God of War Ragnarok (GoW Ragnarok)

All Artifact Locations and How to Get

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God of War Ragnarok - All Artifacts

Artifacts are collectibles in God of War Ragnarok (GoW Ragnarok) that are part of a set and reward you with XP. Read on to see the full list of all 38 Artifacts and their locations, and how to get The Curator achievement and trophy for collecting all Artifacts.

All Midgard Artifacts

Artifact Sets
Stolen Treasures Kvasir's Poems

Stolen Treasures

World View Map View
Artifact: Lyre
Region: The Derelict Outpost
Location: Found in the lower areas of The Derelict Outpost. After crossing the second chasm with your Blades grapple, find a place to jump down.
Artifact: Fert
Region: Shores of Nine
Location: Found in a building directly north of Tyr's Temple. Grapple up the front of the building to find this artifact.
Artifact: Ankh
Region: The Oarsmen
Location: Enter The Oarsmen region, climb up the wall next to the Nornir chest, and find a large chain to pull. Then, go down the stairs and find a small nook, where the artifact is waiting.
Artifact: Kila
Region: Lake of Nine
Location: On the way to the Raider Hideout, there will be a small flight of stairs leading up to the indicated point. Go up the stairs to find the artifact.
Artifact: Janbiya
Region: Lake of Nine
Location: At the northeastern part of Tyr's Temple, there is a small nook that is covered by icicles. Break these icicles and enter the nook to find the artifact.
Artifact: Maya
Region: Lake of Nine
Location: This artifact will be on a small ledge under the bridge of Tyr's Temple.

Kvasir's Poems

World View Map View
Artifact: The Dead Do Not Ride
Region: The Oarsmen
Location: After pulling the large chain is The Oarsmen, climb up the wall beside the Nornir chest once again. You will find the artifact there.

All Svartalfheim Artifacts

Artifact Sets
Things Left Behind Kvasir's Poems

Things Left Behind

World View Map View
Artifact: Hreidmar's Brassard
Region: Aurvangar Wetlands
Location: On a body leaning on a rope fence in Aurvangar Wetlands.
Artifact: Bari's Grenade
Region: The Forge
Location: Beside two giant rock faces at the southern part of The Forge
Artifact: Griep's Firebomb
Region: Nidavellir
Location: On the floor in central Nidavellir.
Artifact: Lofnheid's Whetstone
Region: Jarnsmida Pitmines
Location: On the edge of a cliff near the shore overlooking the water in Jarnsmida Pitmines.
Artifact: Althjof's Statue
Region: The Applecore
Location: In a cavern with lots of waterfalls in The Applecore. The artifact is on a wooden platform beside some barrels.
Artifact: Durinn's Stone Statue
Region: The Applecore
Location: In the area after moving past a ledge and opening a steel door in The Applecore. Artifact is on a barrel.

Kvasir's Poems

World View Map View
Artifact: Large Society Ground Orb, The Performance
Region: Nidavellir
Location: In a hay-filled tent by the water in Nidavellir.
Artifact: The Sunrise of Nothingness
Region: Aurvangar Wetlands
Location: On a wooden platform in northeastern Aurvangar Wetlands. You will need to ride the large weight up to the second floor.
Artifact: Tool and Bang
Region: Jarnsmida Pitmines
Location: On the eastern side of the water, beside some wooden debris.
Artifact: We Who Remain, Part the Second
Region: Lyngbakr Island
Location: On a wooden platform in Lyngbakr Island.
Artifact: Sanguinity
Region: The Applecore
Location: Backtrack into The Applecore from the raft at the beginning of Aurvangar Wetlands. The artifact will be next to a corpse along the path.

All Alfheim Artifacts

Artifact Sets
Kvasir's Poems Tributes To Freyr

Kvasir's Poems

World View Map View
Artifact: Spirits Within Walls
Region: Temple of Light
Location: On a table in one of the rooms in the Temple of Light.
Artifact: Visions After Rest
Region: Temple of Light
Location: On a ledge overlooking the area in Temple of Light.
Artifact: Afterlife Abandonment
Region: The Strond
Location: When starting to head towards The Strond, jump down a ledge to your left. The artifact will be in a cave next to a Legendary Chest.
Artifact: Celestial Construct
Region: The Barrens
Location: Jump into the mouth of the huge skeleton west of The Barrens. The artifact will be at the end.
Artifact: Trip
Region: The Forbidden Sands
Location: This artifact will be on the second floor of a small tower near the entrance to The Forbidden Sands. To access this area, you must progress through the Secret of the Sands favor in The Barrens.

Tributes To Freyr

World View Map View
Artifact: Dream Charm
Region: The Strond
Location: Right next to a Nornir Chest in The Strond
Artifact: Harp
Region: The Barrens
Location: The artifact will be in a cave accessed through a small entrance on the cliff wall south of The Barrens.
Artifact: Horn
Region: The Barrens
Location: The Horn will be in a building at the north part of The Barrens.
Artifact: Bracelet
Region: The Forbidden Sands
Location: Found next to the huge door of the Elven Sanctum at the northeaster part of The Forbidden Sands. To access this area, you must progress through the Secret of the Sands favor in The Barrens.
Artifact: Token
Region: The Forbidden Sands
Location: Found at the northern part of The Forbidden Sands. To access this area, you must progress through the Secret of the Sands favor in The Barrens.
Artifact: Pipe
Region: The Burrows
Location: Found in The Burrows, on the way out of the cave, after freeing the second Hafgufa.

All Vanaheim Artifacts

Artifact Sets
Kvasir's Poems Family Crests

Kvasir's Poems

World View Map View
Artifact: An Organization: In The Future
Region: The Jungle
Location: At the southwest part of The Crater region, a hidden area in Vanaheim. Complete the Scent of Survival favor to access this region. The path to the artifact is open only at night.
Artifact: Upon Pursuing A Place Not Marked On Maps
Region: The Southern Wilds
Location: Found hidden under a breakable stone floor in The Southern Wilds. You can only reach this area at night, when you've acquired the ability to change the time of day.
Artifact: Eastern Specter
Region: The Sinkholes
Location: Found at the southwestern part of The Sinkholes in The Crater region, a hidden area in Vanaheim. Complete the Scent of Survival favor to access this region.

Family Crests

World View Map View
Artifact: Kvasir's Crest
Region: The Veiled Passage
Location: Found at the northern part of The Veiled Passage. It is behind a wooden barrier.
Artifact: Hylli's Crest
Region: Vanir Shrine
Location: Found at the northern part of Vanir Shrine.
Artifact: Skirnir's Crest
Region: Freyr’s Camp
Location: Found close to the portal in Freyr's Camp.
Artifact: Odin's Crest
Region: River Delta
Location: Found inside a cave found while riding your boat under the large tree marked in the map. The artifact is on the ground, close to the shore.
Artifact: Freya's Crest
Region: River Delta
Location: Found right behind the River Delta portal.
Artifact: Hoenir's Crest
Region: Noatun’s Garden
Location: Found in Noatun's Garden. Disable a poison plant with your axe to reach this artifact.

Rewards for Obtaining All Artifacts

The Curator Trophy

bronze trophy.pngBronze The Curator
Collect all of the Artifacts
All Artifact Locations

Artifacts are collectible ancient items that have historical value and serve as a glimpse into the past of each of the Nine Realms. Artifacts usually are part of a set and reward you with XP when completed. Acquiring all the Artifacts in the Nine Realms Awards you with the Curator Trophy.

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All Artifacts By Set

All Artifacts By Set
Stolen Treasures Kvasir's Poems Things Left Behind
Tributes To Freyr Family Crests -


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