God of War Ragnarok (GoW Ragnarok)

Secret of the Sands Quest Walkthrough

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God of War Ragnarok - Secret of the Sands Walkthrough

Secret of the Sands is a Favor in God of War Ragnarok (GoW Ragnarok) that can be unlocked after completing Groa's Secret. Read on for a detailed walkthrough, list of rewards, and puzzle solutions!

How to Unlock Secret of the Sands

Complete Groa's Secret

Secret of the Sands will be automatically unlocked after completing Groa's Secret. A path will open next to the Mystic Gateway as soon as you complete the final objective. Follow this path until you find a workshop. Talk to Sindri and the Favor will start.

Groa's Secret Quest Walkthrough

Secret of the Sands Walkthrough

Find a Way to Reach the Pained Creature

Ragnarok placeholder quest iconFind the cave entrance
Follow the path ahead to find a Gulon sled. Take them to the open desert area and head southeast to find a cave entrance.

Pursue the Pained Creature

Ragnarok placeholder quest iconClimb down the cave
Use the Leviathan Axe to destroy the glowing root nodes.
Ragnarok placeholder quest iconDestroy the three nodes using the Twilight Stone
Once you reach the large roots with three nodes, look below you to find a Twilight Stone. Ricochet your axe off the stone to destroy the nodes with a single throw.
Ragnarok placeholder quest iconClimb the wall to the right of a Twilight Stone
Ragnarok placeholder quest iconTurn left and climb another wall to reach a rope
Ragnarok placeholder quest iconSlide down and grapple your way over to the other side
Ragnarok placeholder quest iconJump down to your right and destroy the nodes through another Twilight Stone
Just before you reach the Nornir Chest, look through the gap on your right and find the Twilight Stone above the nodes.
Ragnarok placeholder quest iconUse the new grapple points
The grapple points from the unblocked path will lead you to a cave, where you will also find the third rune bell.
Ragnarok placeholder quest iconSlide down and take the north tunnel
Ragnarok placeholder quest iconDrop down the ledge and turn around to find an explosive pot
Ragnarok placeholder quest iconDrop down the ledge past the destroyed barricade
Ragnarok placeholder quest iconDestroy the nodes through the Twilight Stone
Follow the path below to reach another cave. Here you will find another set of nodes and two Twilight Stones.

Position yourself between the two nearest nodes. Aim at the Twilight Stone in a way that the axe should hit the left node before reaching the first Twilight Stone. This will ricochet the axe to the second and to the third through another stone.
Ragnarok placeholder quest iconCross over to the other side and set off the explosive pot
As you land on the other platform, look on your left to find debris with the explosive.
Ragnarok placeholder quest iconDestroy the nodes on the other side
Jump back to the previous platform and go to where the debris were. Aim the Leviathan Axe at the first Twilight Stone you see to destroy the nodes ahead.
Ragnarok placeholder quest iconTurn the hanging Twilight Stone and use it to destroy the next set of nodes
Throw your axe on the plates above the hanging Twilight Stone to turn it. Make it face the right side and throw your axe at it to destroy nodes on the other side.
Ragnarok placeholder quest iconFollow the new path

Destroy the Hafgufa's Bindings

Ragnarok placeholder quest iconClear the rocks
There's an explosive pot behind the rocks that you can destroy.
Ragnarok placeholder quest iconDestroy the nodes
Same as earlier, Kratos should be in a position where the first node is between him and the Twilight Stone. The axe should hit the nearest node first before reaching the stone.
Ragnarok placeholder quest iconDestroy the nodes above
Jump back to the other platform and look up to find another Twilight Stone. Aim at the stone and ricochet your axe off to the nodes on your right.

Open the Hive Cage on the Surface

Ragnarok placeholder quest iconReach the surface
Follow the unblocked on your right to reach the surface.
Ragnarok placeholder quest iconCut the hive matter

Secret of the Sands Quest Rewards

The Barrens Sandstorm Disappear

By freeing Hafgufa, the sandstorm covering the desert area will cease. This allows you to explore the entirety of the desert that was blocked off by the storm, including the locations of the Radiance Armor Set pieces!

Experience Points

1500 Kratos XP 375 Atreus XP

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