God of War Ragnarok (GoW Ragnarok)

List of All Weapons

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God of War Ragnarok - All Weapons

Kratos has several weapons he can use in God of War Ragnarok (GoW Ragnarok), including the Leviathan Axe, Blades of Chaos, and Guardian Shield. Read on to see a full list of all weapons available in God of War Ragnarok.

List of All Weapons

All Weapons
Leviathan AxeLeviathan Axe Blades of ChaosBlades of Chaos Talon BowTalon Bow
Guardian ShieldGuardian Shield Guardian ShieldStonewall Shield Guardian ShieldDauntless Shield
Talon BowJotnar Bow Talon BowAesir Bow Draupnir SpearDraupnir Spear
ThrungvaThrungva ThrungvaMardoll Spartan Rage.pngSpartan Rage

Select a weapon to jump to its section.

Leviathan Axe

Ragnarok - Leviathan Axe Leviathan Axe Basic Information
Wielder: Kratos
Base Level: Level 1
Base Stats:
・10 Strength
・Element: Ice
Forged by the Huldra Brothers, this heroic Axe, with all its glacial force, was once wielded by Laufey the Just.

The Leviathan Axe is Kratos' main weapon and is a powerful melee weapon that hits hard but can also be thrown. The Leviathan Axe always returns to Kratos' hand after being thrown.

Leviathan Axe: Upgrades, Weapon Skills and Attachments

Blades of Chaos

Ragnarok - Blades of Chaos Blades of Chaos Basic Information
Wielder: Kratos
Base Level: Level 1
Base Stats:
・10 Runic
・Element: Fire
The depths of the Grecian Underworld have granted these Blades an undying flame that reignites recollections of Kratos' past.

The Blades of Chaos are Kratos' iconic weapon and are used to attack multiple enemies at once, launch them into the air, and pull them toward you.

Blades of Chaos: Weapon Skills and Attachments

Talon Bow

Ragnarok - Talon Bow.jpg Talon Bow Basic Information
Wielder: Atreus
Base Level: Level 1
Base Stats: N/A
Atreus' bow, made out of a yew tree by Atreus' mother. He has finally grown into it.
Hunter's Insight I
Increased Stun from Melee Attacks and bow shots.

Regular Arrows are fired normally.

The Talon Bow is Atreus' main weapon and can be used to attack from afar, and solve environmental puzzles.

Talon Bow: Upgrades and Skills

Guardian Shield

Ragnarok - Guardian Shield Guardian Shield Basic Information
Wielder: Kratos
Base Level: Level 1
Base Stats:
・10 Defense
A shield fit for a balance of defensive options
A shield gifted to Kratos by his beloved wife Laufey. Wielded by the Just..

Kratos' standard shield from the first game, the Guardian Shield is an all-rounder that can defend and parry and will suit any kind of playstyle.

Guardian Shield: Weapon Skills and Attachments

Stonewall Shield

Ragnarok - Stone Wall Shield Stone Wall Shield Basic Information
Wielder: Kratos
Base Level: Level 1
Base Stats:
・10 Defense
A shield molded after the great wall in Asgard built by the giant Hrimthur. Protect the realms.
Double tap Block to Shield Slam, launching enemies when fully charged. Block atttacks to absorb the hit and build up charge.

The Stonewall Shield is a heavier shield that prioritizes defense and can be used to knock enemies away with AoE attacks.

Stone Wall Shield: Upgrades, Attachments, and Skills

Dauntless Shield

Ragnarok - Dauntless Shield Dauntless Shield Basic Information
Wielder: Kratos
Base Level: Level 1
Base Stats:
・10 Defense
A shield crafted for a warrior focused on their foe's intentions. Not for the faint of heart.
Double tap Block to Shield Bash for high Stun damage.

Parry (Press Block right before getting hit) to deal Stun to the attacker and empower your next Shield Bash. Time the Parry perfectly to significantly improve this effect.

The Dauntless Shield favors an aggressive playstyle and specializes in parrying enemy attacks to initiate easy counterattacks.

Dauntless Shield: Upgrades, Attachments, and Skills

Jotnar Bow

Ragnarok - Jotnar Bow.jpg Jotnar Bow Basic Information
Wielder: Atreus
Base Level: Level 1
Base Stats: N/A
A bow worthy of a Jotnar champion, but fit for Atreus.
Warrior's Instinct I
Increased status damage from Runic Arrows.

Regular Arrows are fired in a spread.

The Jotnar Bow is one of the two new bows that Atreus can utilize in combat. The Jotnar Bow amplifies status damage and converts its attack pattern to cover a wider area.

Jotnar Bow: Upgrades and Skills

Aesir Bow

Ragnarok - Aesir Bow.jpg Aesir Bow Basic Information
Wielder: Atreus
Base Level: Level 1
Base Stats: N/A
A bow fit for a prince of Asgard.
Ranger's Resolve I
Bow Abilities and Runic Summons have reduced cooldowns.

Regular Arrows are fired in a burst.

The Aesir Bow is the other one of the two new bows that Atreus can utilize in combat. This bow amplifies abilities by lowering their cooldowns.

Aesir Bow: Upgrades and Skills

Draupnir Spear

Draupnir Spear Draupnir Spear Basic Information
Wielder: Kratos
Base Level: Level 5
Base Stats:
・10 Luck
・Element: Wind
The Ladyt of the Forge has crafted a Spear that harbors the powers of duplication and the wind's concussive force. Blessed by Brok, it is now fit for a god.

The Draupnir Spear is a new addition to Kratos' arsenal as he battles against the Norse pantheon. This weapon also acts an homage to Kratos' past as a hoplite in the Greek army.

Draupnir Spear: Upgrades, Weapon Skills and Attachments


Thrungva Thrungva Basic Information
Wielder: Freya
Base Level: Level 1
Base Stats: N/A
Freya's personal sword - a weapon of war and a locus of Vanir magic.
Melee Attacks strike with heft and inflict Stun on enemies.

Thrungva is Freya's weapon of choice when she aids you in combat. This weapon is useful for crowd control as it can inflict Stun much like Atreus' Talon Bow.

Thrungva: Upgrades and Skills


Mardoll Mardoll Basic Information
Wielder: Freya
Base Level: Level 1
Base Stats: N/A
A sword commissioned by Odin and gifted to Freya on their wedding day.
Melee Attacks strike with speed and inflict Bifrost on enemies.

This sword was forged to commemorate the union of the Vanir Queen of the Valkyries and the Aesir All-Father. Now this weapon will aid in the destruction of Asgard to fulfill Ragnarok.

Mardoll: Upgrades and Skills

Spartan Rage

Spartan Rage.png Spartan Rage
Spartan Rage is a unique ability that Kratos possesses as the God of War. This ability allows him to tap into a primal rage that heightens his destructive power as well as speed up his regenerative abilites.
Mode Description
FURY Press L3 + R3 to enter a state of Rage and use the Attack buttons to unleash on enemies. Each attack heals a small amount. Exit this state by using the command again.
VALOR Press L3 + R3 to consume a chunk of Spartan Rage and gain a moderate burst of Health. Time it right before being hit to negate the incoming attack, gain an additional burst of healing and grant a Melee Attack bonus
WRATH Press L3 + R3 to consume a chunk of Spartan Rage and charge down an enemy with your curent weapon, dealing a large amount of damage with additional weapon effects. Killing the enemy heals a small amount.

Unleash the full power of the God of War with Spartan Rage! This ability allows Kratos to tap into a state of Rage amplifying both his offensive and regenarative abilities.

Spartan Rage: Upgrades and Information

God of War Ragnarok (GoW Ragnarok) Related Guides

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