God of War Ragnarok (GoW Ragnarok)

Tyr Voice Actor and Backstory

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God of War Ragnarok - Tyr Story Role and Character Information
Tyr is the Aesir God of War in God of War Ragnarok (GoW Ragnarok), and is the son of Odin and brother to Thor and Baldur. Read on to learn more about Tyr's background, voice actor, as well as his role in the story of Ragnarok!

Tyr Overview

General Information

Aliases God of War (Aesir)
God of Law, Justice, and Honor
Voice Actor Ben Prendergast
Gender Male
Race God (God of War)

Background Information

Tyr is the Norse God of War, Law, Justice, and Honor – he is of Aesir descent, hailing from the same realms as the like of Baldur and Odin.

Unlike the titular God of War, Kratos, Tyr generally strives to achieve peace and prosperity amongst all of the different races scattered in the different realms along the Yggdrasil.

Tyr Story Role

Norse God of War

God of War Ragnarok - Norse God of War
For many years priot to the beginning of the game God of War 2018, Tyr would serve as the God of War to many cultures that worshipped the pantheon of the Aesir Gods that managed the lands of Midgard. Tyr is generally well regarded by people, known for his peaceful ethics and attemps at generating peaceful settlements between warring parties.

As Mimir recounts, Tyr was very well known for trying to broker a peace between his kind and the Jotnar, who were generally regarded as the mortal enemies of the Aesir.


God of War Ragnarok - Imprisonment
Due to his growing popularity and power amongst the people, it is suspected that Odin grew jealous of Tyr's fame and sought to subvert it before Tyr could betray Odin (as he suspiciously believed in his paranoia). Tyr would disappear from public life soon afterwards, with many whispers recounting his possible death throughout much of God of War 2018.

However, in both the 2021 Reveal Trailer and the 2022 Story Trailer, it is revealed that Tyr is very much alive and well – imprisoned in some unnamed prison, possibly by Odin.

Potential Ally

God of War Ragnarok - Potential Ally
Although it is unlikely that Tyr would help Kratos and Atreus given his nature, it is possible still that Tyr will be an ally to the pair as they seek to subvert Asgard and the Aesir's cruel hold over the realms. This is evidenced by the fact that Tyr helped the Jotnar hide the gate to Jotunheim with Faye, who in turn would become Kratos' wife.

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MimirMimir BrokBrok SindriSindri
AngrbodaAngrboda DurlinDurlin TyrTyr


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