Fire Emblem Heroes (FEH)

How to Vote for your Favorite Characters in Choose Your Legends 5! (CYL5)

★ Latest Banner - New Heroes: Aided Yunaka & Rearmed Nel
☆ New Units - Nel, Rafal, Zelestia, Aided Yunaka
☆ Free Units - Griss

CYL 5 Fire Emblem Heroes FEH.png

This guide will explain Choose Your Legends 5 and walk you through the process of selecting and voting for your favorite character across all Fire Emblem games. CYL5 guidelines and the potential rewards that you will be getting from participating in the voting period are explained as well. May the most popular Fire Emblem characters get into Askr of Fire Emblem Heroes (FEH)!

Choose Your Legends 5 (CYL5) is Finally Here!

Winning Heroes will get a Brave alt within the year

Choose Your Legends 5 CYL5 Event Picture Fire Emblem Heroes FEH.png

Voting Period 01/22/2021 ~ 01/29/2021

Just like previous Choose Your Legends events, the 1st and 2nd characters from the Male and Female categories will have their Brave alt later on this year!

What is Choose Your Legends?

It is basically a popularity contest and the 4 most popular heroes will get their Brave alt as stated earlier. Brave alts are specially designed art wise and are generally very powerful units on the battlefield! They can be the cornerstone of a great team and if your favorite gets a Brave alt, by all means invest some orbs into getting them! It will make your experience playing Fire Emblem Heroes (FEH) a lot more enjoyable.

Go forth and vote for your favorite characters! The stakes might not be high, but you have nothing to lose and the idea of your favorite character getting a Brave alt is very promising.

Choose Your Legends 4 Heroes (Winning Characters)
Brave Edelgard IconBrave Edelgard
Brave Dimitri IconBrave Dimitri
Brave Claude IconBrave Claude
Brave Lysithea IconBrave Lysithea

Choose Your Legends Schedule

January 22 - January 29 Voting Period (1 Week)
Late January to Early February Choose Your Legends 5 Winners Announcements
Late August Choose Your Legends 5 (CYL5) Heroes Banner

Choose Your Legends 5 (CYL5) Procedures & Details

Vote Methods

This is illustrated in detail at the end of the article, but you can choose from 2 voting methods. Choose by Game Title or Random Selection are your choices. They are pretty self explanatory, the former lets you choose manually and the latter saves you time.

Vote once a day!

You can vote once a day and because the voting period is 7 days, you can cast a total of 7 votes for Choose Your Legends 5!

Log-in to your Nintendo Mobile account!

Unlike other CYL events, CYL5 now requires you to log-in to your Nintendo Mobile account. As compensation, rewards are now distributed to your Nintendo Mobile account and by extension to your Fire Emblem Heroes (FEH) profile. If you have not linked your Fire Emblem Heroes (FEH), we strongly recommend that you do so not only to protect your profile, but to also be able to claim your rewards!

Reward 1 - Get 100 Platinum Points!

Platinum Points Choose Your Legends 5 CYL5 Fire Emblem Heroes FEH.png

After the voting period, you will receive 100 Platinum Points to your Nintendo Mobile account. You can exchange these for Stamina Recovery Potions, and other resources for the Fire Emblem Heroes (FEH) game.

More About Platinum Points (External Link - Nintendo Webite)

Reward 2 - Get 2 Wallpapers!

Fire Emblem Heroes CYL5 Wallpapers.png

You will get one official Fire Emblem Heroes wallpaper at 3 votes casted and another at 6 votes casted.

Voting Limitations and Unique Mechanics of Choose Your Legends 5 (CYL5)

Ineligible Characters (Previous CYL Winners)
Ike IconIke
Lyn IconLyn
Roy IconRoy
Lucina IconLucina
Celica IconCelica
Ephraim IconEphraim
Hector IconHector
Veronica IconVeronica
Alm IconAlm
Eliwood IconEliwood
Micaiah IconMicaiah
Camilla IconCamilla
Lysithea IconLysithea
Dimitri IconDimitri
Edelgard IconEdelgard
Claude IconClaude

Previous CYL winners or heroes that already have a Brave alt unfortunately cannot be voted for again in CYL5 and most likely in the next CYL events to come. Find another character to vote for if your favorite already won CYL before. If you are having a hard time choosing, you can always use the random vote feature to save time.

Characters that get Combined Votes Across Fire Emblem Titles
Marth IconMarth
Finn IconFinn
Titania IconTitania
Merlinus IconMerlinus

Heroes who appear in multiple titles will have their votes combined. However, the game where they are voted in will still matter as the Brave alt will be based on the version of them in the game that they were most voted in. However, there are some special cases for specific character clauses and these are the rules from the CYL5 website.

CYL5 Duplicate Character Rules Fire Emblem Heroes FEH.png

Vote for your Favorite Character - Choose Your Legends 5! (External Link - Fire Emblem Heroes Website)

CYL5 Voting Period Summary

The trend for CYL events is that only the most popular heroes get voted in to qualify for the Brave alt. Though we strongly urge everyone to not give up and voice out your votes in different social media outlets. The CYL website features buttons that make it easy for users to share their votes to specific social media so nothing is stopping you from sharing!

Heroes that get implemented into the game usually score high in CYL voting so even if your favorite character does not enter as a Brave unit, at least they are finally in the game! One great example of this is Jorge, a somewhat unknown character, but nevertheless scored very high in the last CYL4 voting and got implemented into the game as a free Grand Hero Battle unit.

Step by Step Instructions on Voting for Choose Your Legends 5 (CYL5)

Fire Emblem Heroes Choose Your Legends CYL5 Step by Step 1.png

1.) Go to the CYL5 Event Page and click Vote!

Fire Emblem Heroes Choose Your Legends CYL5 Step by Step 2.png

2.) Log-in to your Nintendo Account if you are not already logged.

Fire Emblem Heroes Choose Your Legends CYL5 Step by Step 3.png

3.) Choose by Game Title if you want to choose a specific hero, but if you just need the rewards, you can click Random Selection if you want to save time.

Fire Emblem Heroes Choose Your Legends CYL5 Step by Step 4.png

4.) If you chose the former, choose the game where your favorite character appears in.

Fire Emblem Heroes Choose Your Legends CYL5 Step by Step 5.png

5.) The characters from said title will be shown and you can use a name scroller to get to them quicker.

Fire Emblem Heroes Choose Your Legends CYL5 Step by Step 6.png

6.) Choose your favorite character and confirm!

Fire Emblem Heroes Choose Your Legends CYL5 Step by Step 7.png

7.) This is pretty self-explanatory, but click Yes to finally cast your vote.

Fire Emblem Heroes Choose Your Legends CYL5 Step by Step 8.png

8.) Congrats, you have succesfully voted for your favorite character. Remember that you can only vote once a day!

Fire Emblem Heroes Choose Your Legends CYL5 Step by Step 9.png

9.) You can vote a total of 7 times throughout the seven days of the voting period.

Fire Emblem Heroes Choose Your Legends CYL5 Step by Step 10.png

10.) You can get a free official Fire Emblem Heroes wallpaper at three votes and another one at six votes casted.

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3 Anonymousabout 4 years

we merging GK to +10. No questions asked

2 Joyeuseabout 4 years

It god damn better be GK

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