God of War Ragnarok (GoW Ragnarok)

Path of Destruction Quest Guide

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God of War Ragnarok - Path of Destruction
Path of Destruction is a Favor in God of War Ragnarok (GoW Ragnarok) that can be unlocked after completing the Return of The River favor. Read on for a detailed walkthrough, list of rewards, and puzzle solutions!

How to Unlock Path of Destruction

Quest is Unlocked After Passing Through a Gap

God of War Ragnarok - The Jungle, Vanaheim
Set the jungle time to day and take a boat ride near the Jungle Mystic Gateway. Follow the river heading north, and just before the cave, turn east and dock your boat. Squeeze through a gap in a wall and follow the path west.

You'll arrive at an area with a footprint and a gap in the wall you can squeeze into. You'll receive the favor shortly after.

Requires Return of The River Favor

Before you can access this quest, you'll need to complete the favor Return of The River first to get to the area where you can accept this quest.

Path of Destruction Walkthrough

Follow the Footprints

1 God of War Ragnarok - Jump down into the hole
Ragnarok placeholder quest iconJump down into the hole
Once you've arrived at the area where you get the favor, you'll notice a hole nearby. Jump down into the hole to continue the quest.

Lure the Drake

2 God of War Ragnarok - Escape the cage
Ragnarok placeholder quest iconEscape the cage
After jumping down the hole, you'll notice some contraptions around you that you need to solve to exit out of the hole.
3 God of War Ragnarok - Use your axe to spin the rotating contraption
Ragnarok placeholder quest iconUse your axe to spin the rotating contraption
To get out of the hole, you'll need to hit the rotating contraption located a level above the hole to raise the cage around you.
4 God of War Ragnarok - Freeze the circular button
Ragnarok placeholder quest iconFreeze the circular button
Once the cage is raised high enough, throw your axe at the circular button below the contraption to freeze and hold it in place.
5 God of War Ragnarok - Open the legendary chest nearby
Ragnarok placeholder quest iconOpen the legendary chest nearby
Head outside the cage to access the rest of the area. There will be a legendary chest nearby you can loot to get the Jewel of Yggdrasil.
6 God of War Ragnarok - Open the gate that leads outside
Ragnarok placeholder quest iconOpen the gate that leads outside
From there, you can reach a gate that will lead you outside to the jungle. Walk outside, and two wolves will spawn.
Ragnarok placeholder quest iconLure the wolf inside the cage
You'll need one of the wolves alive where you'll be trapping them in the cage you were in to lure out the drake.
Ragnarok placeholder quest iconRelease your axe to trap the wolf
Once the wolves chase after you, you'll need to lead them inside the cage. When they're inside, run out and let go of your axe that holds the cage to trap them inside.
9 God of War Ragnarok - Pull the chain up to lure the drake
Ragnarok placeholder quest iconPull the chain up to lure the drake
When all is done, pull the chains outside the cage to send the wolf up to the surface where the drake will eat it alive.

Slay the Slag Horn

Ragnarok placeholder quest iconReturn to the surface
11 God of War Ragnarok - Slay the Slag Horn
Ragnarok placeholder quest iconSlay the Slag Horn
Once you squeeze through the gap in the wall again, you'll immediately fight the Slag Horn. Defeat it to complete the quest.

Path of Destruction Quest Rewards

Completion Rewards

Kratos XP +6375 Freya XP +1625
Dragon Claw +1 Purified Crystalline +15
Greater Regenerating Essence

Seed of Yggdrasil and Crater Hunts Progression

Completing this quest will let you progress through the Crater hunts, allowing you to receive the trophy Invasive Species. Doing this quest also allows you to obtain a Jewel of Yggdrasil, which will let you repair it and max out the capabilities of the Amulet.

All Crater Hunts Guide

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