God of War Ragnarok (GoW Ragnarok)

List of All Shield Attachments

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Shield Attachments are equippable items that enhance the properties of your shields in God of War Ragnarok (GoW Ragnarok). Read on to learn more about each attachment, how to get them, and more!

All Shield Attachments

Attachment Base LV Effects
Rond of Volition AttachmentRond of Volition 1 None
Rond of Aggravation AttachmentRond of Aggravation 2 RIPOSTE RAGE BURST
High Luck chance to grant a Rage Burst when Parrying.
Rond of Affliction AttachmentRond of Affliction 3 STRIKE OF AFFLICTION
Shield Strikes (Double tap Block/Parry Button) Status-Afflicted enemies consume the ailment, causing a damaging elemental explosion.
Rond of Expedition AttachmentRond of Expedition 3 RIPOSTE REFRESH
Grants a Blessing of COOLDOWN while interrupting double BLUE ring attacks or Parrying.
Rond of Restoration AttachmentRond of Restoration 4 RESTORING SHIELD
On taking damage, Kratos has Luck to gain Defense and for his next Shield Strike (Double tap Block/Parry Button) hit restore Health. The chance increases with lower Health.
Rond of Deflection AttachmentRond of Deflection 5 AGILE DEFLECTION
Increases the timing window on Parries.
Rond of Purification AttachmentRond of Purification 5 CONTAGION DISCHARGE
When Kratos is afflicted with Frost, Burn, Poison, or Bifrost, Shield Strike (Double tap Block/Parry Button) will cleanse the status and deal the element's damage to the enemies.
Rond of the Nine Realms AttachmentRond of the Nine Realms 6 RIPOSTE REALM SHIFT
Low Luck chance to trigger a Realm Shift, temporarily slowing down surrounding enemies, when Parrying.
Rond of Absorption AttachmentRond of Absorption 6 DEFENDER'S MOMENTUM
The Permafrost, Immolation, and Maelstrom skill gauges increase when Blocking or Parrying.
Rond of Fortification AttachmentRond of Fortification 6 FORTIFICATION
Holding BLOCK for several seconds will trigger a high Stun explosion on the next successful Block or Double Tap Block attack.
Rond of Disruption AttachmentRond of Disruption 7 ELEMENTAL STORM
Low Luck chance to create an Elemental Storm (Double tap Block/Parry Button) or Parrying.
Rond of Obliteration AttachmentRond of Obliteration 8 SHARDS OF THE VALKYRIE
Hold Block for several seconds to charge the shield, then press Block + L3 to fire a volley of Valkyrie shards at enemies

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