God of War Ragnarok (GoW Ragnarok)

List of All Skills and Skill Trees

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God of War Ragnarok - List of All Skills
This is a list of all Skills for each Skill Tree in God of War Ragnarok (GoW Ragnarok). Learn about all Skills, as well as their required Weapons and Levels!

List of All Skill Trees

Leviathan Axe Skill Tree

Skill Info XP Cost
Axe Throw Aim and Press Light Attack to quickly throw the Leviathan Axe forward. Can cause a more severe reaction when striking an enemy in the head or legs. N/A
Weapon LV: 1
Evasive Storm While evading, hold L back and press Light Attack to perform a quick boomerang throw. 500 XP
Weapon LV: 1
Extinguish Flames Axe Melee Attacks against Burning enemies deal bonus damage. 250 XP
Weapon LV: 1
Freezing Throw I Aim and Press Heavy Attack to throw the Leviathan Axe with force. Can freeze weaker enemies for a short duration. N/A
Weapon LV: 1
Freezing Throw II Aim and Hold Heavy Attack to charge up the Leviathan Axe to add a Frost explosion to Freezing Throw on impact. 750 XP
Weapon LV: 1
Frost Awaken I Hold Ability button to imbue the Leviathan Axe with ice and power up the next Melee or Ranged Attack with high Frost. N/A
Weapon LV: 1
Frost Rush While sprinting, press Light Attack to perform a leaping slash attack. N/A
Weapon LV: 1
Frozen Breach Press Light Attack during Frost Awaken to do a wide swing and apply Frost to nearby enemies. N/A
Weapon LV: 1
Frozen Spike Aim and Press LIght Attack during Frost Awaken to quickly throw the Leviathan Axe and create a Frost explosion on impact. N/A
Weapon LV: 1
Glacial Rake Hold Light Attack to drag the Axe through the ground and rip out ice shards that travel forward and strike repeatedly with high Frost. 750 XP
Weapon LV: 1
Leviathan's Fury While sprinting, press Heavy Attack to perform a massive leap attack appliying Frost. N/A
Weapon LV: 1
Vengeful Sickle I Aim and Hold Light Attack to charge up the Leviathan Axe, causing it to spin and slice for multiple hits against an enemy when thrown. 500 XP
Weapon LV: 1
Whirling Storm While evading, hold L forward and press Light Attack to perform a quick spinning double slash. 500 XP
Weapon LV: 1
Frozen Ascent Press Heavy Attack during Frost Awaken to slash upwards with a chilling wave to Launch enemies in an area and apply high Frost. 750 XP
Weapon LV: 2
Permafrost Perform Melee Attacks in succession without sustaining damage to power up the Leviathan Axe and inflict Frost damage on every hit. 500 XP
Weapon LV: 2
Serpent's Snare Hold Heavy Attack for a brutal Axe attack that throws the enemy to apply massive damage. Weaker foes are thrown to create an explosion of Frost on impact that launches other nearby enemies. 1000 XP
Weapon LV: 2
Vengeful Sickle II Increases the duration and damage of Vengeful Sickle 1500 XP
Weapon LV: 2
Frozen Lance Aim and press Heavy Attack during Frost Awaken to throw the Leviathan Axe with extreme force, knocking the target backwards. Deals very high damage and Frost, and can break an enemy's guard. 1000 XP
Weapon LV: 3
Glacial Permafrost While Permafrost is active press Block + Ability to consume the meter and activate.Enhances all Leviathan Axe Melee Attacks with far reaching waves of Frost for a duration. 1500 XP
Weapon LV: 3
Returning Whirlwind Press Ability + Light Attack while Bare-Handed to quickly recall the Leviathan Axe and perform a powerful spinning attack. Press Light Attack immediately after for a follow-up slash. 1000 XP
Weapon LV: 3
Whirlwind Sweep Switch stances by pausing momentarily after any Leviathan Axe attack. Once in new stance, press Light Attack 3 consecutive times to perform a sweeping combo. 1000 XP
Weapon LV: 3
Frost Awaken II Hold Ability button while sprinting to activate Frost Awaken quickly. 1500 XP
Weapon LV: 4
Pride of the Frost I A Heavy Attack Finisher at the end of the Light Attack Combo. Press Light Attack, Light Attack, Light Attack, Heavy Attack to perform. Deals high damage and Frost, and launches enemies. 2000 XP
Weapon LV: 4
Returning Storm Press Ability + Heavy Attack while Bare-Handed to quickly recall the Leviathan Axe and perform a powerful leaping slam attack that knocks enemies backward and deals high Frost. 2000 XP
Weapon LV: 4
Whirlwind Throw Switch stances by pausing momentarily after any Leviathan Axe attack. Once in new stance, press Heavy Attack 2 consecutive times to perform a Ranged attack combo that launches enemies. 2000 XP
Weapon LV: 4
Frost Awaken III Hold Ability button while recalling the Axe to quickly activate Frost Awaken. 3000 XP
Weapon LV: 5
Pride of the Frost II Extend Pride of the Frost with additional slams by pressing Heavy Attack, Heavy Attack. 4000 XP
Weapon LV: 5
Frost Awaken IV Frost Awaken can be instantly charged when Ability Button is pressed momentarily after any Leviathan Attack. 5000 XP
Weapon LV: 6

All Leviathan Axe Skills

Blades of Chaos Skill Tree

Skill Info XP Cost
Blazing Explosion I After impaling an enemy with Blazing Surge, Hold Heavy Attack to throw the other Blade into the target. Send a fiery pulse of energy down both chains to cause a damaging explosion dealing a massive Burn. 1000 XP
Weapon LV: 1
Blazing Surge While aiming, Press Heavy Attack to impale an enemy and send a fiery pulse down a chain, dealing Burn damage. N/A
Weapon LV: 1
Chaos Slam While sprinting, Press Heavy Attack to leap into the air and perform a powerful chain slam attack that Launches weaker enemies. N/A
Weapon LV: 1
Chaotic Rampage I Hold Light Attack to unleash a high damage flurry of attacks on a single enemy with Blades in hand. 750 XP
Weapon LV: 1
Evasive Embers While evading, Hold L stick back and Press Light Attack to send out a burst of spark that apply Burn to a large area in front. Deals increased damage to enemies right in front of Kratos. 750 XP
Weapon LV: 1
Flame Whiplash I Mash the Ability Button to imbue the Blades of Chaos with fire. Fully Charge for follow up attacks to have maximum effect. N/A
Weapon LV: 1
Hyperion Grapple I After impaling an enemy with Hyperion Pull, Hold Light Attack to launch forward towards grounded enemies to cause an impact with high stun. Airborne enemies are instead slammed into the ground. 750 XP
Weapon LV: 1
Hyperion Pull While aiming, Press Light Attack to impale a grounded enemy and yank them forward, Launching weaker enemies once they reach. Airborned enemies are instead slammed into the ground. N/A
Weapon LV: 1
Rising Chaos Hold Heavy Attack to swipe the Blades upward and Launch nearby enemies into the air. N/A
Weapon LV: 1
Rushing Chaos While sprinting, Press Light Attack to leap forward towards an enemy with Blades in hand for a rapid spinning slash that hits multiple times. 500 XP
Weapon LV: 1
Scorched Sweep I Press Light Attack during Flame Whiplash slash enemies and apply moderate burn. If Flame Whiplash is fully charged, create a wave of fire from where the ground was struck. N/A
Weapon LV: 1
Spinning Chaos While evading, Hold L stick forward and press Light Attack to perform a leaping spin attack effective at knocking falling enemies back into the air. 750 XP
Weapon LV: 1
Vaporized Frost Blades Melee Attacks against Frosted enemies deal bonus damage. 250 XP
Weapon LV: 1
Chaotic Rampage II Extends Chaotic Rampage with an additional attack. 1500 XP
Weapon LV: 2
Immolation Perform Melee Attacks in quick succession without sustaining damage to power up the Blades of Chaos and inflict Burn damage on every hit. 500 XP
Weapon LV: 2
Scorched Earth I Press Heavy Attack during Flame Whiplash to spike the Blade down and create a heavy Burn Explosion 750 XP
Weapon LV: 2
Chaotic Rampage III Adds a powerful finisher to Chaotic Rampage 3000 XP
Weapon LV: 3
Furious Immolation While Immolation is full, press Block + Ability Button to activate. Enhances all Blades of Chaos Melee Attacks with Burning explosion that build additional Rage for a duration. 1500 XP
Weapon LV: 3
Hyperion Grapple II Striking a grounded enemy with Hyperion Grapple causes a fiery impact that sends birning sparks foward, damaging enemies behind your victim. 1500 XP
Weapon LV: 3
Scorched Earth II Striking an enemy during its attack with Scorched Earth significantly increases the damage dealt 1500 XP
Weapon LV: 3
Scorched Sweep II Striking an enemy during aits attack with Scorched Sweep significantly increases the damage dealt. 1000 XP
Weapon LV: 3
Blazing Explosion II Significantly increases the blast radius of Blazing Explosion. 750 XP
Weapon LV: 4
Plume of Chaos A Heavy Attack Finisher at the end of the Light Attack Combo. Press Light Attack, Light Attack, Light Attack, Light Attack, Light Attack, Heavy Attack to perform. Deals massive Burn and launches enemies. 4000 XP
Weapon LV: 4
Scorched Sweep III The fire wave created by a fully charged Scorched Sweep is stronger and extends farther. 2000 XP
Weapon LV: 4
Scorched Earth III The fiery hazard created by a fully charged Scorched Earth has increased damage and size. 1500 XP
Weapon LV: 5
Flame Whiplash II Flame Whiplash can be instantly charged when Ability Button is pressed momentarily after any Blades of Chaos Attack 5000 XP
Weapon LV: 6

All Blades of Chaos Skills

Draupnir Spear Skill Tree

Skill Info XP Cost
Draupnir's Call I Press Ability Attack to slam down the Draupnir Spear and detonate all embedded Spears into wind explosions. 0 XP
Weapon LV: 5
Draupnir's Call II Each Spear detonation on an enemy briefly weakens it, reducing its resistance to being staggared for a short duration. This effect increases with the number of Spears detonated. 1500 XP
Weapon LV: 6
Draupnir's Call III Draupnir's Call causes an additional detonation on every enemy impaled with a Spear. 3000 XP
Weapon LV: 7
Draupnir's Wail Hold Ability Button to slam Spear down with even more command, increasing the strength of the resulting detonations.
Can also be done when Ability Button is pressed momentarily after any Draupnir Spear attack.
1000 XP
Weapon LV: 5
Elemental Siphon I Hold Heavy Attack to siphon enemy's element into the Spear.
Siphoned Spears do elemental damage, and can be thrown, impaled and detonate. The element is lost on using a Spear Runic Attack or after combat has ended.
500 XP
Weapon LV: 5
Elemental Siphon II Siphoning an element also provides a buff of resistance to that element. 3000 XP
Weapon LV: 6
Gale Force I Aim and Press Heavy Attack to fire a blast of wind to knock enemies backwards.
Any siphoned element within the Spear is consumed to enhance the blast.
0 XP
Weapon LV: 5
Gale Force II Heavy Attack can be held during Gale Force to pull in nerby enemies. Launched opponents can be kept airborne by the turbulent force. 1500 XP
Weapon LV: 5
Gale Force III Fully charging Gale Force before releasing Heavy Attack significantly increases the power of the blast, causing enemies to be Launched into the air. 3000 XP
Weapon LV: 5
General's Advance While evading, Hold L Stick forward and Press Light attack to bash forward with the blunt end of the Spear. If the attack hits an enemy, automatically follow up with an agile downward strike. 750 XP
Weapon LV: 5
General's Deception While evading, Hold L stick back and Press Light Attack to sweep a gust of wind forwards capable of knocking enemies off their feet. 750 XP
Weapon LV: 5
Hoplite Lunge I While sprinting, Press Light Attack to leap forward and close the gap to an enemy with a strong midair thrust. 500 XP
Weapon LV: 5
Hoplite Lunge II Impale a Spear into the enemy when striking with Hoplite Lunge.
Impaled Spears can be detonated with Draupnir's Call.
3000 XP
Weapon LV: 5
Impaling Thrust I Hold Light Attack Button to forcefully impale a Draupnir Spear into an enemy with a downwards strike.
Impaled Spears can be detonated with Draupnir's Call.
1000 XP
Weapon LV: 5
Impaling Thrust II Continue Holding Light Attack to impale an additional Spear into an enemy. 2000 XP
Weapon LV: 5
Impaling Thrust III Continue Holding Heavy Attack to impale a third Spear into an enemy in quick succession. 4000 XP
Weapon LV: 6
Maelstrom Perform Melee Attacks in quick succession without sustaining damage to power up the Draupnir Spear, significantly increasing the impact of each Melee Attack.
Bonus to Luck and Runic while active.
500 XP
Weapon LV: 5
Phalanx Breaker Press heavy Attack while sprinting to deliver a powerful overhead sweed that can break an enemy's guard, followed by a rising strike to Launch weaker enemies. 500 XP
Weapon LV: 6
Rising Wind I A Heavy Attack Finisher at the end of Light Attack Combo. Press Light Attack, Light Attack, Light Attack, Light Attack, Heavy Attack to perform. Launches enemies. 1000 XP
Weapon LV: 6
Rising Wind II Rising Wind forms a whirlwind to hit and disrupt nearby enemies. 4000 XP
Weapon LV: 7
Spear Arsenal I Increases the maximum number of Draupnir Spears that can be primed for detonation. 2000 XP
Weapon LV: 5
Spear Arsenal II Increases the maximum number of Draupnir Spears that can be primed for detonation to 7. 3000 XP
Weapon LV: 6
Spear Arsenal III Increases the maximum number of Draupnir Spears that can be primed for detonationto 8. 4000 XP
Weapon LV: 7
Spear Drill Hold Aim Button and Light Attack to charge a powerful, spiraling Spear toss that repeatedly strikes foes, driving them backwards. 3000 XP
Weapon LV: 6
Spear Swiftness Throwing several Spears in quick succession builds up the speed at which they are thrown. 5000 XP
Weapon LV: 7
Spear Throw Aim and Press Light Attack to throw a Draupnir Spear which will impale into the surface it hits.
Impaled Spears can be detonated with Draupnir's Call.
0 XP
Weapon LV: 5
Violent Maelstrom While Maelstrom is full, press Block/Parra Button + Ability Button to consume the meter and activate. Enhances all Draupnir Spear Melee Attacks with significantly increased Stun and impact for a duration. 1500 XP
Weapon LV: 5

All Draupnir Spear Skills

Atreus Skill Tree

Skill Info XP Cost
Youthful Independece Atreus can assist with Kratos' combo matching hit-for-hit while both are targeting the same foe N/A
Battlefield Awareness Atreus watches for moments to follow up on Kratos' attacks, extending his combo. N/A
Watchful Protector Atreus draws enemy aggression when Kratos is under pressure. 750 XP
Strangle Hold I Atreus grabs enemies for longer and enhances strikes caused by Kratos againts his grabbed target. 1000 XP
Strangle Hold II While grabbing an enemy, a Strike Button occasionally appears above Atreus. If Pressed, he will jump off and fire a volley of arrows at the target. 2000 XP
Dive Into Battle Press Ability Button to grapple towards an enemy and strike them with force. Applies status damage of the currently equipped Runic Arrow. Highly Efffective at closing the gap to mobile enemies. 500 XP
Sonic Potency (Atreus) Sonic explosions caused by Atreus have increased area of effect 500 XP
Sonic Echoes (Atreus) Attacking enemies afflicted with Atreus' Sonic status creates bigger reverberations, applying Stun to nearby enemies. 1000 XP
Sonic Resonance (Atreus) Sonic explosions caused by Atreus apply Sonic to nearby enemies. 2000 XP
Rushing Ascent While sprinting, Press Heavy Atack for a heavy vertical attack that launches enemies. 500 XP
Evasive Marksman While evading, Hold L stick back and Press Light Attack to jump backwards and shoot a barrage of arrows. 500 XP
Breaching Bash While evading, Hold L stick forward and press Light Attack to perform a Shield Strike dealing high Stun. 500 XP
Rushing Descent While sprinting, Press Light Attack to perform a leaping attack. 500 XP
Bludgeoning Strikes Hold Light Attack to trip and strike an enemy. Continue Holding Light Attack to deal heavy Stun by extending the duration of the beatdown. 500 XP
Imbued Assault Hold Heavy Attack to swing the bow for a wide heavy attack. Applies status damage of the currently equipped Runic Arrow. 500 XP
High Ground A Powerful Heavy Attack Finisher at the end of Light Attack Combo. Press Light Attack, Light Attack, Light Attack, Light Attack, Heavy Attack, Heavy Attack, Heavy Attack. 750 XP
Hex Potency (Atreus) Hex explosions caused by Atrues' Sigil Arrows have an increased area of effect. 500 XP
Hex Debilitation (Atreus) Enemies Hexed by Atreus' Sigil Arrows have less resistance to Stun. 1000 XP
Hex Reignition (Atreus) Elemental explosions from enemies Hexed by Atreus' Sigil Arrows have a follow-up explosion. 2000 XP
Soaring Eagle Eye Slow time down by Pressing Aim Button after Launching an enemy into the air. 1000 XP
Deceptive Eagle Eye Slow time down by Pressing Aim Button after a last-second evade. 1000 XP
Cunning Eagle Eye Slow time down by Pressing Aim Button following a successful Parry (Press Block/Parry Button right before getting hit). 1000 XP
Arrow Surplus (Atreus) Atreus gains an additional Runic Arrow. 5000 XP
Focus Shot Aim and Hold Light Attack for longer to charge up an even stronger arrow dealing increased damage and knockback. Headshots deal bonus damage. 500 XP
Focus Volley Aim and Hold Heavy Attack for longer to shoot and even bigger barrage of Runic Arrows upon release. 1000 XP
Dextrous Shot Repeated headshots deal additional damage. 1000 XP
Archer's Reversal Press Light Attack after a Parry (Press Block/Parry Button right before getting hit) to quickly shoot and knockback enemies. 750 XP
Warrior's Reversal Press Heavy Attack after a Parry (Press Block/Parry Button right before getting hit) to launch enemies airborne. 1500 XP

All Atreus Skills

Freya Skill Tree

Skill Info XP Cost
Entangled Grip I Freya can spawn vines from the ground that root enemies in place. N/A
Entangled Grip II Freya's vine root enemies for a longer duration. 750 XP
Entangled Grip III Freya's vine apply Poison to rooted enemies. 5000 XP
Root Snare Freya can summon vines that grab an enemy lying down and release a cloud of Poison. 1000 XP
Tendril Slam Freya can summon vines that grab a Launched enemy and slam them down to deal heavy Stun. 2000 XP
Seeds of Ruin Freya can summon vines to pull a giant rock from the ground and hurl it at her target for massive damage. 4000 XP
Vines of Exile Freya's vines can grab weaker enemies and throw them across the battlefield. 5000 XP
Arrow Empowerment I Runic Arrow deal increased status damage. 500 XP
Arrow Empowerment II Runic Arrow deal greatly increased status damage. 1500 XP
Arrow Empowerment III Runic Arrow deal significantly increased status damage. 5000 XP
Hex Potency (Freya) Hex explosions caused by Freya's Sigil Arrows have an increased area of effect. 500 XP
Hex Debilitation (Freya) Enemies Hexed by Freya’s Sigil Arrows have less resistance to Stun. 1000 XP
Hex Reignition (Freya) Elemental explosions from enemies Hexed by Freya's Sigil Arrows have a follow-up explosion. 2000 XP
Arrow Surplus (Freya) Freya gains an additional Runic Arrow. 5000 XP
Sonic Potency (Freya) Sonic explosions caused by Freya have an increased area of effect. 500 XP
Sonic Echoes (Freya) Attacking enemies afflicted with Freya's Sonic status creates bigger reverberations, applying Stun to nearby enemies. 1000 XP
Sonic Resonance (Freya) Sonic explosions caused by Freya apply Sonic to nearby enemies. 2000 XP
Valkyrie Spirit Freya enters her Valkyrie Form to slash through enemies. 500 XP
Goddess Aggression Freya becomes much more aggressive on the battlefield, Parrying and charging into enemies more often. 1000 XP
Valkyrie Mind Freya enters her Valkyrie Form and unleashes a barrage of arrows. 1000 XP
Goddess Focus Freya adds more specialized abilities to her Ranged Attacks. 4000 XP
Valkyrie Heart Freya enters her Valkyrie Form o rise into the air before slamming into the ground to Launch enemies. 2000 XP
Valkyrie Blade When Kratos sends an enemy flying backward, a Strike Button appears above Freya. When pressed, she dashes toward the enemy and strikes them for high damage. 5000 XP

All Freya Skills

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