God of War Ragnarok (GoW Ragnarok)

Hel to Pay Quest Guide: All Hel-Tear Locations

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Ragnarok- Hel to Pay

Hel to Pay is a Favor in God of War Ragnarok (GoW Ragnarok) where you have to close Hel-Tears created by Garm throughout the Nine Realms. Read on to learn more for a detailed walkthrough about this Favor, how it can be unlocked, rewards, and more!

How to Unlock Hel to Pay

Close the Hel-Tear in The Gleaming Bale

At the earlier parts of the Reunion questline, Kratos and Atreus will travel to Helheim and stop Garm from creating more Hel-Tears wreaking havoc on the Nine Realms. When you close the Hel-Tear in Helheim, it will automatically prompt the start of the Favor.

Hel to Pay Walkthrough

Summarized Walkthrough

1 Close all 6 Hel-Tears.
This favor is similar to the Born From Fire where you must find the 6 Hel-Tears caused by Garm to complete the Favor.

All Hel-Tear Locations

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Sindri's House: The first Hel-Tear you will close comes right when you return to Sindri's House after leaving Asgard. Though closing this Hel-Tear will not start the Favor right away.
The Gleaming Bale, Helheim: The second Hel-Tear you close is what triggers the start of the favor. This Hel-Tear is just along the way as you comple the Reunion making it completely unmissable.
Aurvangar Wetlands, Svartalfheim: This Hel-Tear is just along the path of the wetlands you have already cleared when you first visted Svartalfheim. The Hel-Tear is just by the first boat dock you will encounter from the Mystic Gateway.
The Strond, Alfheim: This Hel-Tear is located just at the exit of The Strond. Take the Mystic Gateway close to the exit point of The Strond and the Hel-Tear will be nearby as you approach the Strond.
The Southern Wilds, Vanaheim: This Hel-Tear is near the Mystic Gateway in the Southern Wilds. Take that Mystic Gateway and just head north until you see the tear.
Well of Urd, Midgard: This Hel-Tear is located on the path going back to the Well of Urd past the Lake of Nine. The closest way to this Hel-Tear is the Mystic Gateway northwest of Tyr's Temple.

Hel to Pay Quest Rewards

Completion Rewards

4500 Kratos XP 1125 Freya XP
Essence of Hel Frozen Spark

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