God of War Ragnarok (GoW Ragnarok)

How to Beat Frost Phantom: Boss Fight Guide

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God of War Ragnarok - Frost Phantom Boss Fight Guide

Frost Phantom is a main story boss in God of War Ragnarok (GoW Ragnarok). Read on to learn about its attack patterns, rewards, and the best equipment, tips, and strategies for how to beat Frost Phantom!

Frost Phantom Overview


Frost Phantom
Ragnarok - Frost Phantom mode:show
Recommended Level Level 4 (All Difficulties)
XP Rewards 500 Kratos XP
500 Freya XP
(Give Me Balance)
Bestiary Entry
While a single Runic Spring can leak enough magic to create Wisps, multiple Springs can summon something far deadlier. The chaotic power that these Springs draw from can manifest into a creature that is both awe-inspiring and terrifying. As long as those Runic Springs remain intact, a Phantom will continue to draw magic from them to fuel its continued existence.

Rewarded Resources

Resource Type
Ragnarok - Bonded LeatherBonded Leather x25 Resource
Ragnarok - Chaos FlameChaos Flame x1 Weapon Upgrade
Ragnarok - Shattered RuneShattered Rune x25 Resource
Ragnarok - Honed MetalHoned Metal x3 Resource
Ragnarok - StonewoodStonewood x3 Resource
Ragnarok - Dwarven SteelDwarven Steel x3 Resource
Ragnarok - Jewel of YggdrasilJewel of Yggdrasil x1 Weapon Upgrade

Frost Phantom Location

Location Summary

Location Summary
The Frost Phantom is encountered inside a clearing on the way to the Norns in Midgard during The Word of Fate.

The Word of Fate Quest Walkthrough

How to Beat Frost Phantom

Frost Phantom Tips and Strategies
CheckmarkAlways Close the Gap

CheckmarkAttack the Core to Build Up Stun

CheckmarkDestroy the Runic Springs

CheckmarkUtilize Freya's Attacks

Always Close the Gap

After getting hit multiple times, the Frost Phantom tends to reposition far away from Kratos and starts using its annoying long-ranged attacks.

Close the distance with the Frost Phantom as much as possible when it runs away to reduce the frequency of its Icicle Shots and Ice Mines and force it to use its more predictable melee attacks.

Attack the Core to Build Up Stun

Ragnarok - Attack the Core to Build Up Stun
To make the Frost Phantom vulnerable, build up its stun meter by attacking its purple runic core. We recommend throwing the Leviathan Axe from afar or dealing damage with the Blades of Chaos at midrange to quickly fill up the boss's stun meter.

Hit the Glowing Core to Force Staggers

After the Frost Phantom performs certain attacks, its runic core begins to glow and becomes an active weak spot for a short period. Hitting this glowing core staggers the boss instantly, so stay vigilant and always hit this weak spot when it comes out.

Destroy the Runic Springs

Ragnarok - Destroy the Runic Springs
Instead of having a traditional health pool, the Runic Springs around the arena act as the Frost Phantom's health bars, which become vulnerable after stunning the boss. Destroy these Springs immediately after filling the Frost Phantom's stun meter to deal massive damage to the boss.

Utilize Freya's Attacks

Maintain your damage output and stun build-up while closing the gap toward the Frost Phantom by utilizing Freya's arrows and Runic Summons. You can also weave Freya's shots between melee attacks while the boss is staggered to further enhance your damage output during the fight.

Frost Phantom Attack Patterns

Sweeping Attack Combo

The Frost Phantom performs a long-range horizontal sweep with one of its tendrils before following it up with a vertical overhead slam. Block or parry each sweeping attack as it comes out to effectively deal with this combo.

Later in the fight, the Frost Phantom can continue this combo with a Frost Shockwave and an unblockable Phantom Slam, so prepare to block and dodge these follow-up attacks when they occur.

Heavy Frozen Sweep

The Frost Phantom winds up one of its tendrils before performing a heavy horizontal sweep, dealing moderate damage and breaking Kratos' guard on hit. React to the yellow ring indicator and parry the sweeping tendril to effectively deal with this attack.

Icicle Shots

At longer ranges, the Frost Phantom can send out two icicle shots which home in on Kratos' position. Block the incoming projectiles with Kratos' shield or dodge sideways out of their path to avoid getting hit.

Ice Mines

The Frost Phantom channels its energy to summon ice mines that detonate after a short delay around Kratos' position. Immediately dodge backward out of their explosion radius to avoid getting hurt.

Later in the fight, the Frost Phantom modifies this attack to use clusters of ice mines instead, increasing their effective radius. Prepare to dodge a farther distance when this attack variant occurs.

Frost Shockwave

The Frost Phantom takes on a distinct circular shape before firing a wide-reaching frost shockwave toward Kratos, dealing moderate damage on hit. Block this attack using Kratos' shield to avoid getting hit.

Freezing Quake

The Frost Phantom imbues runic energy into the ground before letting out a massive unblockable quake in a small area around it, causing Frost build-up and dealing heavy damage. To deal with this attack, react to its red ring indicator and dodge away from the quake's radius.

Phantom Slam

The Frost Phantom takes on a wave-shaped form, increasing in size before performing an unblockable body slam. This unblockable attack covers a wide area, so react to its red ring indicator and immediately roll out of its path to avoid getting hurt.

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