God of War Ragnarok (GoW Ragnarok)

Svartalfheim Realm 100% Completion Guide: All Collectibles, Quests, and Regions

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God of War Ragnarok - Svartalfheim Realm Guide

Svartalfheim is one of the nine Realms in God of War Ragnarok (GoW Ragnarok). Read on to see a list of all collectibles, main quests, favors, bosses, and enemies in Svartalfheim.

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Svartalfheim Full Map

Svartalfheim Map

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The home of the Dwarves, where they create masterpieces of weaponry and all sorts of great machinery. Svartalfheim is a beautiful world where nature meets civilization.

All Collectibles in Svartalfheim

All Collectibles Summary

Collectible Total Number
Artifacts 11
Lore 17
Odin's Ravens 13
Nornir Chests 10
Legendary Chests 13
Yggdrasil Rifts 7
Berserker Gravestones 3
Draugr Holes 2
Remnants of Asgard 3
Hel Tears 1
Nine Realms in Bloom 1
Mining Rigs 3
The Weight of Chains 1
The Lost Treasure 2
Spirit of Rebellion 1
A Viking Funeral 1

Click a collectible to jump to its section!

List of All Collectibles

All Artifacts in Svartalfheim

Artifacts are collectible ancient items that have historical value and serve as a glimpse into the past of each of the Nine Realms. Artifacts usually are part of a set and reward you with XP when completed.

Things Left Behind Artifact Set

World View Map View
Artifact: Hreidmar's Brassard
Region: Aurvangar Wetlands
Location: On a body leaning on a rope fence in Aurvangar Wetlands.
Artifact: Bari's Grenade
Region: The Forge
Location: Beside two giant rock faces at the southern part of The Forge
Artifact: Griep's Firebomb
Region: Nidavellir
Location: On the floor in central Nidavellir.
Artifact: Lofnheid's Whetstone
Region: Jarnsmida Pitmines
Location: On the edge of a cliff near the shore overlooking the water in Jarnsmida Pitmines.
Artifact: Althjof's Statue
Region: The Applecore
Location: In a cavern with lots of waterfalls in The Applecore. The artifact is on a wooden platform beside some barrels.
Artifact: Durinn's Stone Statue
Region: The Applecore
Location: In the area after moving past a ledge and opening a steel door in The Applecore. Artifact is on a barrel.

Kvasir's Poems Artifact Set

World View Map View
Artifact: Large Society Ground Orb, The Performance
Region: Nidavellir
Location: In a hay-filled tent by the water in Nidavellir.
Artifact: The Sunrise of Nothingness
Region: Aurvangar Wetlands
Location: On a wooden platform in northeastern Aurvangar Wetlands. You will need to ride the large weight up to the second floor.
Artifact: Tool and Bang
Region: Jarnsmida Pitmines
Location: On the eastern side of the water, beside some wooden debris.
Artifact: We Who Remain, Part the Second
Region: Lyngbakr Island
Location: On a wooden platform in Lyngbakr Island.
Artifact: Sanguinity
Region: The Applecore
Location: Backtrack into The Applecore from the raft at the beginning of Aurvangar Wetlands. The artifact will be next to a corpse along the path.

More artifacts of the Kvasir's Poem Set are located in Alfheim.

All Artifact Locations and How to Get

All Odin's Ravens in Svartalfheim

Odin's Raven can be found as greenish spectres across the Nine Realms. Find and strike these Ravens to acquire them. The more Odin's Ravens you acquire, the more chests you can unlock at the Raven Tree in Niflheim.

World View Map View
Region: Aurvangar Wetlands
Location: On top of a small rocky plateau.
Region: Nidavellir
Location: Perched on a dwarven house close to a watermill.
Region: Radsvinn's Rig
Location: Perched on the hook of a crane near the beach.
Region: The Watchtower
Location: Flying above the Draugr Hole in the Watchtower region.
Region: Lyngbakr Island
Location: Visible from near a chest on Lyngbakr Island. It is sitting on a rocky shore.
Region: Althjof's Rig
Location: Perched on a wooden beam through a gap in the wall in Althjof's Rig.
Region: The Forge
Location: Flying in the sky in The Forge region. After exiting the train, head down and look to your right.
Region: Jarnsmida Pitmines
Location: Flying around northern part of the lake in Jarnsmida Pitmines. Drop down beside the huge wheel with Soundstones.
Region: The Applecore
Location: After reuniting with Atreus, look to your left.
Region: The Forge
Location: Located above a small cliff near The Forge where you made the spear.
Region: Alberich Hollow
Location: Located along the pathway where you fight 2 Nokkens in Alberich Hollow.
Region: Alberich Island
Location: Located flying around after destroying the soundstone blocking the way.
Region: Alberich Island
Location: After crossing the wooden island with an Yggdrasil Rift, climb the small ledge and check your left for a small window.

The Eyes of Odin Quest Guide: How to Find All Raven Locations

All Nornir Chests in Svartalfheim

Nornir Chests are special locked chests that contain either an Idunn Apple, which boosts your health, or a Horn of Blood Mead, which boosts your rage bar. Nornir Chests can only be opened by finding and destroying the runes marked on the chest.

Aurvangar Wetlands Nornir Chest 1

World View Map View
Region: Aurvangar Wetlands
Location: Found in a Nornir Chest in the Aurvangar Wetlands.
・Two runes can easily be seen behind the chest, and to the right of the chest.
・To find the third one, you will need to freeze a nearby geyser, chain grapple up to a higher platform. The third rune will be resting beside a tree.

Aurvangar Wetlands Nornir Chest 2

World View Map View
Region: Aurvangar Wetlands
Location: Found in northwest Aurvangar Wetlands.
・Freeze a nearby geyser to find the first rune and spin it until it matches a rune on the chest.
・From the geyser, turn left towards a bridge-like structure to find the next rune and spin it to match as well.
・Go to the upper level on the opposite side to find the last rune on top of a rocky structure and spin it to match the last rune on the chest.

Dragon Beach Nornir Chest

World View Map View
Region: Dragon Beach
Location: Found on Dragon Beach.
・The first rune will be hidden behind a geyser behind the chest. Freeze the geyser to find it.
・The second rune will be hidden behind another geyser to the right of the chest.
・The third rune will also be hidden behind another geyser close by the second rune.

Alberich Island Nornir Chest

World View Map View
Region: Alberich Island
Location: Found on Alberich Island.
・The first rune is easily found right behind the chest.
・The second rune will be attached to a crane in front of the chest. Instruct Atreus to hit the crane with his bow.
・The third rune is attached to another crane that can be lifted by hitting a spinning wooden panel with your axe.

Radsvinn's Rig Nornir Chest

World View Map View
Region: Radsvinn's Rig
Location: Found at Radsvinn's Rig.
・Light the brazier marked with a rune directly to the left of the chest on fire using the Blades of Chaos.
・Turn right from the chest and cross the gap, and you will find the second brazier marked with a rune between some wooden planks to your left and light it on fire as well.
・To find the last brazier, turn around from the chest and you will see it behind a cage-like structure beside an explosive pot. Grapple up to the upper level and use the Leviathan Axe to make the pot explode and light the last brazier on fire.

Jarnsmida Pitmines Nornir Chest

World View Map View
Region: Jarnsmida Pitmines
Location: Found in the Jarnsmida Pitmines.
・Light the brazier marked with a rune directly to the left of the chest on fire using the Blades of Chaos.
・Turn left and go down to the lower level, and turn left again to find the next brazier. Take note of its location.
・From the second brazier, turn left and swing across the gap to find the final brazier and light it on fire.
・Go back across the gap to the second brazier and use the Leviathan Axe to freeze the water pouring on it from above, then light it on fire.

The Forge Nornir Chest

World View Map View
Region: The Forge
Location: Found close to the starting point, after getting off the train.
・You will need the Draupnir Spear for this. Throw the spear into three rune idols and trigger it to unlock the chest.
・The first rune will be to the left of the chest, on some rocks.
・The second rune will be on a small rocky mountain behind the chest.
・The third rune will be back along the path you came from, on a rock with collapsed train carriages.

Myrkr Tunnels Nornir Chest

World View Map View
Region: Myrkr Tunnels
Location: Seen along the main path in Myrkr Tunnels, after getting out of a crawl space from the room with water troughs.
・The first rune is on a brazier to the left of the chest. Hit the oil barrel to spill oil, and use the Blades of Chaos to set the area on fire.
・The second rune is on a brazier directly in front of the chest. Use your Blades of Chaos to light this one.
・The third rune is in one of the alcoves of the hallway you came from. Break the crates blocking the alcove and light the brazier.

The Applecore Nornir Chest 1

World View Map View
Region: The Applecore
Location: Found in The Applecore. Re-enter this area from the raft at the beginning of Aurvangar Wetlands. The Draupnir Spear is required to unlock this chest.
・Throw the spear into the wall to get up to where this chest is.
・You must hit three rune idols with the spear, then detonate all of them at the same time to unlock the chest.
・The first rune and the second rune are suspended on wooden platforms across the gap.
・The third rune is found by climbing up two ledges, then turning around.

The Applecore Nornir Chest 2

World View Map View
Region: The Applecore
Location: Found in The Applecore. Re-enter this area from the raft at the beginning of Aurvangar Wetlands. The Draupnir Spear is required to unlock this chest. This chest is found deeper into The Applecore, behind some golden barriers you have to destroy by hitting the flammable pot behind it.
・You must hit three rune idols with the spear, then detonate all of them at the same time to unlock the chest.
・The first rune is located to the southeast across the gap, behind a waterfall.
・The second rune is located just around the corner in a hallway.
・The third rune is located a bit to the west, behind some golden barriers you will need to explode.

All Nornir Chest (Rune Chests) Locations and How to Get

All Legendary Chests in Svartalfheim

Legendary Chests are collectible items that contain various valuable items, like weapon attachments, Relics, new Runic attacks, and more.

Aurvangar Wetlands Legendary Chest

World View Map View
Location: On a wooden platform overlooking the river. This area can be found in the northwestern part of Aurvangar Wetlands
Rewards: Deadly Obsidian Handles

Modvitnir's Rig Legendary Chest

World View Map View
Location: At the northern part of Modvitnir's Rig, on a platform overlooking the lake.
Rewards: Muspelheim Seed Half

Althjof's Rig Legendary Chest

World View Map View
Location: In Althjof's Rig, which can be found on the western side of Bay of Bounty.
Rewards: Njord's Tempest

Jarnsmida Pitmines Legendary Chest

World View Map View
Location: Found on the southeastern part of Jarnsmida Pitmines.
Rewards: Pommels of the Undying Spark

The Applecore Legendary Chest

World View Map View
Location: Tucked in a small alcove in The Applecore.
Rewards: Fortified Frost Knob

Myrkr Tunnels Legendary Chest

World View Map View
Location: Can be found in the Myrkr Tunnels.
Rewards: Fog of Fimbulwinter

The Forge Legendary Chest

World View Map View
Location: Can be found in The Forge region.
Rewards: Atlas Eruption

All Legendary Chest Locations and How to Get

All Main Story Quests in Svartalfheim

Chapter Summary
Ragnarok - The Quest for TyrThe Quest for Tyr The trio travels to Svartalfheim believing Tyr is still alive, locked up in a mine somewhere in the realm.
Ragnarok - Forging DestinyForging Destiny The Norns spoke of the fate of Atreus in the hands of Heimdall, which Kratos plans to stop by forging a unique weapon.

Main Quests Walkthrough: List of All Chapters

All Favors in Svartalfheim

Chapter Summary
In Service To Asgard Kratos shuts down the mining rigs built by Mimir when he was in Service to Odin.
A Viking Funeral -
The Lost Treasure -
Spirit of Rebellion -
The Weight of Chains -

List of All Favors (Side Quests)

All Bosses in Svartalfheim

List of Bosses

Boss Type & Location
DrekiDreki Main Story Boss
The Dreki is encountered in the swamp near The Forge during The Quest for Tyr.
The HatefulThe Hateful Optional Boss
The Hateful are optional bosses located in Draugr Holes found across multiple Realms.

List of Bosses

All Enemies in Svartalfheim

List of Enemies

This section is still under construction!

Beastiary Guide: List of All Enemies

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All Realms and Regions

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