God of War Ragnarok (GoW Ragnarok)

How to Beat Frost Ancient: Boss Fight Guide

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God of War Ragnarok - Frost Ancient Boss Fight Guide

The Frost Ancient is a main story boss in God of War Ragnarok (GoW Ragnarok). Read on to learn about its attack patterns, rewards, and the best tips and strategies for how to beat the Frost Ancient!

Frost Ancient Overview


Frost Ancient
Ragnarok - Frost Ancient mode:show
Recommended Level Level 5 (All Difficulties)
XP Rewards 670-700 Atreus XP
(Give Me Balance)

Rewarded Resources

Resource Type
Hacksilver Currency
Ragnarok - Bonded LeatherBonded Leather x5 Resource
Ragnarok - Shattered RuneShattered Rune x25 Resource
Ragnarok - Ydalir TimberYdalir Timber x4 Weapon Upgrade

Frost Ancient Location

Location Summary

Location Summary
The Frost Ancient is encountered at the Pale Meadows in Niflheim during Unlocking the Mask.

Unlocking the Mask Quest Walkthrough

How to Beat Frost Ancient

Frost Ancient Tips and Strategies
CheckmarkTake Down Ranged Minions First

CheckmarkAim for the Exposed Core

CheckmarkAttack Before Grappling the Core

CheckmarkLet Thor Attack the Frost Ancient

Take Down Ranged Minions First

Ragnarok - Take Down Ranged Minions First
Multiple Hel-Shadow minions spawn in the arena alongside the Frost Ancient. Use the magic sword Ingrid to interrupt their ranged attacks and quickly take them out to have an easier time focusing on the Frost Ancient.

Aim for the Exposed Core

Ragnarok - Aim for the Exposed Core (Frost Ancient)
The Frost Ancient is immune to regular attacks, only damaged by landing hits on its glowing white core. While the boss uses its ranged attacks, rapidly fire Atreus' arrows into its exposed weak spot to quickly fill up its stun meter and leave it open for massive damage.

Attack Before Grappling the Core

After filling up the Frost Ancient's stun meter, it falls to the ground and leaves its core exposed for an extended period. We recommend dealing as much damage as possible with Atreus' melee attacks before grappling the core to maximize your damage output during the fight.

Let Thor Attack the Frost Ancient

Each of Thor's attacks can bypass the Frost Ancient's tough exterior, dealing massive damage to its health and stun bars. Try to lead the Frost Ancient toward Thor during the fight so he can assist you with his high-damage attacks.

Frost Ancient Attack Patterns

Frostbolt Barrage

The Frost Ancient crosses its arms before releasing a barrage of frostbolts at delayed intervals toward Kratos, inflicting the Frost debuff and dealing moderate damage on hit.

To effectively deal with this attack, block and evade each frostbolt and shoot arrows toward its exposed core between barrages to stagger the Frost Ancient.

Freezing Laser

The Frost Ancient takes a sturdy stance before opening its core to fire a sweeping frost laser across the area in front of it, dealing light damage and instantly inflicting the Frost debuff on contact.

Block or dodge the laser while retreating toward cover to avoid getting hurt by this attack.

Icy Shockwave

The Frost Ancient gets on its knees before releasing an unblockable shockwave that deals moderate damage and inflicts the Frost debuff on hit.

React to the attack's red ring indicator and quickly roll backward out of the shockwave's radius to avoid getting hurt.

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