Heimdall's occasional Bifrost projectile, forcing it to get up close to land most of its attacks on Kratos.

Due to this, we recommend letting Gulltoppr close the distance with its linear and predictable melee attacks, which you can easily dodge, parry, and counter.

Use Ranged Attacks While It Charges

Ragnarok - Use Ranged Spear Attacks
While Gulltoppr winds up its unblockable Gradungr Charge from afar, maximize your damage uptime by wearing it down with from afar with your Leviathan Axe and Draupnir Spear's ranged attacks.

Interrupt Thrashing with Shield Strike

When Gulltoppr quickly hops backward, this signals the start of its multi-hit Thrashing Headbutt Barrage. React to its blue ring indicator and immediately use your Shield Strike ability to interrupt the beast and leave it open for a short combo.

Watch Out for Heimdall's Bifrost

Ragnarok - Watch Out for Heimdall
Throughout the fight, Heimdall can toss Bifrost projectiles toward Kratos while riding Gulltoppr, potentially catching careless players off guard and leaving them open to the beast's hard-hitting melee attacks.

Keep an eye on Heimdall and dodge these projectiles as they come out to avoid taking unnecessary damage during the fight.

Frost Up the Leviathan Axe

Ragnarok - Frost Up the Leviathan Axe (Gulltoppr)
We recommend maintaining the Frost Awaken buff on your Leviathan Axe throughout the fight to slow down Gulltoppr with the Frost debuff. Doing this makes it easier to maintain Gulltoppr's stun meter and dodge and parry his predictable melee attacks.

Gulltoppr Attack Patterns

Gradungr Charge

Gulltoppr lowers its head and scratches at the ground before performing an unblockable charge toward Kratos in a linear path, dealing heavy damage on contact. React to this attack's red ring indicator and dodge sideways out of Gulltoppr's way to avoid getting hit.

Later in the fight, Gulltoppr can perform this attack up to three times in a row, so always stay alert and prepare to dodge follow-up Gradungr Charges when they occur.

Thrashing Headbutt Barrage

Gulltoppr quickly hops backward before repeatedly thrashing about and sending a barrage of headbutts toward Kratos, with each strike breaking through his guard and dealing moderate damage on hit.

To deal with this attack, react to its blue ring indicator and immediately interrupt it with a Shield Strike to momentarily stagger Gulltoppr.

Heavy Claw Swipe

Gulltoppr winds up its left paw before quickly swiping it horizontally toward Kratos, dealing moderate damage and breaking his guard on contact. We recommend watching out for the attack's yellow ring indicator and parrying the claw swipe to stagger Gulltoppr momentarily and avoid getting hurt.

Claw and Headbutt Combo

Gulltoppr performs two quick claw swipes before winding up a heavy headbutt that breaks Kratos' guard when blocked. To deal with this combo, block the claw swipes and parry the slow headbutt to stagger Gulltoppr and leave it open for a counterattack.

Bifrost Ball

During the fight, Heimdall occasionally tosses a ball of Bifrost toward Kratos while Gulltoppr performs its melee attacks, staggering Kratos and inflicting Bifrost on hit.

Due to this attack's erratic timing, keep an eye on both the projectile's path and any incoming attacks from Gulltoppr to avoid dodging into either of them and taking unnecessary damage.

Bifrost Explosion

Heimdall places his hand over Gulltoppr, infusing the beast with magic and causing it to release a massive unblockable Bifrost shockwave. React to this attack's red ring indicator and immediately move out of the explosion's radius to avoid getting hurt.

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