God of War Ragnarok (GoW Ragnarok)

Wooden Knob : Effects, Stats, and How to Get

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The Wooden Knob is an Attachment for the Leviathan Axe in God of War Ragnarok (GoW Ragnarok). Learn about this attachment's stats, upgrades, and effects, as well as how to get the Wooden Knob!

Wooden Knob Overview

Wooden Knob Wooden Knob Basic Information
Base Level: Level 1
Base Stats:
The original Leviathan Axe knob. Sturdy and reliable.
This attachment does not grant any perk.

Wooden Knob Stats and Upgrade Chart

Level Stat Changes Requirements
1 ・0 Strength N/A
2 ・4 Strength ・x400 Hacksilver
・x3 Rawhide
3 ・8 Strength ・x800 Hacksilver
・x6 Rawhide
4 ・11 Strength ・x2400 Hacksilver
・x2 Stonewood
5 ・15 Strength ・x4000 Hacksilver
・x5 Stonewood
6 ・18 Strength ・x6000 Hacksilver
・x1 Petrified Bone
7 ・22 Strength
・13 Runic
・13 Vitality
・13 Cooldown
・13 Luck
・x9000 Hacksilver
・x2 Petrified Bone
8 ・25 Strength
・15 Runic
・15 Vitality
・15 Cooldown
・15 Luck
・x12000 Hacksilver
・x10 Whispering Slab
・x3 Petrified Bone
9 ・29 Strength
・17 Runic
・17 Vitality
・17 Cooldown
・17 Luck
・x16000 Hacksilver
・x20 Whispering Slab
・x10 Hardened Remnants

How to Get the Wooden Knob

Obtained at the start of the game

Location Summary
You obtain this pommel at the beginning of the game.

God of War Ragnarok (GoW Ragnarok) Related Guides

Ragnarok - Equipment Partial Banner.png

List of All Equipment

All Equipment Types

All Equipment Types
Leviathan Axe Attachments Blades of Chaos Attachments Shield Attachments
Draupnir Spear Attachments Relics Enchantments

All Leviathan Axe Attachments

Banahogg Knob AttachmentBanahogg Knob Fortified Frost Knob AttachmentFortified Frost Knob Grip of Healing Harmony AttachmentGrip of Healing Harmony
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Grip of Weighted Recovery AttachmentGrip of Weighted Recovery HaurHaur's Lucky Knob Runic Hailstone Knob AttachmentRunic Hailstone Knob
StonecutterStonecutter's Knob The Furious Maul AttachmentThe Furious Maul Wooden Knob AttachmentWooden Knob


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