God of War Ragnarok (GoW Ragnarok)

How to Beat The Huntress: Boss Fight Guide

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God of War Ragnarok - The Huntress Boss Fight Guide

The Huntress is a main story boss in God of War Ragnarok (GoW Ragnarok). Read on to learn about her attack patterns, rewards, and the best tips and strategies for how to beat The Huntress!

The Huntress Overview


The Huntress
Ragnarok - The Huntress mode:show
Recommended Level Level 1 (All Difficulties)
XP Rewards 251 Kratos XP
372 Atreus XP
(Give Me Balance)
Bestiary Entry
The Stalker that ambushed us has broken my shield. She was a formidable huntress and fought well. I must alter my defensive strategy now that I do not have the ability to block. At least we will be mentally prepared if we encounter another Stalker.

Rewarded Resources

Resource Type
Ragnarok - Bonded LeatherBonded Leather x10 Resource
Ragnarok - Frozen FlameFrozen Flame x1 Weapon Upgrade

Rewarded Runic Attacks

Name Type
Winter's Bite Light Runic Attack

The Huntress Location

Location Summary

Location Summary
The Huntress is encountered while following Atreus toward a clearing inside the Lower Wildwoods during Surviving Fimbulwinter.

Surviving Fimbulwinter Quest Walkthrough

How to Beat The Huntress

The Huntress Tips and Strategies
CheckmarkAim for the Glowing Horns

CheckmarkFrost Up the Leviathan Axe

CheckmarkAlways Close the Gap

CheckmarkUtilize Atreus and His Bow

Aim for the Glowing Horns

When The Huntress' horns glow during the boss fight, this indicates that they've become an active weak spot. Toss your Blades of Chaos or Leviathan Axe toward the Huntress' glowing horns to instantly knock her down, giving you a window of opportunity to deal massive damage.

Frost Up the Leviathan Axe

Use Frost Awaken often to imbue your Leviathan Axe with Frost and slow down The Huntress. Doing this makes her more vulnerable to your attacks and allows you to build up her stun meter quicker.

Throw Frosted Axes Toward the Horns

Using Frost Awaken on your Leviathan Axe makes it easier to hit The Huntress' glowing horns with throwing attacks. The Frost enchantment provides a small amount of tracking, and its ice explosion can trigger the knockdown.

Always Close the Gap

We recommend always closing the distance with The Huntress as her bow attacks are less effective up close, and her close-range stomps are predictable and easy to dodge.

Utilize Atreus and His Bow

Remember that you can command Atreus to shoot The Huntress with his bow, letting you build and maintain her stun meter while you close the gap toward her. You can also weave Atreus' shots between attacks to maximize your overall damage output.

The Huntress Attack Patterns

Twin Bow Shots

At longer ranges, The Huntress can fire off quick Twin Bow Shots, indicated by her aiming for a half second before letting two flaming arrows loose toward Kratos. This attack comes out quite quickly, so always prepare to avoid it while moving toward The Huntress.

Retreating Tri-Shot

The Huntress retreats backward, firing a hard-hitting linear Tri-Shot after making enough distance. Anticipate this attack whenever The Huntress moves away, and prepare to evade sideways to avoid getting hit.

Lunging Stomp

The Huntress lifts her forelegs before performing a Lunging Stomp toward Kratos. To avoid this attack, react to its yellow ring indicator and dodge sideways.

Note that this attack often comes out when you stay close to The Huntress, so always prepare to evade it when fighting in melee range.

Backward Kick

When staying near The Huntress' rear, she can perform a quick Backward Kick using her hind legs, breaking Kratos' guard and knocking him backward on hit. When dealing damage up close, we recommend sticking close to The Huntress' sides instead of her rear to avoid this attack completely.

Arrow Flurry

The Huntress also has an Arrow Flurry consisting of four flaming arrow shots, which come out at delayed intervals. Strafe and evade sideways while moving toward The Huntress to avoid getting hit by this attack.

Exploding Arrows

The Huntress retreats sideways, shooting Exploding Arrows that detonate after a short delay toward Kratos. Quickly move away from these arrows when they hit the ground to avoid getting hit by their explosions.

Overhead Arrows

The Huntress can also shoot four Overhead Arrows that fall down on a horizontal pattern on top of Kratos. Dodging forward allows you to avoid this attack and close more distance toward The Huntress.

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