God of War Ragnarok (GoW Ragnarok)

Kvasir's Poems: All Book Locations and How to Get

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God of War Ragnarok - All Book Locations
Books (Kvasir’s Poem) can be found all over the realms and provides more lore to God of War Ragnarok (GoW Ragnarok). Read on to learn all the book locations across all realms and the rewards for getting all of them.

All Book Locations

Svartalfheim Alfheim
Midgard Vanaheim


Location How to Get
Aurvangar Wetlands
The Sunrise of Nothingness can be obtained during The Quest for Tyr. It's located beside a chest on a wooden table.
Large Society Ground Orb, The Performance can be obtained in the area near the docks, behind an obstacle you need to destroy using sonic arrows. The book is located on top of a box near a chest.
Lyngbakr Island
We Who Remain, Part the Second is obtained during the quest The Weight of Chains. The book is located near a corpse and a treasure chest at the wooden structure of the whale.
The Applecore
Sanguinity can be found in an area that can only be accessed using the Draupnir Spear obtained later on in the story. You can get there through the Applecore Descent Mystic Gateway and take a zipline down. Keep following the path to the left, and it should take you there.
Jarnsmida Pitmines
You need to use the giant mechanism at the center of the Jarnsmida Pitmines found before entering into the mines to get you to an area where the book Tool and Bang is located.

Svartalfheim Realm


The Strond
Afterlife Abandonment is found nearby the area where you encounter the Twilight Stone for the first time. There's a ledge you can jump down to outside that will lead you to the book and a legendary chest.
Temple of Light
After climbing up a spiral staircase, you'll encounter a room that leads to the room with the light. On the right, there's a ledge you can chain grapple into to get to the area where you can get the book Visions After Rest
Temple of Light
Spirits Within Walls can be obtained in the area near the place where the Visions After Rest book is. Head inside the room with the light, and take the staircases leading up to the right. Once you're up top, enter the room to the left, and the book should be on the floor.
The Barrens
Celestial Construct can be found inside the skeleton. You can find it near a legendary chest.
The Forbidden Sands
Trip can be found on top of a tower southwest of the The Elven Sanctum.

Alfheim Realm


The Oarsmen
The Dead Do Not Ride can be found inside a hidden room that can be accessed by pulling a ship's chain nearby. After entering the hidden room, climb all the way up to get the book.

Midgard Realm


The Southern Wilds
Upon Pursuing a Place Not Marked On Maps can only be found during night time. Head north of the Southern Wilds Mystic Gateway until you come across a floor you can break. Underneath it is where the book is located.
The Jungle
An Organisation: In The Future can be found near the Jungle Entrance Mystic Gateway. Follow the path to the west, and it should lead you directly to where the book is.
The Sinkholes
Eastern Spectre can be found in the area where you defeated the Crag Jaw during the side-quest The Quaking Hollow. You can find red vines in the area you can burn to reveal a gap in the wall you can squeeze through. Climb the stairs, and the book should be near a corpse.

Vanaheim Realm

Rewards for Obtaining All the Books

Obtain The Librarian Trophy

bronze trophy.pngBronze The Librarian
Collect all of the Books
All Book Locations

Once you get all the books, you'll be rewarded with the The Librarian trophy for your collection. Other than this trophy, there are no other rewards you can gain from getting all the books, but you'll get to learn more lore about the game. The books can also be sold at the shop for Hacksilver.

How to Farm Hacksilver

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