God of War Ragnarok (GoW Ragnarok)

Freya's Missing Peace Quest Guide

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GoW Ragnarok - Freya
Freya's Missing Peace is a Favor in God of War Ragnarok (GoW Ragnarok). Read on to learn more for a detailed walkthrough about this Favor, how it can be unlocked, rewards, and how to beat the two Drekis!

How to Unlock Freya's Missing Peace

Complete The Reckoning Main Quest

GoW Ragnarok - Freya
After completing The Reckoning, Kratos will be able to unlock Freya's Missing Peace. As the open-world unlocks, Kratos, Freya, and Mimir will be travelling through the southern part of Vanaheim when Freya's wedding gets mentioned. This will unlock the favor.

This favor takes place at the very end of Vanaheim's open-world and features a Vanaheim shrine dedicated to Odin and Freya's wedding.
The Reckoning Quest Walkthrough

Freya's Missing Peace Walkthrough

Freya's Missing Peace Objectives


Reach the Entrance of Freya's Wedding Shrine

Gather Collectibles on the way

GoW Ragnarok - Entrance to Freya
The path to Frey and Odin's shrine is full of collectibles including Odin's Ravens, chests, and other favors.
How to Find All 48 Raven Locations

Clear out the enemies in front of the shrine

In front of Freya's shrine are a couple of Reavers and a Frost Ancient. There will also be two flowers spewing poison so keep fighting in the safe parts or use the Leviathan Axe to freeze the flowers.

How to Beat Frost Ancient: Boss Fight Guide

Explore the Shrine and Retrieve 2 of Freya's Belongings

Get the first item from the bridge

Steps Objectives
1 GoW Ragnarok - Drop the Bridge
Use Freya's runes to expose the ropes to bring the bridge down
Defeat all the enemies and reach the top of the cliff
Retrieve Freya's item and interact with the rune on the other side

Get the 2nd item from the gate beside the entrance

Steps Objectives
Use Freya's Runes to set fire to both cauldrons
2 GoW Ragnarok - Defeat the enemies on the 2nd cliff
Defeat all the enemies and reach the top of the cliff
3 GoW Ragnarok - Get the 2nd Rune
Get Freya's second item then interact with the rune to complete the word

Leave the Shrine and Beat the Two Drekis

Interact with the rune for the bridge to appear

GoW Ragnarok - Conjure the Bridge
Head back to the entrance of the shrine where the rune is complete. Interact with it to form the bridge, then cross to the other side. Open the last door to get Freya's sword, Mardoll.

Open the door and collect Mardoll

Once inside the shrine, there will be no enemies to fight. Going inside will immediately trigger a cutscene of Freya trying to pull out her sword, Mardoll.

After the cutscene ends, Kratos can head back to the boat.

How to Beat the Drekis

Dreki Tips and Strategies
CheckmarkStay Aggressive

CheckmarkKeep Out of Electrified Acid

CheckmarkFrost Up the Leviathan Axe

CheckmarkUse Spartan Rage Wisely

CheckmarkFocus On One Dreki at a Time

After leaving the shrine, Kratos will encounter two Dreki's fight them at the same time with the help of Freya.
How to Beat Dreki: Boss Fight Guide

Freya's Missing Peace Quest Rewards

Completion Rewards

1500 Freya XP Mardoll
Steel Harmony Regal Vanir Garments

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