Fire Emblem Heroes (FEH)

How Does Enemy AI Work?

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How Does Enemy AI Work FEH

This is a guide on how enemy AI works in Fire Emblem Heroes (FEH). To know how enemy AI prioritizes what actions to take and what order of skills they use, read on!

How Does Enemy AI Work?

Points to Remember

Enemy AI Behavior Fire Emblem Heroes FEH

  • Priority is given to enemy units with the highest attack and who can approach or attack.
  • Enemy units will always attack if there is a player unit in range.

Behavior Changes Depending On the Map

Enemy AI Map Behavior Fire Emblem Heroes FEH

Depending on the map, AI behavior may change. In some maps, enemy units may not move until a unit has entered their danger area or not attack even if there is a unit in their danger area.

This guide is mainly how enemy AI works in the Arena.

How Enemy AI Works When There Are No Units in Danger Area

They Head to the Unit They Can Deal the Most Damage To

If your own units are not within the enemy units' danger area, they will move towards the unit they can deal the most damage to.

This can be either an enemy unit has weapon triangle-advantage or weapon-effectiveness over one of your units.

Assist Skill Priority

Different assist skills equipped will have different priorities on how enemy units behave.

  • Dance/Sing - used after an enemy unit has moved and there are no units in their danger area.
  • Self-movement - skills like Pivot or Swap.
  • Ally movement skills - skills like Reposition or Draw Back. These will not be used if enemy units are attacking or approaching your units.
  • Ally buffs - skills like Rally Atk/Spd+ or Rally Def/Res+.
  • Healing - skills like Recover+ or Return+. Priority is given to enemy units that have staves equipped.

Enemy AI Action Order

Basic Enemy AI Action Order

  • Melee attack (with no assist skills equipped)
  • Ranged attack (with no assist skills equipped)
  • Melee attack (with assist skills equipped)
  • Ranged attack (with assist skills equipped)
  • Units without weapons

Units With Lowest Movement Cost

If the above priorities are the same across the board, the unit that will be able to approach your party the fastest will act first. This is also calculated by how much terrain they will pass, such as forests.

The Leftmost Unit

If the above priorities are the same across the board, the unit the leftmost unit will act first.

Exceptions: Dancers

If a unit has moved and can be given another action by a dancer, they will have priority.

Whenever you move your party and know that the enemy team has a dancer, take into account the possible danger area when an enemy unit will receive another action.

How Enemy AI Works When There Is One Unit in Danger Area

Enemy Units Will Always Attack

Enemy Unit Danger Area Fire Emblem Heroes 2021

Enemy units do not retreat or wait if there is a unit within their danger area. They will always attack that unit.

How Enemy AI Works When There Are Multiple Units in Danger Area

Priority One: Units That Can Be Defeated

If there are multiple units in the danger area, enemy units will attack the unit they can defeat.

This takes into account skills, Special triggers, buffs, and follow-up attacks.

Priority Two: Units That Deal The Most Damage

If there are no units that can be defeated, enemy units will attack the unit that deals the most damage.


These are the actions that enemy units take in order of priority when they are engaged in battle. If you know other secrets about enemy AI, feel free to let us know in the comments!

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