God of War Ragnarok (GoW Ragnarok)

Best Settings for Graphics and Performance

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The best graphics and performance settings for PS4 & PS5 for God of War: Ragnarok, including HUD and accessibility options.

Best Graphics & Performance Settings

PS5 Graphics Settings

Quality Modes

Mode Preference Performance
Favor Quality ・ 2160P [Native 4k]
・ 30 FPS Target
Favor Quality + HFR ・ 1800 - 2160P
・ 40 FPS Target
Favor Quality + HFR and VFR ・ 1800 - 2160P
・ Unlocked 40 FPS

Favor Quality will provide the most visually impressive God of War Ragnarok experience with a 4k monitor. The higher frame rate variants will sacrifice bits of graphical fidelity for frame rate, and there may be some noticible blur in comparison to Favor Quality.

Performance Modes

Mode Preference Performance
Favor Performance ・ 1440 - 2160
・ 60 FPS Target
Favor Performance + HFR ・ 1440P
・ Unlocked 60 FPS
Favor Performance + HFR and VFR ・ 1440P
・ Unlocked 60 FPS

Favor Performance + HFR will provide a smooth 120 FPS experience so long as your monitor/TV can support it. Otherwise Favor Performance is your best bet for a hiccup free play through.

Note : HFR = High Frame Rate, VRR = Variable Refresh Rate

PS4 Graphics Settings

Mode Preference Performance
Favor Performance (PS4 Pro) ・ 1080 - 1656P
・ Unlocked 30 FPS
Favor Quality (PS4 Pro) ・ 1440 - 1656P
・ 30 FPS
Standard PS4 ・ 1080P
・ 30 FPS Target

Best Gameplay Settings

Keep the Subtitles on

We recommend keeping the Subtitles on not only to keep track of the story but there may also be bits of dialouge that go unheard as Kratos tears his way through the 9 realms.

Change Subtitle Settings

Players can alter the size of the subtitles as well as change its color. If the Subtitles are too small, players can make the bigger. There are also cases of the of the default white subtitle color, blending into the snowy background. Change the subtitle colors into one that contrasts with the background.

Turn on Navigation Assist

When pressing R3 (PS4 - R3 Button.png) Navigation Assist will orient the camera to the direction of the selected objective.

Lessen Motion Controls

Those with motion sickness can play around with God of War Ragnarok's Motion Reduction options. They can take away camera shaking and motion blur, among many others.

Remap Buttons if Needed

All of the buttons can be remapped in both the PS4 & PS5 version of God of War Ragnarok. Keep your gameplay experience tailored to you by chaning any controls you find difficult to get used to.

All Settings & Accessibility Options

All Settings
Accessibility Options Alternative Controls Hold and Presses
Combat Assistance Subtitles and Caption Options Visual Aids
Motion Reduction Navigation and Traversal Audio Cues
Audio Aids HUD Settings Difficulty Settings

Accessibility Options

Preset Effect
Vision Accessibility Apply a pre-selected range of options for players who have low vision.
Hearing Accessibility Apply a pre-selected range of options for players who are deaf or hard of hearing.
Motion Reduction Apply a pre-selected range of options for players with motion sensitivity to quick motions or handheld camera movements..
Apply Motor Accessibility Apply a pre-selected range of options for players with a physical or mobility disability.
Changed Setting Indicator Settings that are changed from their default value will be indicated with a blue color to allow for faster identification of settings that have been adjusted.

Alternative Controls

Controller Adjustments Effects
Control Customize Remap and customize all controls.
Control Scheme Remap and customize all controls.
Controller Vibration Adjust the intensity of controller vibrations.
Touchpad Button Change the functionality of the Touch Pad Button entry into menus.
Touchpad Swipe Shortcuts Map key actions to any of four swipe directions. All swipes work in addition to their main input.
Stick Movement Choose default to set the character movement to left stick and camera movement to right stick or inverted to switch them.
Climbing Movement When enabled, this setting changes the way a player interacts with vertical traversals such as crack climbs.
Quick Turn Activate Quick Turn to rotate the camera 180 degrees to face behind you.
Spartan Rage Choose the button configuration to activate Spartan Rage. Also available as a Touchpad Swipe Shortcut.
Stun Grab Press Lock-On (R3), Hold Interact (Circle), Move Stick.
Skills Navigation Change the method of moving within the Skills Tree menu between [Left Stick], free cursor, and directional buttons.
Weapon Sheathing hoose how to sheathe weapons.

Hold and Presses

Setting Options Effect
Repeated Button Presses Complete multi-press actions by either rapidly tapping or holding down the prompted button.
Block Style Change the input method of blocking.
Aiming style Change the input method for aiming.
Evade Style Change the input method for evade.
Neutral Evade se the Evade Button [O] to evade backwards when a direction is not pressed.
Evade Assist Provides increased immunity while evading.
Sprint Select an input style for Sprint. Press and Hold inputs can be remapped.
Delay Auto Sprint Adjust the amount of time before Auto Sprint activates.
Menu Holds Adjusts the time a button must be pressed in a menu to complete Hold Actions like crafting or spending XP.

Combat Assistance

Setting Options Effect
Aim Assist When aiming, this feature guides the camera with momentary strafe assist and target friction.
Puzzle Aim Assist Snap the aim reticle to a nearby puzzle target when aiming.
Lock-On Camera Use the Lock-On Button to activate, use the Move Stick to switch targets.
Strafe Assist Camera will automatically track groups of enemies when strafing.
Motion Sensor Function Enable motion sensor controller movement to control the camera while aiming.
Puzzle Timing Give you more time to complete puzzles in the environment.
Horizontal and Vertical Speed Adjust the speed the camera turns with movements for Motion Sensor Function Aiming
Acceleration While aiming, faster speeds detected by the Motion Sensor Function will increase camera movement.
Reduce Small Motions While aiming, camera movements will be reduced if the controller is rotating slower than this speed (Degrees per Second) with Motion Sensor Function Aiming enabled.
Mini-Game Style Change the method used to complete precision mini games.
Miniboss Checkpoints When you are killed by miniboss, restarting the fight will respawn it with reduced health if it was damaged below a certain percentage before player death.
Auto Equip Feature This feature will prioritize equipment that gives Kratos the largest Power Level increase, sorted by the selected stat.
Auto Pick-Up Pick up various items from the ground automatically on approach.
Recenter Camera on Attack Camera will automatically move behind the player when using melee attacks.

Subtitles and Caption Options

Subtitle Options Effect
Subtitles Enables subtitles for spoken dialogue.
Subtitle and caption blur Blur the background behind subtitles and captions to improve their readability.
Subtitle and caption background Enables a dark background behind subtitles to improve legibility.
Direction indicators nables an arrow next to subtitles indicating the screen-relative direction of the sound for both spoken dialogue and non-speech audio.
Speaker names Displays the name of the speaker with the subtitle.
Caption color Select a color for non-speech audio captions.
Speaker color When the Speaker Names feature is enabled, this displays the name with a unique color.
Subtitle color Select a color for spoken dialogue subtitles.
Captions Enable the display of non-speech audio and descriptions as captions.
Subtitle and caption size Adjust the size of subtitle and caption text.

Visual Aids

Setting Options Effect
Icon size Where possible, increase (or decrease) the size of in-world button icons, sub prompts, enemy health bars, map icons, and lock-on aim indicators.
UI Text Size Increase the size of UI text for easier reading.
UI color correction Choose a set of colors to apply to critical in-world UI elements, for example Block Break or Unblockable rings.
Axe Reflect Visual Display an arc reflecting off of certain puzzle surfaces to show the path of an axe bounce.
Filter strength Adjust the intensity of the applied full screen color filters.
Visualization contrast Change the opacity of the controller visualization.
High Contrast HUD Add a dark contrasting backing to UI elements.
High Contrast Cinematics Select if High Contrast Colors should be shown while in a cinematic moment.
Reduce flashing Reduce flashing from moments that have full screen flash effects.
Individual color selectors Assign individual colors to any combination of categories to create a customized High Contrast mode.
Color filter Apply a full screen filter to in-game objects using color shifting to reduce the use of certain color spectrums.
Controller visualization Enable the display of an on-screen controller image and inputs while in gameplay.
High Contrast Display Preset Choose a High Contrast Preset to apply a preselected palette of colors to a number of categories at once or use the options below to set categories individually.

Motion Reduction

Setting Options Effect
Camera shake Adjust the intensity of short, high-frequency, and sudden camera movements. These movements usually occur in combat.
Ambient camera sway Set the intensity of slow, handheld, and other looping camera movement in gameplay. These movements usually occur while idling or traversing.
Motion blur Adjust the intensity of the Motion Blur effect.
Film Grain Set the amount of Film Grain applied.
Persistent center dot Display a persistent reticle in the center of the screen with a variety of size options.
Persistent center dot color Adjust the color of the Persistent Center Dot.
Cinematic smoothing Smooth out camera movement to reduce shake and sway from handheld camera motion during cinematics.

Navigation and Traversal

Setting Options Effect
Navigation assist Press Lock-on Button to orient the camera in the direction of your current story or map selected objective while not in combat.
Traversal assist Traverse objects and obstacles using only the move stick, reducing the number of button presses required for vaulting and climbing.

Audio Cues

Setting Options Effect
Audio Cues Plays additional sounds that correspond to various combat and traversal actions.
Screen Reader Enables narration of selection of on-screen text (English only).

Audio Aids

Setting Options Effects
Global Adjust the top volume of all game sounds.
Effects Adjust the volume of sound effects.
Dialogue Adjust the volume of spoken dialogue.
Music Adjust the volume of music.
Controller speaker Adjust the volume of controller speaker.
Accessibility audio cues Adjust the volume of Accessibility Audio Cues.
Screen Reader volume Adjust the volume of text-to-speech narration (English only).
Audio Cue glossary Browse and listen to various audio cues that appear throughout gameplay.
Audio panning Adjust the left/right panning of audio.
Center pan dialogue All Character dialogue will play through the center audio channel when enabled
Voice boost Adjust the audio mix to increase the clarity of character dialogue.
Mono-Audio system integrated support Automatically detect the use of Mono-Audio from PlayStation settings and apply in game.

HUD Settings

HUD Options Effects
Compass Display the Compass at the top of the screen.
Enemy Health Bars Display an element above enemy heads that indicates their level, heath, stun, and status effects.
Boss Health Bars Display a Boss Health Bar at the top of the screen when in Boss or Miniboss combat.
Enemy Off-screen indicator Show an indicator around Kratos that lights up and points to indicate the direction/type of incoming attack.
Combat HUD Show health, rage, or other combat related elements on the HUD.
Gameplay notifications Allow general game information like pickups, quests, and unlocks to show in the HUD.
Aim Reticle Show an on-screen indication of where the player is aiming with a reticle.

Difficulty Settings

Setting Options Effect
Challenge Adjust the overall combat difficulty of the game.
Lessons Learned Codex Review tips and lessons in the codex at any time, including information on combat, exploration, and new game mechanics.

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Tips and Tricks

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Exploration & Collectibles
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Full Gulfa Trophy Guide: All Hafgufas Locations
Story & Progression
How to Get the Secret Ending How to Unlock the Compass
Bugs and Fixes
How to get Unstuck: Old Friends Bug Fix Tavern Glitch: How to Fix the Dwarf Bug


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