God of War Ragnarok (GoW Ragnarok)

Groa's Secret Quest Walkthrough

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God of War Ragnarok - Groa

Groa's Secret is the fourth chapter of God of War Ragnarok's (GoW Ragnarok) main story. Read on for a detailed walkthrough, list of rewards, tips for completion, as well as boss fight strategies!

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Ragnarok - Old FriendsOld Friends Ragnarok - The Lost SanctuaryThe Lost Sanctuary

Groa's Secret Walkthrough

Groa's Secret Objectives

Ragnarok placeholder quest iconReach Groa's shrine atop the temple
Most of the puzzles here involves Twilight Stones. Keep on the look out for these and use your axe to solve these puzzles.
Twilight Stones
Shield Twilight Stone Puzzle solution
Ragnarok placeholder quest iconDescend the Light Well

Ringed attacks from enemies
Ragnarok placeholder quest iconDefeat Alva

Alva Boss Guide
Ragnarok placeholder quest iconDescend the Light Well
Ragnarok placeholder quest iconMake your way to the Mystic Gateway

1. Reflect Axe Throws on Twilight Stones

Ragnarok - ricocheting axe on Twilight Stones

For this chapter, most puzzles involve Twilight Stones, which can change the direction of your axe throw on impact.

While aiming at a Twilight Stone with the Leviathan Axe equipped, a blue line will appear if your axe is going to hit something that is part of the puzzle solution or if it's going to hit an enemy. You can adjust the ricochet angle by moving Kratos or aiming at the stone's other parts.

Can also be used against enemies

Some areas where you'll fight groups of enemies also have several Twilight Stones around. You can use this to ricochet the Leviathan Axe on the enemies and deal heavy Stun damage.

1. Shield Twilight Stone Puzzle Solution

Right before you reach the lift that will take you to the top of the temple is a room with two statues, with one having a Twilight Stone on its shield. You need to use this stone to reflect your axe throw towards the light crystal to disable the solid light. Below is a solution for this Shield Twilight Stone puzzle.

Shoot the statue on your right with a Sonic Arrow then move it to the left.
Climb the wall behind the statue and turn right so you can get to the other side.
Shoot the Soundstone behind the other statue.
Break the two locks behind it using your axe. The second lock can be hit through the Twilight Stone on the shield.
5 Move the statue to the left then go back to the other side. Aim at the Twilight Stone on the shield and reflect your axe throw towards the light crystal.

2. Watch Out for Ringed Attacks

Ragnarok - dark elf blue ring attack

The enemies in Alfheim, both Light and Dark Elves, have relatively more complex attack patterns than the previous ones you have faced. Against multiple enemies, especially in higher difficulties, it would be safer to interrupt their ringed attacks (except for the red ones, of course) before retaliating.

Remember, yellow-ringed attacks can be parried and blue-ringed attacks can be interrupted (double tapping L1), while red-ringed attacks are unblockable and should be dodged with X.

Boss Strategy: Alva

Interrupt the Blue Ring Attacks

Ragnarok - interrupt the blue ring attacks

Like the other Elves, Alva also has double blue ring attacks that can be interrupted with your shield by double tapping L1. These attacks cannot be parried, so quickly interrupt them as soon as the rings appear.

How to Beat Alva

Groa's Secret Quest Rewards

1500 Kratos XP 750 Atreus XP

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