Fire Emblem Heroes (FEH)

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Submissions: 180
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113 JoshuaZover 2 yearsReport

What about a build for Tine with Ruptured Sky as her Special, Atk/Spd Ideal 4 as her A skill, and Atk/Spd Menace as her C skill? Since she gets a Deadeye effect from her weapon and 1-2 cooldown reduction in addition to Atk/Spd +6 boosts and Damage +7 from her weapon, she'd make a great tank buster combining the effects of both Deadeye and Ruptured Sky.

112 Lucinator_14over 2 yearsReport

whoops just realized I forgot to say that the image was taken before I enhanced Def/Res Solo 2

111 Lucinator_14over 2 yearsReport

le (highly) unkillable F!Edelgard *Look at the image for build details* With Svalinn Shield, it’s easier to avoid instantly surrendering in Aether Raids or Arena thanks to armor effective from Legendary + Valentine Chrom and Legendary Micaiah. Aether + Armored Wall = easy damage and Hp recovery. Def/Res Solo 3 is just to make her even more bulky. If you want more damage reduction instead of recovery, just swap out Aether for Escutcheon or Aegis

110 Anonymousover 2 yearsReport

Replace Threat. with Menace (Obviously). What would you's Rate this Build for L!Ike or Switch Sturdy, with Atk/Def Ideal 4

109 Anonymousover 2 yearsReport

So it works the Same as Gharnefs tome then

108 Anonymousover 2 yearsReport

Basilio Build? Aether could obviously be switched for something more fitting. this is just my Summoner build. & after some thought i think it'd actually work very well with Basilio. as they have almost the same stats

107 Anonymousover 2 yearsReport

Vital Astra does not work well with Sturdy War Sword. Vital Astra needs to be charged before combat begins to provide the damage reduction. Sturdy War Sword only provides the cooldown reduction when combat begins, but before the first attack is launched.

106 Anonymousover 2 yearsReport

What do you think of a Vital astra build with times pulse for duo ike ? It would slightly increase the damage reduction and provide true damage at the cost of another c skill (tier 4 rouse ?) and healing

105 JoshuaZover 2 yearsReport

Yeah, I guess at 30 Res from his weapon and having to spend an A skill on countering from distance it would be too low. What about an expensive build for Legendary Nanna with Surge Sparrow as her A skill? It would be an upgrade over Atk/Spd Push 4 that would heal her instead of removng health. Would mainly be useful for some with extra fodder like a spare Brave Eirika.

104 Anonymousover 2 yearsReport

His Res is too low to be a reliable Far Save unit.

103 JoshuaZover 2 yearsReport

I notice Zephiel's only build recommendation is for Near Save but since his refined weapon gives a Distant Def effect it would make more sense for him to be a Far Save unit.

102 JoshuaZover 2 yearsReport

Riev for some reason is not working well in Aether Raids Defense. Contrary to the description for Argent Aura, only one enemy is targeted along with those within 2 spaces, not multiple enemies. And the skill often doesn't activate in Aether Raids at all for some reason. I boosted Riev to 58 HP with both Sudden Panic and Panic Ploy but his debuffs often fail to take effect. I see now why he is only an 8.5, if his weapon worked as described he would be much better.

101 JoshuaZover 2 yearsReport

Here is an Aether Raids Defense build for Riev to consider including: W: Argent Aura A: HP +5 B: Sudden Panic 3 C: Panic Ploy 3 Seal: HP +5 I don't mention Special/Assist because I designed Riev to be stuck in a corner and stay out of trouble debuffing/penalizing the enemy team to help BHector/AIdunn/Elimine/Nifl weather attacks. Argent Aura with Panic skills debuffs enemies 5 to all stats, stalls them, and converts bonuses to penalties in two ways while boosting HP to pass checks.

100 Anonymousover 2 yearsReport

ignore the stats in Combat, i copy pasted it from a notepad. it originally had the stats then i showed off how amped they get & the total. example Atk: 68+6+10 = 84

99 Anonymousover 2 yearsReport

Okay this is more of like a Dream Peak Build, Summoner Bond, Dragon Flowers, Trait, +10 all that. Tell me what ya Think? Ephraim Stats In Combat Hp: 60 Atk: 68 Spd: 35 Def: 43 Res: 30 Flame Siegmund Reposition Dragon Fang A: Close Def 4 B: Null Follow up C: Atk/Def Menace S: Atk/Def Solo

98 JoshuaZover 2 yearsReport

Oh alright, thanks. I guess I will have to consider a different B skill for SLeif then.

97 Anonymousover 2 yearsReport

Special Fighter, and all the "Fighter" skills, are exclusive to armored units.

96 JoshuaZover 2 yearsReport

Speaking of which, I would suggest changing Scion Leif's build to Atk/Def Menace for his C Skill and Special Fighter for his B skill. I am having good success using him in Aether Raids Defense right now with AIdunn, BHector, Elimine, Nifl, FEdelgard, and Otr, and am trying to upgrade him a bit. I am planning to pair him up with LSigurd and LEliwood eventually so his Duo skill can supercharge a boosted LSigurd. Right now his Njorun's Zeal works like a quick-acting Galeforce.

95 Anonymousover 2 yearsReport

Additionnaly, Atk/Def Menace will allow Henry to deal 12 true damage if he use Carrot-Tip Bow, and inflict Atk/Def-11 on the foe with a Plegian Bow

94 Anonymousover 2 yearsReport

93's comments are spot-on. Atk/Def Catch is also on the new Divine Codes.

93 Anonymousover 2 yearsReport

It could be good, but Close Foil works in enemy phase and Canto in player phase. If you want to make him work in both phases, it can work, but a Catch skill would also be a good option along with Atk/Def Menace

92 Ozzieover 2 yearsReport

Hey all, I'm building a +10 Spring Henry. So far I've got Close Foil and Atk/Def Far Trace, and I'm planning on eventually getting the Fallen Female Morgan Combat Manuel to give him Atk/Def Menace. Does this sound like a good build, or should I switch Close Foil for something more general?

91 Anonymousover 2 yearsReport

Skills that use debuffs to transform them as buffs, like Unity skills, do not work when another skill neutralizes the debuffs, like Bonus Doubler and Lull skills

90 JoshuaZover 2 yearsReport

Although come to think of it AIdunn already nullifies penalties through her weapon. Still, if Unity took effect on the penalties it could be worth it. I don't know all the possible skill impacts on penalty reversals to know if it's definitely worth it or not. I guess the question is whether the cooldown charge change is worth the debuff counter.

89 JoshuaZover 2 yearsReport

I recommend changing AIdunn builds for the A skill from Sturdy Stance to Atk/Def Unity to counteract and reverse debuffs. A/D Unity is in all ways a better skill that protects AIdunn's crucial Atk/Def stats from debuffing. I'm not sure but I think it might even counteract the dangerous Panic Manor in Aether Raids Defense.

88 JoshuaZalmost 3 yearsReport

I wonder if there was an update, now I can use both AIdunn and BHector in Arena. One of the Valentine banners was loaded with save units, I got VLucina, VRobin, and 2 VHenriettes, although I was hoping for VGustav. I rely on Elimine and Nifl to buff BHector/AIdunn for virtually all modes, and Earthfire Balm+ really helps along with the Distant Guard 3 seal.

87 Anonymousalmost 3 yearsReport

Miracle shouldn't be used in Arena because it only has a 200 SP cost and will score low. If using healers in Arena, they should use Balm+ skills which have a higher SP cost. Also, not everyone has both Near and Far Save in their barracks, although they soon will due to Divine Codes 3. There's nothing wrong with using Balm+ skills, it's up to preference. Perhaps the writers saw the weakness to Panic effects and used Miracle instead of Balm+.

86 JoshuaZalmost 3 yearsReport

So again, maybe you prioritize Miracle if just fighting Arena, but if in Summoner Duels, Aether raids, Grand Conquests, Mjolnir's Strike, or Tempest Trials where you can I believe use both Near and Far Save Units, I'd expect Earthfire Balm + to be the better choice. I think Miracle should be specific to Arena builds, not general use.

85 JoshuaZalmost 3 yearsReport

Miracle just keeps a unit alive with 1 hp if they would be otherwise KOd. But since Elimine is typically needed to buff units like BHector, AIdunn, VGustav, VLucina, VRobin, etc., it doesn't make as much sense to use Miracle as a team buff to buff Near Save/Far Save teammates. Maybe if you're in a mode like Arena where you can only use BHector, but if in S Duels with AIdunn too, makes more sense to use Earthfire Balm +.

84 Anonymousalmost 3 yearsReport

I believe the main reason for having Miracle is to prevent those Specials in the first place. Unless your main hero has penalty negation like Brave Hector or Ascended Idunn, the buffs from the Balm Specials are prone to getting hit by a stray Panic Manor, Panic Smoke, or similar effects.

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