God of War Ragnarok (GoW Ragnarok)

List of All Armor Locations and How to Get

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Check here for information on how to get all armor pieces in God of War Ragnarok (GoW Ragnarok). Read on to learn about each piece of armor including its stats, bonuses, location, and more!

List of All Armor Sets

All Armor Sets
Berserker Darkdale Dragon Scale
Enlightenment Fallen Star Fate Breaker
Fortified Husk Giptumadr's Guiding Light
Hunter's Lunda's Lost Mani's Wisdom
Nidavellir's Finest Radiance Raven Tears
Risen Snow Sol's Courage Spiritual
Steinbjorn Surtr's Scorched Survival
Undying Pyres Vidar's Might

List of All Armor Sets

List of All Kratos Armor

All Chest Armor

Armor Max Stats How to Get
Shoulder Guard of Survival ArmorShoulder Guard of Survival ・68 Strength
・68 Defense
・48 Luck
・48 Cooldown
・48 Runic
・48 Vitality
Unlocked at the beginning of the game
VidarVidar's Pauldron of Might ・116 Strength
・68 Defense
Obtained after facing Thor
Fortified Husk Cuirass ArmorFortified Husk Cuirass ・68 Strength
・122 Defense
Obtained after facing Thor
Risen Snow Breastplate ArmorRisen Snow Breastplate ・68 Strength
・68 Defense
・34 Luck
・34 Cooldown
Pre-Order Bonus
NidavellirNidavellir's Finest Plackart ・54 Strength
・95 Defense
・54 Vitality
Crafted from Brok or Sindri
Shoulder Straps of Radiance ArmorShoulder Straps of Radiance ・82 Strength
・48 Defense
・41 Runic
・41 Luck
Picked up from the Overworld
Darkdale Plackart
Info Coming Soon!
Deluxe Version Exclusive
Spiritual Shoulder Straps ArmorSpiritual Shoulder Straps ・68 Strength
・54 Defense
・68 Cooldown
Crafted from Brok or Sindri
SolSol's Spaulders of Courage ・54 Strength
・68 Defense
・68 Vitality
Crafted from Brok or Sindri
Spaulders of Enlightenment ArmorSpaulders of Enlightenment ・12 Strength
・20 Defense
・20 Runic
Crafted during Groa's Secret
LundaLunda's Lost Cuirass ・68 Strength
・54 Defense
・54 Runic
Crafted from Brok or Sindri
ManiMani's Pauldron of Wisdom ・32 Strength
・36 Defense
・14 Runic
・32 Cooldown
Crafted during Groa's Secret
GiptumadrGiptumadr's Breastplate ・54 Strength
・68 Defense
・20 Runic
・61 Luck
Crafted during Groa's Secret
Dragon Scaled Breastplate ArmorDragon Scaled Breastplate ・95 Strength
・95 Defense
Crafted from Brok or Sindri
Cuirass of Raven Tears ArmorCuirass of Raven Tears ・48 Strength
・109 Defense
・48 Luck
Picked up from the Overworld
Breastplate of Guiding Light ArmorBreastplate of Guiding Light ・68 Strength
・54 Defense
・68 Luck
Obtainable during the “Guiding Light” Favor
Shoulder Guard of Undying Pyres ArmorShoulder Guard of Undying Pyres ・68 Strength
・54 Defense
・54 Runic
・27 Cooldown
Picked up from the Overworld
Plackart of Fallen Stars ArmorPlackart of Fallen Stars ・54 Strength
・68 Defense
・61 Runic
・20 Vitality
Obtained from the Wishing Well in Vanaheim
HunterHunter's Pauldron ・95 Strength
・48 Defense
・61 Cooldown
Crafted from Brok or Sindri
Steinbjorn Plackart ArmorSteinbjorn Plackart ・190 Defense Crafted from Brok or Sindri
SurtrSurtr's Scorched Cuirass ・82 Strength
・68 Defense
・48 Vitality
Complete Crucible Challenges
Fate Breaker Shoulder Guard ArmorFate Breaker Shoulder Guard ・68 Strength
・54 Defense
・61 Vitality
・20 Luck
Crafted from Brok or Sindri
Berserker Cuirass ArmorBerserker Cuirass ・68 Strength
・27 Defense
・41 Runic
・41 Vitality
・41 Cooldown
・41 Luck
Defeat Berserker Graves

All Wrist Armor

Armor Max Stats How to Get
Wraps of Survival ArmorWraps of Survival ・68 Strength
・17 Defense
・30 Runic
・30 Cooldown
・30 Vitality
・30 Luck
Unlocked at the beginning of the game
Risen Snow Gauntlets ArmorRisen Snow Gauntlets ・85 Strength
・21 Cooldown
・21 Luck
Pre-Order Bonus
Fortified Husk Arm Guards ArmorFortified Husk Arm Guards ・74 Strength
・45 Defense
Crafted from Brok or Sindri
VidarVidar's Bracers of Might ・115 Strength Crafted from Brok or Sindri
NidavellirNidavellir's Finest Arm Guards ・68 Strength
・26 Defense
・34 Vitality
Crafted from Brok or Sindri
Gauntlets of Radiance ArmorGauntlets of Radiance ・68 Strength Picked up from the Overworld
Darkdale Arm Guards
Info Coming Soon!
Deluxe Version Exclusive
Spiritual Wraps ArmorSpiritual Wraps ・77 Strength
・43 Cooldown
Crafted from Brok or Sindri
SolSol's Wraps of Courage ・77 Strength
・43 Vitality
Crafted from Brok or Sindri
Bracers of Enlightenment ArmorBracers of Enlightenment ・77 Strength
・43 Runic
Crafted during Groa's Secret
LundaLunda's Lost Bracers ・77 Strength
・17 Runic
・34 Luck
Crafted from Brok or Sindri
ManiMani's Bracers of Wisdom ・77 Strength
・17 Runic
・34 Cooldown
Crafted during Groa's Secret
GiptumadrGiptumadr's Gauntlets ・77 Strength
・13 Runic
・38 Luck
Crafted during Groa's Secret
Dragon Scaled Bracers ArmorDragon Scaled Bracers ・93 Strength
・26 Defense
Crafted from Brok or Sindri
Bracers of Raven Tears ArmorBracers of Raven Tears ・64 Strength
・34 Defense
・30 Luck
Picked up from the Overworld
Gauntlets of Guiding Light ArmorGauntlets of Guiding Light ・77 Strength
・43 Luck
Obtainable during the “Guiding Light” Favor
Bracers of Undying Pyres ArmorBracers of Undying Pyres ・77 Strength
・34 Runic
・17 Cooldown
Picked up from the Overworld
Bracers of Fallen Stars ArmorBracers of Fallen Stars ・77 Strength
・38 Runic
・13 Vitality
Obtained from the Wishing Well in Vanaheim
HunterHunter's Gauntlets ・89 Strength
・38 Cooldown
Crafted from Brok or Sindri
Steinbjorn Gauntlets ArmorSteinbjorn Gauntlets ・34 Strength
・85 Defense
Crafted from Brok or Sindri
SurtrSurtr's Scorched Arm ・94 Strength
・30 Vitality
Complete Crucible Challenges
Fate Breaker Wraps ArmorFate Breaker Wraps ・77 Strength
・38 Vitality
・13 Luck
Crafted from Brok or Sindri
Berserker Gauntlets ArmorBerserker Gauntlets ・77 Strength
・21 Runic
・21 Vitality
・21 Cooldown
・21 Luck
Defeat Berserker Graves

All Waist Armor

Armor Max Stats How to Get
Belt of Survival ArmorBelt of Survival ・17 Strength
・68 Defense
・30 Runic
・30 Cooldown
・30 Vitality
・30 Luck
Unlocked at the beginning of the game
Risen Snow Girdle ArmorRisen Snow Girdle ・85 Defense
・21 Luck
・21 Cooldown
Pre-Order Bonus
Fortified Husk Girdle ArmorFortified Husk Girdle ・119 Defense Crafted from Brok or Sindri
VidarVidar's Belt of Might ・40 Strength
・74 Defense
Crafted from Brok or Sindri
NidavellirNidavellir's Finest Waist Guard ・94 Defense
・34 Vitality
Crafted from Brok or Sindri
Belt of Radiance ArmorBelt of Radiance ・68 Defense Picked up from the Overworld
Darkdale Waist Guard
Info Coming Soon!
Deluxe Version Exclusive
Spiritual Belt ArmorSpiritual Belt ・77 Defense
・43 Cooldown
Crafted from Brok or Sindri
SolSol's Belt of Courage ・77 Defense
・43 Vitality
Crafted from Brok or Sindri
Belt of Enlightenment ArmorBelt of Enlightenment ・68 Defense
・38 Runic
Crafted during Groa's Secret
LundaLunda's Lost Belt ・77 Defense
・17 Runic
・34 Luck
Crafted from Brok or Sindri
ManiMani's Belt of Wisdom ・77 Defense
・17 Runic
・34 Cooldown
Crafted during Groa's Secret
GiptumadrGiptumadr's Waist Guard ・77 Defense
・13 Runic
・38 Luck
Crafted during Groa's Secret
Dragon Scaled Girdle ArmorDragon Scaled Girdle ・26 Strength
・93 Defense
Crafted from Brok or Sindri
Girdle of Raven Tears ArmorGirdle of Raven Tears ・98 Defense
・30 Luck
Picked up from the Overworld
Waist Guard of Guiding Light ArmorWaist Guard of Guiding Light
Info Coming Soon!
Obtainable during the “Guiding Light” Favor
Girdle of Undying Pyres ArmorGirdle of Undying Pyres ・77 Defense
・34 Runic
・17 Cooldown
Picked up from the Overworld
Waist Guard of Fallen Stars ArmorWaist Guard of Fallen Stars ・77 Defense
・38 Runic
・13 Vitality
Obtained from the Wishing Well in Vanaheim
HunterHunter's Belt ・26 Strength
・64 Defense
・38 Cooldown
Crafted from Brok or Sindri
Steinbjorn Waist Guard ArmorSteinbjorn Waist Guard ・119 Defense Crafted from Brok or Sindri
SurtrSurtr's Scorched Girdle ・17 Strength
・76 Defense
・30 Vitality
Complete Crucible Challenges
Fate Breaker Belt ArmorFate Breaker Belt ・77 Defense
・38 Vitality
・13 Luck
Crafted from Brok or Sindri
Berserker Waist Guard ArmorBerserker Waist Guard ・77 Defense
・21 Runic
・21 Vitality
・21 Cooldown
・21 Luck
Defeat Berserker Graves

List of All Kratos Armor

List of All Atreus Armor

Aesir Uniform ArmorAesir Uniform BrotherBrother's Brand Vestment Darkdale Attire
Fate Breaker Tunic ArmorFate Breaker Tunic JotnarJotnar's Champion Garb Risen Snow Tunic ArmorRisen Snow Tunic
Survival Garb ArmorSurvival Garb

List of All Atreus Armor

List of All Freya Armor

AgonyAgony's Promise Tunic Fate Breaker Tunic (Freya) ArmorFate Breaker Tunic (Freya) Regal Vanir Garments ArmorRegal Vanir Garments
Tattered Witch Frock ArmorTattered Witch Frock The QueenThe Queen's Armor WarriorWarrior's Battledress

List of All Freya Armor

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