God of War Ragnarok (GoW Ragnarok)

Hunting for Solace Quest Walkthrough

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God of War Ragnarok - Hunting for Solace Walkthrough

Hunting for Solace is the fifteenth chapter of God of War Ragnarok's (GoW Ragnarok) main story. Read on for a detailed walkthrough, list of rewards, as well as tips for completion!

Previous Quest Next Quest
Ragnarok - Unlocking the MaskUnlocking the Mask Ragnarok - The SummoningThe Summoning

Hunting for Solace Walkthrough

Hunting for Solace Objectives

Ragnarok placeholder quest iconHunt with Atreus
Ragnarok placeholder quest iconFind Sindri
Ragnarok placeholder quest iconReturn home and prepare for war

Hunting for Solace Quest Rewards

10000 Kratos XP 5000 Atreus XP

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