God of War Ragnarok (GoW Ragnarok)

Midgard Realm 100% Completion Guide: All Collectibles, Quests, and Regions

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God of War Ragnarok - Midgard Realm Guide

Midgard is one of the nine Realms in God of War Ragnarok (GoW Ragnarok). Read on to see a list of all collectibles, main quests, favors, bosses, and enemies in Midgard.

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Midgard Full Map

Midgard Map

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A land that used to be populated by humans and various other races but is now ravaged by undead after Odin sealed the Valkyries away. Midgard is now a cold, icy, and empty land.

All Collectibles in Midgard

All Collectibles Summary

Collectible Total Number
Artifacts 7
Lore 10
Odin's Ravens 6
Nornir Chests 4
Legendary Chests 7
Yggdrasil Rifts 3
Berserker Gravestones 2
Draugr Holes 1
Remnants of Asgard 2
Hel Tears 1
Nine Realms in Bloom 1
Kol Raider Camps 4
Sigrun's Curse 1
Guiding Light 1
Across the Realms 1

Click a collectible to jump to its section!

List of All Collectibles

All Artifacts in Midgard

Artifacts are collectible ancient items that have historical value and serve as a glimpse into the past of each of the Nine Realms. Artifacts usually are part of a set and reward you with XP when completed.

Stolen Treasures

World View Map View
Artifact: Lyre
Region: The Derelict Outpost
Location: Found in the lower areas of The Derelict Outpost. After crossing the second chasm with your Blades grapple, find a place to jump down.
Artifact: Fert
Region: Shores of Nine
Location: Found in a building directly north of Tyr's Temple. Grapple up the front of the building to find this artifact.
Artifact: Ankh
Region: The Oarsmen
Location: Enter The Oarsmen region, climb up the wall next to the Nornir chest, and find a large chain to pull. Then, go down the stairs and find a small nook, where the artifact is waiting.
Artifact: Kila
Region: Lake of Nine
Location: On the way to the Raider Hideout, there will be a small flight of stairs leading up to the indicated point. Go up the stairs to find the artifact.
Artifact: Janbiya
Region: Lake of Nine
Location: At the northeastern part of Tyr's Temple, there is a small nook that is covered by icicles. Break these icicles and enter the nook to find the artifact.
Artifact: Maya
Region: Lake of Nine
Location: This artifact will be on a small ledge under the bridge of Tyr's Temple.

Kvasir's Poems

World View Map View
Artifact: The Dead Do Not Ride
Region: The Oarsmen
Location: After pulling the large chain is The Oarsmen, climb up the wall beside the Nornir chest once again. You will find the artifact there.

All Artifact Locations and How to Get

All Odin's Ravens in Midgard

Odin's Raven can be found as greenish spectres across the Nine Realms. Find and strike these Ravens to acquire them. The more Odin's Ravens you acquire, the more chests you can unlock at the Raven Tree in Niflheim.

World View Map View
Region: Lake of Nine
Location: Found inside a small cave just at the south side of Tyr's Temple.
Region: The Oarsmen
Location: Found right after defeating the stalker miniboss and climbing the chains at The Oarsmen.
Region: The Derelict Outpost
Location: Found across a Runic Spring (statues that spawn Wisps) on top of a post after crossing at The Derelict Outpost.
Region: The Derelict Outpost
Location: Found at the left side inside a broken boat as soon as you cross the debris at The Derelict Outpost.
Region: Lake of Nine
Location: Found on the right side of the giant door near the Raider Hideout.
Region: Well of Urd
Location: Found on a broken arch way after climbing to the top facing east.

The Eyes of Odin Quest Guide: How to Find All Raven Locations

All Nornir Chests in Midgard

Nornir Chests are special locked chests that contain either an Idunn Apple, which boosts your health, or a Horn of Blood Mead, which boosts your rage bar. Nornir Chests can only be opened by finding and destroying the runes marked on the chest.

Well of Urd Nornir Chest

World View Map View
Region: Well of Urd
Location: Found along the path going up to the Well of Urd.
・This chest is unlocked by lighting braziers with your Blades of Chaos.
・The first rune is in front of the chest, up on some snowy rocks.
・The second rune can be found by chain grappling your way to the top of this area. It will be resting on a mountain face.
・The third rune can be found by dropping from the top down to a ledge below, where the brazier will be resting under one of the grappling spots.

The Oarsmen Nornir Chest

World View Map View
Region: The Oarsmen
Location: Found in The Oarsmen region. Burn some bramble, then jump over a gap, and then head down some stairs to get to an underground room where this chest is.
・You will need to quickly ring three bells by throwing your axe.
・The bells are all in the same room as the chest.

Raider Hideout Nornir Chest

World View Map View
Region: Raider Hideout
Location: Found underground, in the Raider Hideout. Head a bit south from The Eternal Campfire to find the entrance to the Raider Hideout.
・The first rune can be found to the left of the chest. Use Sigil arrows and Blades of Chaos to burn the obstacles, and then once again use Sigil arrows and Blades of Chaos to light up the brazier.
・The second rune can be found to the right of the chest, in a crack in the wall. You will need to find an exploding hot coal, then throw it into the crack to light the second rune.
・The third rune is hidden in a chasm near the entrance to this room. Look into the chasm and the rune will be on the other side. You will need to link Sigil arrows together and throw the exploding coal at the Sigils to form a chain reaction that lights up the brazier.

The Lost Treasury Nornir Chest

World View Map View
Region: The Lost Treasury
Location: Found near the entrance to The Lost Treasury, southwest of Tyr's Temple.
・The first rune is hidden behind the shield. move the shield over to the left to see it, then use Sigil Arrows and Blades of Chaos to light it.
・The second rune is up on the second level. Climb up the shield to get here, and use Sigil Arrows and Blades of Chaos to light it.
・The third rune is inside the Lost Treasury, to the right of the entrance. Once again, use Sigil Arrows and Blades of Chaos to light it.

All Nornir Chest (Rune Chests) Locations and How to Get

All Legendary Chests in Midgard

Legendary Chests are collectible items that contain various valuable items, like weapon attachments, Relics, new Runic attacks, and more.

Shores of Nine Legendary Chest

World View Map View
Location: Found in Shores of the Nine in Midgard.
Rewards: Sonic Aftershock

All Legendary Chest Locations and How to Get

All Main Story Quests in Midgard

Chapter Summary
Ragnarok - Surviving FimbulwinterSurviving Fimbulwinter Kratos and Atreus tries to survive the long winter and prepare for the upcoming war.
Ragnarok - Old FriendsOld Friends Atreus secretly goes back to Midgard to find Freya and ask her for help.
Ragnarok - The Word of FateThe Word of Fate Kratos seeks out the Norns with a hidden motive, but the three sees right through his intentions.
Ragnarok - Hunting for SolaceHunting for Solace Kratos and Atreus return home to grieve. They find Sindri at the Temple of Tyr only to have them be shun away.

Main Quests Walkthrough: List of All Chapters

All Favors in Midgard

Chapter Summary
Sigrun's Curse Kratos tries to uncover a secret of Sigrun's past to comfort Mimir.
Guiding Light -
Animal Instincts -

List of All Favors (Side Quests)

All Bosses in Midgard

List of Bosses

Boss Type & Location
ThorThor Main Story Boss
Thor is encountered after defeating Bjorn and returning to Kratos and Atreus' home during Surviving Fimbulwinter.
The HuntressThe Huntress Main Story Boss
The Huntress is encountered while following Atreus toward a clearing inside the Lower Wildwoods during Surviving Fimbulwinter.
BjornBjorn Main Story Boss
Bjorn is located in the clearing at the end of the Raiders' cave during Surviving Fimbulwinter.
Vanadis (Freya)Vanadis (Freya) Main Story Boss
Vanadís is encountered outside of Kratos and Atreus' home in Midgard before the start of The Reckoning.
Frost PhantomFrost Phantom Main Story Boss
The Frost Phantom is encountered inside a clearing on the way to the Norns in Midgard during The Word of Fate.
The HatefulThe Hateful Optional Boss
The Hateful are optional bosses located in Draugr Holes found across multiple Realms.

List of Bosses

All Enemies in Midgard

List of Enemies


Beastiary Guide: List of All Enemies

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