God of War Ragnarok (GoW Ragnarok)

How to Beat The Corpse Eater: Boss Fight Guide

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GoW - Corpse Eater Banner
The Corpse Eater is a Optional Boss in God of War Ragnarok (GoW Ragnarok). Read on to learn about its attack patterns, rewards, and the best equipment, tips, and strategies for how to beat The Corpse Eater!

The Corpse Eater Overview


The Corpse Eater
Ragnarok - The Corpse Eater mode:show
Recommended Level Level 4 (All Difficulties)
XP Rewards 1400 Kratos XP
500 Freya XP (Give Me Balance)

Rewarded Resources

Resource Type
Ragnarok - Bonded LeatherBonded Leather x40 Resource
Ragnarok - Purified CrystallinePurified Crystalline x20 Resource
Ragnarok - Dragon ClawDragon Claw x2 Unique Resource

The Corpse Eater Location

Location Summary

Location Summary
The Corpse Eater can be found in the Jungle in Vanaheim

How to Beat The Corpse Eater

The Corpse Eater Tips and Strategies
CheckmarkHit with the Axe as the Corpse Eater Lunges

Hit with the Axe as the Corpse Eater Lunges

One of the attacks the Corpse Eater uses is a lunging attack from above. HIt it with the Leviathan Axe to damage and stagger it.

The Corpse Eater Attack Patterns

Frost Breath Area of Effect

The Corpse Eater attacks with an unblockable area of effect attack using its forst breath. The dragon will launch small projectiles that cover a wide range which Kratos can easily dodge once the red ring indicator appears.

Aerial Lunge

After taking multiple damage, the Corpse Eater flees to the air. It will then dive towards Kratos.

PLayers can either dodge the attack or throw the Leviathan Axe right before the Corpse Eater hits to cause to come crashing down.


One of the Corpse Eater's physical attacks is its bite. This attack usually comes after the Corpse Eater uses its area of effect attack

Claw Attack

Another physical attack the Corpse Eater is its claw attack the picks Kratos up from the ground. This attack can be parried by players, with the right timing.

If the attack hits, the Corpse Eater picks up Kratos, and he will be able to stab the dragon in a QTE section.

Blockable Area of Effect

The Corpse Eater's frost breath attack has another variation where it sweeps the area with its breath. It cannot be parried but can easily be blocked by using the shield.

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GoW - Corpse Eater .png
GoW - Corpse Eater Location.png


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