God of War Ragnarok (GoW Ragnarok)

Frozen Spike Skill: Effects, Ranking, and How to Unlock

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Frozen Spike is a Technique Skill in God of War Ragnarok (GoW Ragnarok). Read on to learn about its effects, how to unlock it, and its additional bonus!

Frozen Spike Overview

Effect and Information

Frozen Spike Basic Information
Utilized by:
Type: Technique
Cost: N/A
Req. LV: 1
Aim and Press LIght Attack during Frost Awaken to quickly throw the Leviathan Axe and create a Frost explosion on impact.

Is Frozen Spike Worth It?

Frozen Spike Rating

Ragnarok Spoiler TagHeads Up! The Ragnarok Writing Team is still evaluating the rating for this Skill!

Frozen Spike Mod Tokens

Mod Tokens

Token Type Info
Damage Slightly increases damage of skill.
Stun Moderately increases Stun of skill.
Element Greatly increases Frost of skill.

Skill Labors

Labor Tier Successful Attempt Requirment
Bronze 15 Attempts
Silver 30 Attempts
Gold 50 Attempts

God of War Ragnarok (GoW Ragnarok) Related Guides

God of War Ragnarok - Skills Partial Banner

List of All Skills

All Skills

All Skill Types
Leviathan Axe Blades of Chaos Draupnir Spear
Atreus Skills Freya Skills

All Leviathan Axe Skills

Frost Awaken I Frozen Breach Frozen Spike
Extinguish Flames Frozen Ascent Permafrost
Frozen Lance Glacial Permafrost Frost Awaken II
Frost Awaken III Frost Awaken IV Axe Throw
Freezing Throw I Vengeful Sickle I Freezing Throw II
Vengeful Sickle II Returning Whirlwind Returning Storm
Frost Rush Leviathan's Fury Whirling Storm
Glacial Rake Evasive Storm Serpent's Snare
Whirlwind Sweep Whirlwind Throw Pride of the Frost I
Pride of the Frost II


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