God of War Ragnarok (GoW Ragnarok)

Creatures of Prophecy Quest Walkthrough

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God of War Ragnarok - Creatures of Prophecy Walkthrough

Creatures of Prophecy is the thirteenth chapter of God of War Ragnarok's (GoW Ragnarok) main story. Read on for a detailed walkthrough, list of rewards, tips for completion, as well as boss fight strategies!

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Ragnarok - ReunionReunion Ragnarok - Unlocking the MaskUnlocking the Mask

Creatures of Prophecy Walkthrough

Creatures of Prophecy Objectives

Ragnarok placeholder quest iconFind Skoll and Hati
Be careful of attacking plants! Remember to snipe them from a safe distance, especially the exploding ones.
Ragnarok placeholder quest iconRecover the stolen moon
You'll also encounter Nokken here again. Take them out first as they can make other enemies invincible.
Ragnarok placeholder quest iconPursue the Einherjar Thief
Ragnarok placeholder quest iconReturn to Skoll and Hati
Ragnarok placeholder quest iconReturn to Freyr's Camp
Ragnarok placeholder quest iconBeat the two Dreki

Dreki Boss Guide
Ragnarok placeholder quest iconReturn to Freyr's Camp
Ragnarok placeholder quest iconRescue Freyr from the Einherjar

Using Skoll and Hati's scepter
Ragnarok placeholder quest iconBeat Gulltoppr

Gulltoppr Boss Guide
Ragnarok placeholder quest iconBeat Heimdall

Heimdall Boss Guide
Ragnarok placeholder quest iconRegroup with Freyr's allies
Ragnarok placeholder quest iconEscape from the prison

Use the Scepter on Celestial Altars

Ragnarok - Celestial Altar

The scepter Skoll and Hati gave you can be used on Celestial Altars to call on them and switch between dusk and dawn. Doing this affects the environment in Vanaheim, including the living roots, to open up paths.

Boss Strategy: Dreki

Focus on One Dreki

Ragnarok - focus on one Dreki

The two Dreki here behave exactly the same as the Dreki you fought early in the game. Focus your attacks on one Dreki while blocking/dodging attacks from both. After taking one down, it will be much easier to deal with the other.

How to Beat Dreki

Boss Strategy: Gulltoppr

Use Ranged Spear Attacks

Ragnarok - Spear Drill

Gulltoppr will occasionally be in a distance each time it performs unblockable charge attacks. Until it stops and closes in, you can impale it with your spear, preferably with Spear Drill, and detonate them.

Switch to melee combat and parry its attacks when it gets close.

How to Beat Gulltoppr

Boss Strategy: Heimdall

Detonate Spears to Stun Him

Ragnarok - stunning Heimdall

Normal attacks won't still be able to hit Heimdall during the start of the first phase, but you can build up his Stun gauge by throwing him spears and detonating them. Take note that spears impaled on the ground can still damage Heimdall if he's close enough.

Keep on stun-grabbing him until Kratos finally lands a hit on Heimdall. After this, Heimdall will partially lose his ability and you will now be able to attack Heimdall normally.

Parry or Dodge During Realm Shift

Ragnarok - parrying Heimdall

Heimdall will start using Realm Shift and slow down time in the next phase. Each time he uses this, watch his next attack closely if it's unblockable or parriable then act accordingly.

If you manage to not get hit, Heimdall will be open to combos for a few seconds.

How to Beat Heimdall

Creatures of Prophecy Quest Rewards

8000 Kratos XP 4000 Atreus XP

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