God of War Ragnarok (GoW Ragnarok)

How to Beat Hrist and Mist: Boss Fight Guide

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God of War Ragnarok - Hrist and Mist Boss Fight Guide

Hrist and Mist are main story bosses in God of War Ragnarok (GoW Ragnarok). Defeating them unlocks the trophy Better Together. Read on to learn about their attack patterns, rewards, and the best tips and strategies for how to beat Hrist and Mist!

Hrist and Mist Overview


Hrist and Mist
Ragnarok - Hrist and Mist mode:show
Recommended Level Level 5 (All Difficulties)
XP Rewards 5000 Kratos XP
2500 Atreus XP
(Give Me Balance)
Trophy Better Together
Bestiary Entry
To fight two Valkyries in tandem is to face both the sea and the sky as they crash down as one. Their coordination in battle was unmatched. It is a pity their fealty to Odin is by choice, and not a corruption abated by their death. I would always prefer a Valkyrie fight on my side. Their aim was to take the mask back to Odin and perhaps Atreus with it. I hope news of their demise travels swiftly to Asgard.

Rewarded Resources

Resource Type
Ragnarok - Gale FlameGale Flame x1 Weapon Upgrade

Hrist and Mist Location

Location Summary

Location Summary
Hrist and Mist are encountered at the Spark of the World in Muspelheim near the end of The Summoning.

The Summoning Quest Walkthrough

How to Beat Hrist and Mist

Hrist and Mist Tips and Strategies
CheckmarkKeep Both Valkyries in Vision

CheckmarkFree Atreus with Ranged Attacks

CheckmarkInterrupt Mist's Spin Attack

CheckmarkAvoid Overcommitting

Keep Both Valkyries in Vision

Ragnarok - Keep Both Valkyries in Vision
While Atreus often takes the attention of the other Valkyrie in this fight, the two sometimes switch targets suddenly or call out to one another to swap positions. To avoid getting caught off guard whenever Hrist and Mist swap, always position your camera to have vision of both Valkyries.

Free Atreus with Ranged Attacks

Whenever one of the Valkyries grabs Atreus, you can free him from their grasp by throwing a Leviathan Axe or Draupnir Spear toward them. Keeping this in mind during the fight is vital, as leaving Atreus incapacitated forces both Valkyries to focus on Kratos.

Interrupt Mist's Spin Attack

Whenever Mist performs her Dagger Spin, you can use Atreus' arrows or one of Kratos' thrown weapons to interrupt it and leave the Valkyrie open for a short combo.

Avoid Overcommitting

Hrist and Mist have high stagger resistance and often have multiple follow-ups to their attacks. We recommend playing patiently and avoiding being overly aggressive to prevent yourself from taking unnecessary damage during the fight.

Hrist and Mist Attack Patterns

Hrist and Mist Attacks and Moves
Hrist's Attacks Mist's Attacks Duo Attacks

Hrist's Attacks

Polearm Slam

Hrist takes to the skies, flourishing her polearm before slamming it down on top of Kratos, dealing moderate damage on hit and releasing a shockwave as it hits the ground. React to the attack's yellow ring indicator and parry or evade sideways out of the slam's path to avoid getting hit.

Later in the fight, Hrist can perform this attack twice in a row, so prepare to dodge or parry any follow-up Polearm Slams when they occur.

Wing and Polearm Combo

Hrist uses both of her wings to slash twice at Kratos before finishing her combo with a Polearm Slam. To deal with this attack, block the initial flurry of wing strikes before parrying or dodging the incoming slam to avoid getting hurt.

Spinning Polearm Combo

Hrist performs a horizontal polearm slash before spinning around to land a heavy upward strike that breaks Kratos' guard on impact. Block the initial slash and parry the upward strike to deal with this attack.

After performing this combo, Hrist can sometimes call out to Mist, who tags in with a Dagger Spin attack. Prepare to guard or interrupt this follow-up attack whenever it occurs.

Lunging Grab

Hrist twirls her polearm before lunging toward Kratos to grab him. If Hrist successfully grabs Kratos, she launches him into the air to perform a coordinated combo with Mist, dealing massive damage. Avoid this attack by reacting to its red ring indicator and dodging sideways out of its path.

Later in the fight, Hrist can perform this grab twice in a row, so always be prepared to dodge follow-up Lunging Grabs when they occur.

Wing Block

Hrist covers herself with her large wings, blocking a few attacks before forcefully shoving Kratos backward. React to this move's blue ring indicator and perform a Shield Strike to break Hrist's guard.

Mist's Attacks

Dagger Spin

Mist continuously whirls around with her daggers as she closes the gap toward Kratos, hitting him multiple times with each spin. To deal with this attack, interrupt Mist with a ranged attack while she moves toward Kratos, or keep blocking until she finishes her whirling attack.

Later in the fight, Mist can perform a quick dagger strike before her Dagger Spin, so stay alert for this attack even at close range.

Slash and Toss Combo

Mist performs two quick dagger slashes before leaping backward to toss her weapons toward Kratos. Mist's dagger toss is unblockable, so block her first two strikes and prepare to dodge sideways to avoid getting hit by her thrown weapons.

Later in the fight, Mist can end this combo with another dagger slash instead of throwing her weapons, so stay vigilant for when either follow-up attack occurs.

Feather Barrage

Mist performs up to three lateral dashes, sending a barrage of homing feathers toward Kratos with each movement. To deal with this attack, block each feather barrage as it comes out while closing the gap toward Mist.

Duo Attacks

Twin Valkyrie Strike

Hrist and Mist reposition to the far end of the arena before rushing toward Kratos one at a time to land block-break attacks, starting with a polearm strike from Hrist followed by a dagger slash from Mist.

To deal with this attack, react to each strike's yellow ring indicator and dodge or parry them as they come out to avoid getting hurt.

Twin Valkyrie Barrage

The two Valkyries fly toward the far end of the arena. Once there, Mist launches a barrage of homing feather shots followed by an unblockable boulder throw from Hrist.

Each move has a significant amount of wind-up and travel time, so watch for their animations and block or dodge each incoming attack as they occur to avoid getting hit.

Boulder Strike

Mist flies to the edge of the arena, conjuring a giant boulder. Afterward, Hrist thrusts her polearm into the boulder to slam it on top of Kratos, dealing massive damage on hit.

Note that this attack is unblockable, so watch for the boulder slam's red ring indicator and dodge sideways to avoid getting hurt by this hard-hitting attack.

Valkyrie Shockwaves

Hrist and Mist fly outside the arena before slamming against the ground below, sending unblockable horizontal shockwaves across the floor. Keep an eye on the Valkyries' positioning and dodge out of the attack's red indicators to avoid getting hit.

Note that the Valkyries end this attack with a Polearm Slam or Dagger Spin, so prepare to dodge these follow-up moves when they occur.

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