God of War Ragnarok (GoW Ragnarok)

Draupnir Spear: Upgrades, Weapon Skills and Attachments

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The Draupnir Spear is a weapon wielded by Kratos in God of War: Ragnarok (GoW Ragnarok). Read on to learn about the Draupnir Spear's upgrades, skills, and more!

Draupnir Spear Overview

Draupnir Spear Draupnir Spear Basic Information
Wielder: Kratos
Base Level: Level 5
Base Stats:
・10 Luck
・Element: Wind
The Ladyt of the Forge has crafted a Spear that harbors the powers of duplication and the wind's concussive force. Blessed by Brok, it is now fit for a god.

How to get Draupnir Spear

How to Get Draupnir Spear
You unlock the Draupnir Spear during the “Forging Destiny” Main Quest.

Draupnir Spear Upgrades

Level Stat Changes Requirements
6 Luck: 20 1 Gale Flame
7 Luck: 30 1 Gale Flame
8 Luck: 40 1 Gale Flame
9 Luck: 50 1 Gale Flame

Draupnir Spear Skills

Technique Skills

Skill Info XP Cost
Draupnir's Call I Press Ability Attack to slam down the Draupnir Spear and detonate all embedded Spears into wind explosions. 0 XP
Weapon LV: 5
Draupnir's Wail Hold Ability Button to slam Spear down with even more command, increasing the strength of the resulting detonations.
Can also be done when Ability Button is pressed momentarily after any Draupnir Spear attack.
1000 XP
Weapon LV: 5
Spear Arsenal I Increases the maximum number of Draupnir Spears that can be primed for detonation. 2000 XP
Weapon LV: 5
Maelstrom Perform Melee Attacks in quick succession without sustaining damage to power up the Draupnir Spear, significantly increasing the impact of each Melee Attack.
Bonus to Luck and Runic while active.
500 XP
Weapon LV: 5
Violent Maelstrom While Maelstrom is full, press Block/Parra Button + Ability Button to consume the meter and activate. Enhances all Draupnir Spear Melee Attacks with significantly increased Stun and impact for a duration. 1500 XP
Weapon LV: 5
Draupnir's Call II Each Spear detonation on an enemy briefly weakens it, reducing its resistance to being staggared for a short duration. This effect increases with the number of Spears detonated. 1500 XP
Weapon LV: 6
Spear Arsenal II Increases the maximum number of Draupnir Spears that can be primed for detonation to 7. 3000 XP
Weapon LV: 6
Spear Arsenal III Increases the maximum number of Draupnir Spears that can be primed for detonationto 8. 4000 XP
Weapon LV: 7
Draupnir's Call III Draupnir's Call causes an additional detonation on every enemy impaled with a Spear. 3000 XP
Weapon LV: 7
Spear Swiftness Throwing several Spears in quick succession builds up the speed at which they are thrown. 5000 XP
Weapon LV: 7

Ranged Skills

Skill Info XP Cost
Spear Throw Aim and Press Light Attack to throw a Draupnir Spear which will impale into the surface it hits.
Impaled Spears can be detonated with Draupnir's Call.
0 XP
Weapon LV: 5
Gale Force I Aim and Press Heavy Attack to fire a blast of wind to knock enemies backwards.
Any siphoned element within the Spear is consumed to enhance the blast.
0 XP
Weapon LV: 5
Gale Force II Heavy Attack can be held during Gale Force to pull in nerby enemies. Launched opponents can be kept airborne by the turbulent force. 1500 XP
Weapon LV: 5
Gale Force III Fully charging Gale Force before releasing Heavy Attack significantly increases the power of the blast, causing enemies to be Launched into the air. 3000 XP
Weapon LV: 5
Spear Drill Hold Aim Button and Light Attack to charge a powerful, spiraling Spear toss that repeatedly strikes foes, driving them backwards. 3000 XP
Weapon LV: 6

Melee Skills

Skill Info XP Cost
Impaling Thrust II Continue Holding Light Attack to impale an additional Spear into an enemy. 2000 XP
Weapon LV: 5
General's Deception While evading, Hold L stick back and Press Light Attack to sweep a gust of wind forwards capable of knocking enemies off their feet. 750 XP
Weapon LV: 5
Elemental Siphon I Hold Heavy Attack to siphon enemy's element into the Spear.
Siphoned Spears do elemental damage, and can be thrown, impaled and detonate. The element is lost on using a Spear Runic Attack or after combat has ended.
500 XP
Weapon LV: 5
General's Advance While evading, Hold L Stick forward and Press Light attack to bash forward with the blunt end of the Spear. If the attack hits an enemy, automatically follow up with an agile downward strike. 750 XP
Weapon LV: 5
Hoplite Lunge I While sprinting, Press Light Attack to leap forward and close the gap to an enemy with a strong midair thrust. 500 XP
Weapon LV: 5
Impaling Thrust I Hold Light Attack Button to forcefully impale a Draupnir Spear into an enemy with a downwards strike.
Impaled Spears can be detonated with Draupnir's Call.
1000 XP
Weapon LV: 5
Hoplite Lunge II Impale a Spear into the enemy when striking with Hoplite Lunge.
Impaled Spears can be detonated with Draupnir's Call.
3000 XP
Weapon LV: 5
Phalanx Breaker Press heavy Attack while sprinting to deliver a powerful overhead sweed that can break an enemy's guard, followed by a rising strike to Launch weaker enemies. 500 XP
Weapon LV: 6
Impaling Thrust III Continue Holding Heavy Attack to impale a third Spear into an enemy in quick succession. 4000 XP
Weapon LV: 6
Rising Wind I A Heavy Attack Finisher at the end of Light Attack Combo. Press Light Attack, Light Attack, Light Attack, Light Attack, Heavy Attack to perform. Launches enemies. 1000 XP
Weapon LV: 6
Elemental Siphon II Siphoning an element also provides a buff of resistance to that element. 3000 XP
Weapon LV: 6
Rising Wind II Rising Wind forms a whirlwind to hit and disrupt nearby enemies. 4000 XP
Weapon LV: 7

Draupnir Spear Runic Attacks

Light Runic Attacks

Name Type Base Stats
Huldra Charge Runic AttackHuldra Charge Line DAMAGE: 1/5
FORCE : 1/5
STUN: 1/5
Thrust of a Thousand Soldiers Runic AttackThrust of a Thousand Soldiers Melee DAMAGE: 3/5
FORCE : 1/5
STUN: 1/5
Mountain Splitter Runic AttackMountain Splitter Line DAMAGE: 3/5
FORCE : 2/5
STUN: 1/5
Whisper of the World Runic AttackWhisper of the World Area DAMAGE: 2/5
FORCE : 3/5
STUN: 1/5

Heavy Runic Attacks

Name Type Base Stats
Artillery of the Ancients Runic AttackArtillery of the Ancients Area DAMAGE: 2/5
FORCE : 1/5
STUN: 1/5
VindsvalrVindsvalr's Windstorm Line DAMAGE: 2/5
FORCE : 1/5
STUN: 2/5
The Finger of Ruin Runic AttackThe Finger of Ruin Area DAMAGE: 3/5
FORCE : 2/5
STUN: 1/5
Honor the Fallen Runic AttackHonor the Fallen Area DAMAGE: 2/5
FORCE : 2/5
STUN: 1/5

Draupnir Spear Attachments

Attachment How to Get
Battle-Scarred Sauroter AttachmentBattle-Scarred Sauroter This attachment is craftable after concluding the Creatures of Prophecy quest.
Charging Assault Sauroter AttachmentCharging Assault Sauroter This attachment is craftable after concluding the Forging Destiny quest.
Hind of Attuned Elements AttachmentHind of Attuned Elements You obtain this in an Yggdrasil Rift during the Forging Destiny storyline.
Hind of Deadly Vitality AttachmentHind of Deadly Vitality This hind is obtained as a reward for beating the third Oath Guard in The Plains in Vanaheim.
Hind of the Four Winds AttachmentHind of the Four Winds This hind can be obtained as a reward after defeating Miklimunnr, the miniboss at The Applecore where you first found Tyr.
Hind of the Nine Realms AttachmentHind of the Nine Realms This hind can be obtained from the Berserker Gravestone in The Applecore.
Hind of Volatile Might AttachmentHind of Volatile Might This hind can be obtained by throwing Crystalline Shards in the Wishing Well in Vanaheim.
Hind of Weightless Recovery AttachmentHind of Weightless Recovery This attachment is craftable after concluding the Creatures of Prophecy quest.
LionLion's Roar Sauroter This attachment can be found near the west area from Tyr's Temple. You will need access to the Draupnir Spear in order to destroy the block of ice that is blocking it.
Mighty Olympic Sauroter AttachmentMighty Olympic Sauroter This attachment is craftable after concluding the Forging Destiny quest.
SoldierSoldier's Sauroter You automatically obtain this attachment when you acquire the Draupnir Spear during the “Forging Destiny” main Quest.
WarriorWarrior's Echo Sauroter This sauroter is craftable once you reach Level 6 with Draupnir Spear.

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