God of War Ragnarok (GoW Ragnarok)

How to Get Hades Retribution: Effects, Stats, and Location

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Hades Retribution is a Light Runic Attack for the Blades of Chaos in God of War Ragnarok (GoW Ragnarok). Learn how to use Hades Retribution, its effects, upgrades, and how to get it!

Hades Retribution Overview


Hades Retribution Hades Retribution Basic Information
Slot: Light Runic Attack
Type: Area
Base Effect
A forceful stab that embeds a fiery bomb, which detonates after a brief delay.

Upgrade Chart

Runic Upgrade Chart
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3
DMG: 2/5
RNC: 2/5
STUN: 0/5
DMG: 3/5
RNC: 3/5
STUN: 0/5
DMG: 4/5
RNC: 4/5
STUN: 0/5
N/A 2000 XP 7250 XP

Effect Upgrades

Level 1 A forceful stab that embeds a fiery bomb, which detonates after a brief delay.
Level 2 Press Light Attack to inflict 3 more stabs, embedding a series of bombs.
Level 3 Press Light Attack again for a final stab, emebedding another bomb with greatly increased detonation area.

How to Get Hades Retribution

Picked Up from the Overworld

Overworld Image
Location Summary
Hades Retribution can be found inside a Legendary Chest in Alfheim.

Groa's Secret Walkthrough and Rewards

Is Hades Retribution Worth It?

Hades Retribution Rank

Ragnarok Spoiler TagHeads Up! The Ragnarok Writing Team is still evaluating the rating for this Runic Attack!

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