God of War Ragnarok (GoW Ragnarok)

List of All Runic Attacks and How to Get

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Ragnarok - Runic Attacks ands Summons.png

Runic Attacks are special attacks you can equip to weapons in God of War Ragnarok (GoW Ragnarok). Read on to learn more about each Runic Attack's stats, how to get them, their effects, type, and more!

List of All Runic Attacks

All Runic Attacks and Summons
Leviathan Axe Runic Attacks Blades of Chaos Runic Attacks Draupnir Spear Runic Attacks
Sword Runic Summons Bow Runic Summons

Leviathan Axe Runic Attacks

Light Runic Attacks

Name How to Get
WinterWinter's Bite Winter's Bite is dropped by The Huntress after defeating her in combat in Surviving Fimbulwinter.
Wrath of the Frost Ancient Runic AttackWrath of the Frost Ancient This runic attack can be found in a Legendary Chest located at The Southern Wilds in Vanaheim.
NjordNjord's Tempest This runic attack can be found in a Legendary Chest located at Althjof's Rig. The area can be accessed when navigating the western area of Bay of Bounty.
HelHel's Touch This runic attack can be found in a Legendary chest located at The Burrows near The Forbidden Sands in Alfheim.
SkadiSkadi's Edge Skadi's Edge can be found inside a Legendary Chest in Alfheim.

Heavy Runic Attacks

Name How to Get
Breath of Thamur Runic AttackBreath of Thamur This runic attack can be found in a Legendary chest located at The Raven Tree in Niflheim. The chest can only be accessed when you have killed the necessary amount of ravens.
Fog of Fimbulwinter Runic AttackFog of Fimbulwinter This runic attack can be found in a Legendary Chest located at the Myrkyr Tunnels in Svartalfheim.
IvaldiIvaldi's Anvil You can find this Runic Attack in a Legendary Chest inside Derelict Outpost in Midgard when you complete Sigrun's Curse.
LeviathanLeviathan's Roar This runic attack can be found in a Legendary chest located in a part of Freyr's Camp that unlocks in the Creatures of Prophecy storyline.
Mists of Helheim Runic AttackMists of Helheim This runic attack can be found inside a Legendary Chest by the drawbridge in Cliffside Ruins in Vanaheim

Blades of Chaos Runic Attacks

Light Runic Attacks

Name How to Get
Flames of Anguish Runic AttackFlames of Anguish Flames of Anguish is dropped by Dreki after defeating it.
Cyclone of Chaos Runic AttackCyclone of Chaos You can pickup this Runic Attack in the Raider Stronghold in the Lake of Nine in Midgard after completing the Animal Instincts favor.
Hades Retribution Runic AttackHades Retribution Hades Retribution can be found inside a Legendary Chest in Alfheim.
Rampage of the Furies Runic AttackRampage of the Furies This runic attack can be found in a Legendary chest located at the Cliffside Ruins in Vanaheim. You gain access to the area when you initiate the 'Freya's Missing Peace' quest, which leads you to an area in Vanaheim called The Vanir Shrine.
Helios Flare Runic AttackHelios Flare You can pick up this Runic attack inside the Legendary Chest after solving the Crane Puzzle in the Abandoned Village in Vanaheim during The Reckoning story line.

Heavy Runic Attacks

Name How to Get
Tame the Beast Runic AttackTame the Beast This runic attack can be found in a Legendary Chest located at the The Gleaming Bale in Helheim.
Atlas Eruption Runic AttackAtlas Eruption This runic attack can be found in a Legendary Chest located at The Forge in Svartalfheim.
Tartarus Rage Runic AttackTartarus Rage You can get this Runic Attack from a Legendary Chest inside the Raider Hideout in the Lake of Nine in Midgard during the Animal Instincts favor.
Nemean Crush Runic AttackNemean Crush This runic attack can be found in a Legendary chest located at The Burrows in Alfheim after freeing the second Hafgufa from Songs of the Sand quest.
Meteoric Slam Runic AttackMeteoric Slam This runic attack can be found in a Legendary chest located at The Raven Tree in Niflheim. The chest can only be accessed when you have killed the necessary amount of ravens.

Draupnir Spear Runic Attacks

Light Runic Attacks

Name How to Get
Huldra Charge Runic AttackHuldra Charge Huldra Charge is dropped after the fight with the two ogres in Svartalfheim, which takes place after obtaining the Draupnir Spear.
Thrust of a Thousand Soldiers Runic AttackThrust of a Thousand Soldiers This runic attackk can be found in a Legendary Chest located at the Shipyard of the Fallen in Helheim.
Mountain Splitter Runic AttackMountain Splitter This runic attack can be obtained as a reward for completing the Spirit of Rebellion favor.
Whisper of the World Runic AttackWhisper of the World This runic attack can be found in a Legendary chest located at the west part of The Jungle in Vanaheim.

Heavy Runic Attacks

Name How to Get
Artillery of the Ancients Runic AttackArtillery of the Ancients This runic attack can be acquired after defeating the two Dreki during The Creatures of Prophecy quest at Freyr's Camp in Vanaheim.
VindsvalrVindsvalr's Windstorm Vindsvalr's Windstorm is dropped by the Flame Phantom you encounter in Muspelheim during The Summoning main quest.
The Finger of Ruin Runic AttackThe Finger of Ruin This runic attack can be found in a Legendary chest located at The Raven Tree in Niflheim. The chest can only be accessed when you have killed the necessary amount of ravens.
Honor the Fallen Runic AttackHonor the Fallen This runic attack can be found in a Legendary chest located at the west part of The Plains in Vanaheim. You gain access to the area when you initiate the 'For Vanaheim' quest, which leads you to an area in Vanaheim called The Crater.

Sword Runic Summons

Name How to Get
Seidr Exhale Runic AttackSeidr Exhale You gain this runic summon when Freya joins your party at the end of The Reckoning.
Steel Harmony Runic AttackSteel Harmony You gain this runic summon when Freya obtains Mardoll at the end of Freya's Missing Peace Favor.
Invoke the Storm Runic AttackInvoke the Storm You gain this runic summon for completing the Freyr's Gift Favor in The Burrows in Alfheim.
The QueenThe Queen's Roar You gain this runic summon for defeating Gna during the Defend Your Valor Favor in Muspelheim.

Bow Runic Summons and Abilities

Name How to Get
Stinging Barrage Runic AttackStinging Barrage You gain this ability at the beginning of the Old Friends questline.
Sharpshooter Stare Runic AttackSharpshooter Stare You gain this ability after defeating the Bergsra Mother in Idi's Sinkhole in Jotunheim during The Lost Sanctuary questline.
Splintered Sigil Runic AttackSplintered Sigil You can pickup this ability from a Legendary Chest in The Plains of Ida, Asgard in The Runaway quest line.
Falling Sky Runic AttackFalling Sky You can pickup this ability from a Legendary Chest in the Docks of Vadgelmir in Helheim in the Unleashing Hel quest line.
Wrath of the Wolf Runic AttackWrath of the Wolf You can pickup this ability from a Legendary Chest in the Docks of Vadgelmir in Helheim in the Unleashing Hel quest line.
FalconsFalcons' Dive You obtain this a drop from one of the Ogres you face with Thor in the Molten Lowlands in Musphelheim in the Into The Fire questline.
Rampaging Ibex Runic AttackRampaging Ibex Found inside a Legendary Chest in the Ironwood in Jotunheim.
Bitter Squirrel Runic AttackBitter Squirrel Found inside a Legendary Chest in the Frozen Caverns in Niflheim in the Unlocking the Mask storyline.

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